
  • 网络holy see;Apostolic See;pontiff;excathedra
  1. 教皇以宗座权威正式宣言。

    The Pope was speaking ex cathedra .

  2. 他被教皇约翰·保罗二世任命为明斯克区的宗座署理。

    He was appointed Apostolic Administrator of Minsk by Pope John Paul II .

  3. 我赐给各位宗座的遐福。

    To all of you I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing .

  4. 布什和教宗坐在草坪的椅子上观看了宗座西斯汀圣堂歌咏团演唱的圣歌。

    A choir performed as they watched from chairs on the lawn .

  5. 于是教宗建议宗座教友委员会筹办世界青年日活动。

    Therefore the pope suggested the ancestor place church member committee prepares the world youth date activity .

  6. 摘要1922年,罗马教会宗座代表刚恒毅来华,落实教廷《夫至大》通谕,并于1924年召开第一届教务会议。

    In1922 , gang heng-yi , a senior representative from Roman Catholic church , came to China for the imperial decree fuzhida and held , in1924 , the first conference of Chinese educational administration .