
  • 网络patriarchal idea
  1. 非常强调宗法观念和血缘继承关系的中国古代,则本能地反对伤风败俗、诲淫诲盗的人体艺术。

    Meanwhile , ancient China , stressing patriarchal idea and blood relations , repelled the nude as something immoral and obscene .

  2. 崇儒重教的文化传统、徽商的经济资助,以及强宗固族的宗法观念,这三者的相互作用,是明清徽州蒙养教育发展的主要社会历史原因。

    The cultural tradition of respecting Confucianism and attaching importance to education , financial assistance by Huizhou merchants and patriarchal idea of strengthening clans , these three interacting elements are the main social and historical causes for the development of the elementary education in Huizhou in the Ming-Qing dynasties .

  3. 可见宗法观念的余毒决不能轻视。

    It is thus clear that the residual influences of clannishness must not be underestimated .

  4. 就中国古代思想文化而言,宗法观念是其基本特质之一。

    As far as the ideology and culture in the ancient China are concerned , the patriarchal clan system is a basic characteristic .

  5. 中国是一个宗法观念很强的社会,非常重视血缘纽带关系,而且亲疏分明。

    China is a very strong patriarchal society , focus importantly linking to relation by blood , also distinct from close and distant .

  6. 由于受宗法观念的支配,汉语的亲属称谓系统庞杂纷繁。

    Due to the tight control exerted on it by the patriarchal clan system , the system of kinship terms in Chinese is highly complex .

  7. 目前存在的出生性别比失衡现象,是传统宗法观念、现实生产力水平和传统养老模式综合影响的结果。

    The current unbalance results from the multiple impacts including the traditional Patriarchal concepts , present productive forces , and the family supporting pattern for the old aged .

  8. 在秦汉以降的封建社会,只有宗法观念或者说是宗法精神,而无完整意义上的宗法制。

    In other words , there was only a patriarchal concept or spirit rather than a mature system in the feudal society after the Qin and Han Dynasties .

  9. 一方面遵从了传统的宗法观念,另一方面,又从人性、人情角度进行了反思。

    On the one hand , they comply with the concept of the traditional patriarchal ; on the other hand , they revolute from human nature , human relationship .

  10. 由于根深蒂固的宗法观念、亲族聚居的居处方式、社区文化建设落后等原因,我国农村的宗族活动已成为一个较为普遍的现象。

    Clan activities has been universal in our country due to the deep-rooted clan ideas , the living style of members of the same clan , the community cultural lag and so on .

  11. 南方诸国推行礼制、强调宗法观念、限制个体家庭意识的政策也促进了礼制在南方社会中的普及发展。

    Of course , policies of enforcing the ritual systems , emphasizing the patriarchal sense and restricting the individual family concepts in states of the south , no doubt developed the ritual systems in the southern society .

  12. 道德信仰作为一种独立的意识形态,它是一种高度自觉的精神状态,在建设社会主义新农村过程中,能为破除封建迷信、宗法观念提供精神动力。

    As a separate ideology , ethical relief shows its spiritual situation with high consciousness , which becomes a source of spiritual power for destruction of both feudalistic superstition and the patriarchal clan concept in process of construction of new socialist countryside .

  13. 掩盖校园性骚扰问题的倾向来源于家丑不可外扬的封建宗法观念,女权活动家李婷婷说。李婷婷曾因计划一场反地铁性骚扰抗议而被警察逮捕,这使她吸引了国际新闻头条的关注。

    The tendency to cover up campus sexual harassment issues was based on the patriarchal idea of not washing the family dirty laundry in public , said Li Tingting , a feminist activist who attracted international headlines when police arrested her for planning a protest against groping on subways .

  14. 活动星系核家族中国传统宗法家族观念在当代的表现及影响

    The Family of AGNs On Contemporary Patriarchal Clan System and its Influence

  15. 立嗣于宋代形成制度,浓厚的宗法家族观念是其土壤,日益增多的立嗣之讼是其主要促成因素。

    Making inheritor became a system in Song dynasty , the thick idea of ancestry and family was the base , and the increasing lawsuit of making inheritor was the main promoted factor .

  16. 即:宗法制度、道德观念、文化教育、职业活动。

    Namely , patriarchal clan system and cultural education , moral , occupational activities .

  17. 中西体育文化的差异主要体现在哲学基础、体育语言符号、体育思维方式、宗法制度、道德观念与价值观念等方面。

    The differences between the Chinese PE culture and West PE culture exist in the base of philosophy , lansign of PE , thinking modes of PE , patriarchal clan system , morality idea and value idea , and so on .

  18. 春秋时期晋国宗法制度的破坏,国君一级宗法血亲观念的淡泊,为名家思想的发展提供了良好的生长环境。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period , the patriarchal system in Jin was seriously destroyed and the monarchy rank lacked awareness of patriarchal blood ties , which facilitated a good social environment for the development of the ideology of the School of Logicians .