
  • 网络grand admiral;Reichsmarschall
  1. 茹法安·提格利努斯曾是帝国元帅之一,后来担任银河帝国高级星区总督一职直至其死于雅汶之战结束5年之后。

    Rufaan Tigellinus was a Grand Admiral and later a Grand Moff of the Galactic Empire until his death in5 ABY .

  2. 但是这位帝国元帅还是煞费脑筋地起草了一份给希特勒的电报。

    Nevertheless the Reich Marshal drafted his telegram to Hitler with great care .

  3. 华丽的;灿烂的身着华丽的帝国元帅服的红发男子

    a red-haired man in the gorgeous uniform of a Marshal of the Empire .

  4. 元首任命你为继承人,以代替前帝国元帅戈林。

    In place of the former Reich Marshal Goering the Fuehrer appoints you as his successor .

  5. 阿夫申·马卡蒂曾是帝国海军的海军元帅。

    Afsheen Makati was a Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy .