
dì dū
  • imperial capital
帝都 [dì dū]
  • [imperial capital] 帝王所居的城。也叫帝京

  1. 他在帝都长安城遭到了驻于山口的要塞防御之地的皇家军队的抵挡。

    He was blocked from the imperial capital at Chang'an by loyal troops placed in impregnable defensive positions in the intervening mountain passes .

  2. 开幕式的表演展现了彼得大帝,俄罗斯帝都圣彼得堡(在沼泽地上克服建筑技术局限而兴建的城市),以及今天依然伫立在莫斯科的斯大林式的高楼,让观众们走马观花地一览俄罗斯历史。

    Homage was made to Peter the Great and Russia 's Imperial capital St Petersburg - built against all architectural logic on a marshland - and the Stalinist skyscrapers of Soviet Moscow that remain standing to this day , as viewers were taken on the tumultuous ride that is Russia 's history .

  3. 帝都岛(中业岛)上计有居民5人;

    Five lived on Zhongye Dao ( Thitu Island ) ;

  4. 千年帝都,牡丹花城&洛阳城市园林特色探究

    The Empire Capital and Peony City & A Research on the Styles of Luoyang City Landscape

  5. 宿务是菲律宾第二大城市,有着“南方帝都”之美誉。

    Cebu is the second stop of our Philippines trip , which is famous for its prosperity .

  6. 直到1453年,拜占庭衰落,帝都也失去了影响力。

    Not even after the fall of the Byzantines in 1453 did the city lose its power ;

  7. 从封建帝都粮食供给看北京与周边地区的关系

    A View on the Relationship Between Beijing and It 's Surrounding Areas Based on Grain Supply for the Feudal Capital

  8. 拜占庭帝都有超过1000年的历史,是欧洲最富裕,最具影响力的大城市。

    The capital of the Byzantine Empire for over 1000 years , this mighty city became the wealthiest and most influential metropolis in Europe .

  9. 帝都拥有欧洲大陆最雄伟城墙——特奥多修斯墙,几个世纪以来成功阻挡多次进攻。

    It had the largest walls the continent had ever seen , the Theodosian Walls , sparing the city from many attacks across the centuries .

  10. 在欧洲中世纪晚期的游记中,北京被塑造成为梦幻般的东方帝都,是真实和镜像的统一体。

    In the travels of European Middle Ages later period , Peking was molded into the illusion of " Eastern Imperial Capital ", it contains truth and mirror image .

  11. 中国佛教四大名山中,五台山与历代中央集权帝都西安,洛阳,开封,北京等联系最为紧密。

    Among the four Buddhist sacred mountains in China Mount Wutai has maintained the closest link with Xi'an , Luoyang , Kaifeng , Beijing and other places of the central power .

  12. 北京智化寺京音乐与河北笙管乐种与辽、金、元、明、清各代帝都在北京建立国都有关。

    And the Zhihua Temple music of Beijing and the wind orchestra music of Hebei Province have associations with the days when Beijing was the capital of the Liao , Jin , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties .