
  • 网络Religious Culture;chinese religious culture
  1. 宗教文化影响了他们的思想、生活和民俗等。

    Religious culture affects their thinking , life and folk customs .

  2. 旅游从业人员需要丰富的宗教文化知识

    Personnel Engaged in Tourism Need to Enrich Their Religious Culture Knowledge

  3. 南岳衡山宗教文化旅游产业SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Religion Cultural Tourism of Nanyue Hengshan Mountain

  4. 首都喀布尔(Kabul)长久以来都是该国的宗教文化的中心,不过外国人通常都集中在Herat城,这里的音乐跟伊朗音乐更接近些。

    The capital of Kabul has long been the regional cultural capital , but outsiders have tended to focus on the city of Herat , which is more closely related to Iranian music .

  5. 云南宗教文化旅游开发热点问题透视

    Development and Utilization of the Religion Cultural Tourism Resource in Yunnan

  6. 论外来宗教文化在英语和汉语词汇中的积淀

    On sedimentation of religious cultures in words of English and Chinese

  7. 西安地区宗教文化资源优势及其开发

    The Advantages and Development of Religious Cultural Resources of Xi'an Area

  8. 黄河流域宗教文化发展论略

    Development of Religious Culture in Area along the Huanghe River

  9. 西方宗教文化与欧美文学教学

    Western Religious Culture and the Teaching in the European and American Literature

  10. 论现代化运动中宗教文化的价值

    On the Value of Religious Culture in the Modernization Drive

  11. 宗教文化视野中的闻一多人格精神

    Religious Culture and Wen Yi - duo 's Moral Integrity

  12. 试析民族服饰色彩与宗教文化

    A Study on the Colors and Religion Culture of the National Costume

  13. 针对这一宗教文化变迁,笔者认为,社会变迁是决定性的因素。

    The social vicissitudes are the decisive factor for the religion-culture changes .

  14. 总之,宗教文化在村落中无处不在。

    In brief , the religious culture are everywhere in the villages .

  15. 论魔幻现实主义的宗教文化题材

    On the Religious and Cultural Topics of the Magic Realism

  16. 众所周知,龟兹宗教文化是以佛教文化为主。

    Known , Qiuci religious culture is mainly Buddhist culture .

  17. 华南少数民族妇女与宗教文化

    Femineity of the South China Minority and the Religion Culture

  18. 试论宗教文化与中国旅游

    About the Relationship between Religion Culture and China 's Tourism

  19. 江西民俗体育形成的宗教文化因素

    On the religion and culture factors in forming of folk-sports in Jiangxi

  20. 四是把宗教文化外在化。

    The fourth one is their extrication of religious culture .

  21. 他们过分突出了宗教文化的因素而忽略了其他的方面。

    They overemphasized the factor of the religion and ignored the others .

  22. 阿拉伯东部地区宗教文化对传统建筑的影响

    The influence of religion on the traditional architecture in Arabic Eastern Area

  23. 海峡两岸民间宗教文化的基本特征

    The Basic Features of the Folk Religious Culture Between Taiwan and the Mainland

  24. 欧洲中世纪宗教文化对西洋服饰的影响

    The Effect of Medieval European Religion on Western Clothing

  25. 宗教文化对社会稳定具有其独特的功能与作用。

    The religious civilization has special function and action .

  26. 作品死亡意识体现了宗教文化精神。

    Death consciousness of the works had reflected the spirit of religious culture .

  27. 古代伊朗宗教文化特征初探

    On Characteristics of Religions and Culture of Ancient Iran

  28. 《红楼梦》两英译本中习语的宗教文化比较

    The comparison of religious culture in the two versions of Hong Lou Meng

  29. 宗教文化对英汉两种语言的影响

    The Influence of Religion Culture on English and Chinese

  30. 新疆古代宗教文化与民族演变的背景分析

    Analysis on the Background of Religious Culture and National Evolution in Ancient Xinjiang