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  1. 国家经贸委主任盛华仁宣布国有及国有控股工业企业利润大幅增长;

    State-owned and State holding industrial enterprises have increased their profits considerably ;

  2. 盛华仁强调,把大力推进结构调整摆到突出位置。

    The minister stressed that prominent place will be given to the promotion of restructuring .

  3. 盛华仁说,国有及国有控股工业企业实现利润大幅度增长。

    State-owned and State holding industrial enterprises have increased their profits by a large margin .

  4. 盛华仁指出,三年改革脱困目标的实现,坚定了我们搞好国有企业的信心和决心。

    The achievement of the goals for the three-year reform and difficulty relief of SOEs has firmed the government 's confidence and determination to improve soes .