
  • 网络Imperialist War
  1. 第二次帝国主义战争已进到新的阶段。

    The second imperialist war has entered a new stage .

  2. 这场强盗式的帝国主义战争是全欧洲内战的开端

    The piratical imperialist war is the beginning of civil war throughout Europe

  3. 要反对帝国主义战争,必须坚持国际主义和平外交政策,主张区域合作与地区安全。

    We must uphold internationalist policy to oppose the imperialist wars .

  4. 论海明威反帝国主义战争思想发展历程

    On the Development Process of Hemingway 's Anti-imperialistic War Thoughts

  5. 俄国革命发生在一场旷日持久的破坏性的帝国主义战争结束时。

    The Russian Revolution happened at the end of a long and destructive imperialist war .

  6. 对于帝国主义战争的交战各国,中国应该严守中立,不参加任何的一方。

    China should maintain strict neutrality towards the belligerents in the imperialist war and not join either side .

  7. 我们将为终结帝国主义战争和所有针对我们的阶级压迫而战斗。

    We fight for an end to imperialist wars and to repression of our class and its struggles .

  8. 战争的性质,无论在德国或英法方面,都是非正义的掠夺的帝国主义战争。

    Whether on the German side or the Anglo-French , the war is unjust , predatory and imperialist in character .

  9. 第五,朝鲜和越南人民的抗美、抗法战争,沉重打击了帝国主义战争势力,有力地维护了世界和平。

    Fifthly , Korea and Vietnam 's resistance to America and France gave a heavy blow to the imperialism war force and safeguard the world peace effectively .

  10. 没有卷入帝国主义战争漩涡的苏联,是全世界一切被压迫人民和被压迫民族的援助者。

    The Soviet union , which has not been drawn into the maelstrom of this imperialist war , is the supporter of all the oppressed people and all the oppressed nations of the world .

  11. 苏俄虽然丧失了近百万平方公里土地,赔款六十亿马克,但是摆脱了帝国主义战争,为人民群众赢得了宝贵的和平喘息机会。

    Although Russia had lost nearly 100 million square kilometers of land and 6 billion Mark , but it has get rid of the imperialist war and win the precious peace for the people .

  12. 第一次经济全球化高潮与当时世界政治经济发展不平衡相结合,曾引发了两次世界大战,列宁称之为帝国主义战争。

    The first high wave of economic globalization , combined with the imbalance in global political and economic development , brought about two world wars , called the " imperialistic wars " by Lenin .

  13. 帝国主义的战争贩子受到全世界人民的谴责。

    The imperialist warmongers stand condemned by the people of the whole world .

  14. 战争与和平的哲学思考&重温列宁的论断:帝国主义就是战争

    The Philosophical Thought of War and Peace & Reviewing Lenins Conclusion Imperialism is War

  15. 所以,帝国主义就是战争的论断并没有过时。

    Therefore , the motto of " imperialism is war ," is not out of date .

  16. 在东方,打倒日本帝国主义的战争也接近着胜利的时节。

    In the East , too , victory in the war to overthrow Japanese imperialism is nigh .

  17. 抗日战争,是中国人民在一百年来无数次反抗帝国主义的战争中第一次取得完全胜利的战争。

    Of the innumerable anti-imperialist wars waged by the Chinese people in the past hundred years , the War of Resistance Against Japan was the first to end in complete victory .

  18. 1931年9月18日,日本帝国主义发动侵略战争。

    On September 18,1931 , the Japanese imperialism launched the war of invading China .

  19. 反对日本帝国主义侵略的战争而不带群众性,是决然不能胜利的。

    Unless it has a mass character , the war against Japanese imperialist aggression cannot possibly succeed .

  20. 在美国,许多人不知道日本帝国主义在侵华战争中犯下的滔天罪行。

    In America many people are ignorant of the horrible crimes committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during their invasion of China .

  21. 那里是她成为日本帝国主义对外侵略战争的慰安妇的证据。

    The places where she was forced to serve as a " comfort woman " bear witness to the Japanese imperialists'escalation of their war of aggression .

  22. 这一组织的建立和活动,及其所发挥的作用,既勾勒出在华日本人反战组织发展的一般概貌,同时也充分说明日本帝国主义的侵华战争,是中日两国人民共同反对的。

    Its establishment , activities and role demonstrate what the alliance is like and both the Chinese and the Japanese peoples opposed the Japanese imperialist aggression of China .

  23. 耻辱,西方帝国主义和鸦片战争后,也仍然是一个强有力的提醒,过去如此,中国人不希望自己的国内政策,取决于外部力量。

    The stigma of Western imperialism and the Opium Wars also remains a strong reminder of the past , and Chinese people do not want their domestic policies to be dictated by outside powers .

  24. 正像列宁指出的,帝国主义就意味著战争。

    As Lenin pointed out , imperialism means war .

  25. 帝国主义者热衷于战争。

    The imperialists are enthusiastic about the war .

  26. 新帝国主义论与伊拉克战争

    The Neo-imperialism of American and the Iraq War

  27. 日本帝国主义悍然发动对华战争,给中国带来了严重的难民问题。

    Japanese imperialism was warring to Chinese which resulted in a serious refugee problem .

  28. 由于日本帝国主义发动全面侵华战争,中华民族的生存危机空前加剧。

    As the Japanese imperialists launched the war of aggression against China , the survival crisis of Chinese nations unprecedentedly intensified .

  29. 由于以上三条,就产生了第四条:推迟了帝国主义新的侵华战争,推迟了第三次世界大战。

    From the above three points a fourth can be deduced : a new imperialist war of aggression against China and a third world war have been put off .

  30. 卢沟桥事变后,日本帝国主义发动全面侵华战争,华北、华中、华东、华南等大片领土沦入敌手。

    After Marco Polo Bridge Incident , the Japanese imperialists launched a full invasion of China . North , central , eastern and southern China fell into the enemy .