
  • 网络age of empire;AOE
  1. 她运用自己对全球游戏业的深刻理解,为《光晕》(Halo)、《帝国时代》(AgeofEmpires)、《寓言》(Fable)和《舞蹈中心》(DanceCentral)等游戏确认地缘政治及文化风险和增长机会。

    She used her knowledge of the global games industry to identify geopolitical and cultural risks and opportunities for game franchises like Halo , Age of Empires , Fable , and Dance Central .

  2. 在帝国时代,这没有硬性的边界,无论是奥斯曼帝国土耳其还是满洲或者Moghuls都有这样的帝国规则。

    In the age of empires , there were no hard and fast borders , whether the imperial rulers were the Ottoman Turks or the Manchus or the Moghuls .

  3. 要做到这一点,你可以插入的ID黑暗时代,封建时代,城堡时代或帝国时代此处设置的议题时,将成为可用的球员。

    To do this , you can insert the ID of Dark Age , Feudal Age , Castle Age or Imperial Age here to set when the subject will become available to the player .

  4. 皇城附近的街巷里有nharuong——一种木结构花园住宅,曾经是官吏和其他显耀人士的宅邸——以及建造于帝国时代晚期的现代别墅。

    In lanes near the Citadel are nha ruong - wooden garden homes that once housed mandarins and other personalities of note - and more modern villas built late in the imperial period .

  5. 游戏介绍:帝国时代-真理之剑V1.54版,在原版基础上增加和修正了一些功能。

    On the game : Empire-sword V1.54 version of the truth , based on the original and amended a number of additional functions .

  6. 许多分析人士认为俄罗斯正在世界上寻求一个后帝国时代角色。

    Many analysts see Russia as seeking a post-Imperial role in the world .

  7. 就像在帝国时代玩家受到攻击的警报声一样。

    Just like the alarm when you 're attacked in Age of Empires .

  8. 但帝国时代已经远去了。

    But the Age of Empires is gone .

  9. “最佳游戏”荣归“帝国时代2∶国王时代”。

    Best Computer Game went to Age of Empires II : Age of Kings .

  10. 和“模拟人生”一样,“帝国时代”把非传统游戏玩者带进电脑世界。

    Like the Sims , Age of Empires brought non-traditional game players to the computer .

  11. 罗马帝国时代的帝王雕像

    Monarch 's Statue in Rome Empire Age

  12. 从再保险条约看德意志帝国时代的德俄关系

    Reinsurance Treaty : A Mirror Reflected the German-Russian Relations in the Age of the German Empire

  13. 帝国时代的无名遗迹

    An Obscure Relic of Empire

  14. 自罗马帝国时代以来,西方城市通常建于平地之上,他说。

    Western cities are normally built on flat land – since the Roman era , he says .

  15. 罗马社会先后经历了王政时代、共和时代和帝国时代三个时代阶段。

    Roman society has gone through the Wang era , the Republican era and the Age of Empires .

  16. 他可以告诉我早在奥斯曼帝国时代我们家都为伊拉克做了些什么。

    He could tell me what my family had done for Iraq as far back as Ottoman times .

  17. 据说在罗马帝国时代,有一个名叫罗丹斯的美丽绝伦的少女。

    The story goes that during the Roman empire , there was an incredibly beautiful maiden named rhodanthe .

  18. 这里唯一的水源是附近一处地下蓄水池,它还是在帝国时代由英国人修建的。

    The only water source is a nearby underground cistern built by the British during the days of Empire .

  19. 经过数世纪的扩建和革新,这个宫殿最终转变成帝国时代的博物馆。

    After centuries'of expansions and renovations , the palace was finally transformed into a museum of the imperial era .

  20. 当英国过去的殖民地现在像主人一般回到英国时,在英国社会并没有掀起什么后帝国时代的感伤情绪。

    As Britain 's former colonial subjects come back as masters , there is barely a whiff of post-imperial regret .

  21. 圣龛楼上有一个小小的博物馆,燃着焚香,陈列着珠宝和其他帝国时代的文物。

    Upstairs from the shrines is a small museum with incense , jewelry and other relics of the imperial era .

  22. 在这种背景下,俄罗斯重新确立国际地位、并在后帝国时代维持一种利益范围的努力,就不足为奇了。

    In this context , Russian efforts to reassert international status and preserve a post-imperial sphere of interest are unsurprising .

  23. 在帝国时代,你需要一些能够受到威胁而能存活下来的人。

    There was an age in the Age of Empires when you needed those people who can survive under threat .

  24. 在罗马帝国时代羔羊的膀胱是制作避孕套的首选材料,而在日本,皮革和龟甲曾经也被用来制作避孕套。

    In the Roman Empire goat bladders were the go-to option , while in Japan leather and tortoiseshell were once used .

  25. 但是在帝国时代,反犹主义仍然存在,大多数德国人仍对犹太人持负面印象,视其为不可能同化的外来者。

    But in the imperial era , anti-Semitic still exits . The Jew leaves a negative impression to Most Germans as outsider .

  26. 秦文化精神经历了春秋和战国至帝国时代两个历史发展阶段。

    The spirit of Qin culture had undergo the The Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period and the empire age .

  27. 当(帝国时代的)罗马骑士团成为帝国的另一特权阶层时,(奥古斯都的)新政权亦从而得到巩固。

    The new regime also saw the entrenchment of the equestrian order ( Imperial period ) as the empire 's second estate .

  28. 2012年夏天,英国一度似乎终于将其难以摆脱的后帝国时代的神经质抛诸脑后。

    For a moment during the summer of 2012 it seemed that Britain had at last left behind its lingering post-imperial neuroses .

  29. 随着中国和印度逐渐崛起为世界强国,两国的大都市基本上都能越来越坦然地面对自己在帝国时代的历史。

    As China and India rise towards global pre-eminence , their great conurbations are becoming altogether less neurotic about their imperial pasts .

  30. 如果能把事实确定下来,或许可以发现在罗马帝国时代曾经发生过与此类似的某些事情。

    Perhaps , if facts could be ascertained , it would be found that something of the same kind occurred in the Roman Empire .