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shèng shì
  • flourishing age;heyday
盛世 [shèng shì]
  • [flourishing age] 安定兴盛的时代

  • 太平盛世

盛世[shèng shì]
  1. 《红楼梦》是封建社会末期的“盛世危言”。

    The novel expressed a warning in the flourishing age of late feudal society .

  2. 盛世背后的落寞与精神追求&道教与盛唐山水隐逸诗论说

    The Desolation and Spiritual Pursuit behind Flourishing Age & Taoism and landscape Rural poems of Flourishing Tang

  3. 节目中,参加夜宴的唐朝少女们“圆润讨喜”,她们时而梳妆打扮、时而嬉笑打闹,如同在古画中穿梭行走,将大唐盛世的繁华景象展现得淋漓尽致。

    The program presents a banquet at which plump and lovable girls in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) sometimes dress themselves up and sometimes play together . Many say it is pretty much like walking in an ancient painting scroll and vivid way .

  4. 他是一个完美的“盛世”CEO。

    He was the perfect " peacetime " CEO .

  5. 如果你问盛世长城(Saatchi&Saatchi)即将离任的董事长凯文•罗伯茨(KevinRoberts),他会回答问题在于女性本身。

    If you ask Kevin Roberts , the outgoing Saatchi & Saatchi chairman , the problem is women themselves .

  6. 用60Coγ射线辐射处理高羊茅的3个品种千年盛世、知音和猎狗5号的干种子,观测辐射对种子发芽的影响,测定种子萌发过程中的SOD、POD和PPO酶的活性。

    The seeds of three cultivars of tall fescue were treated by () ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - rays , seeds germination , the activity of SOD , POD and PPO during seeds germination were analyzed .

  7. 为了支持手机公司T-Mobile的广告语“生活就是为分享”,他们的广告代理公司盛世长城在伦敦的利物浦车站组织了一场游击快闪。

    Supporting cellphone company T-Mobile 's slogan ," Life 's for Sharing ," their ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi organized a guerilla flash mob in London 's Liverpool Street Station .

  8. 当今的NBA正处在控卫的盛世,比赛的级别已经被提高到一个球队的控球手的表现往往能决定一场比赛胜利与否的程度。

    Right now , the NBA is in the midst of a point guard era . The level of play at that position has been elevated so high that the performance of the primary ball handler often dictates which team will win a game .

  9. 这个多渠道的宣传攻势结合了电视、网络和平面广告,主要由总部位于纽约的广告代理商盛世公司(SaatchiandSaatchi)设计,成本预计为1亿美元。

    That multi-channel effort , a combination of action-heavy TV , web , and print advertising , was designed largely by the new York-based ad agency Saatchi and Saatchi and cost an estimated $ 100 million .

  10. 以史为鉴创建盛世

    To Take History as a Mirror and to Create a Heyday

  11. 在这两个市场以外,盛世长城广告网络的运营将不做改变。

    Outside these two markets , the Saatchis network will operate unchanged .

  12. 盛世长城:戛纳捧狮的中国公司

    SAATCHI & SAATCHI : China 's Ad Company that Won Gana Prize

  13. 盛世修书&对于修订1981年版《鲁迅全集》的几点意见

    Several Remarks about 1981 Edition of The Complete Works of LU Xun

  14. 关于或相信充满和平和幸福的盛世期会到来。

    Relating to or believing in the millennium of peace and happiness .

  15. 盛世期一个希望中的欢乐、祥和、繁荣及公平的时期

    A hoped-for period of joy , serenity , prosperity , and justice

  16. 3100万重庆人民执导的盛世舞剧

    The Drama of the Century Directed by the 31 Million Chongqing People

  17. 时代铸辉煌,盛世网络兴。

    The time casts magnificently , the prosperous times network is popular .

  18. 我更喜欢起干红的葡萄酒,特别是中国烟台产区的盛世庄园。

    I prefer red wine , especially from Champagne in yantai park .

  19. 盛世食药膳,国宁人康健。

    Fresh foods prosperity , the people healthy Ning .

  20. 秋既是骚人哀怨的体现,又是盛世衰落的象征。

    The image of autumn was embodiment of poets'plaint and symbol of decline .

  21. 资本主义1.0是自由放任主义的盛世。

    Capitalism 1 was a world of laisser faire .

  22. 唐代文化是中国的一代盛世文化。

    The culture of Tang Dynasty is the most flourishing in ancient China .

  23. 复合土钉墙在长城盛世家园基坑工程中的应用

    The application of composite soil-nailing wall in deep excavation of the great triumph

  24. 慈善是盛世不可或缺的活动,是当下的世界尤其不可缺的。

    Charity is indispensable to flourishing ages , especially to the current world .

  25. 盛世景象必定不会受到麻烦打扰!

    Sure scenes like these no troubles e'er annoy !

  26. 今天这个城镇有什么节日或者有什么盛世吗?

    Do you have some festivals or interesting events in this town today ?

  27. 该一年一度的盛世每年吸引数千名游客和历史爱好者。

    The annual event attracts thousands of tourists and history buffs every year .

  28. 盛世剧变下的晚唐诗人群体也发生了分化,大体可分穷寒、绮艳两大诗派。

    With late Tang Dynasty declining , great changes took place among the poets'mentality .

  29. 儒家思想在这一盛世的形成中起到了至关重要的作用。

    Confucianism played a crucial role in the form of " Zhenguan rule " .

  30. 这些思想的具体运用也成就中国历史的五大盛世。

    These thoughts concrete application of achievement is also Chinese history five big time .