
  • 网络The Sociology of Religion
  1. 韦伯在对宗教社会学的研究中,探讨了非西方宗教当中所隐含的失范思想。

    In sociology of religion , Max Weber explored the anomic thought of non-western religious doctrines .

  2. 宗教社会学范式及理论的新进展

    New Paradigm in Sociology of Religion

  3. 略论宗教社会学的中国化

    A Preliminary Study of Religious Sociology with Chinese Characteristics

  4. 按照宗教社会学的说法,教派。。。,这不是冒犯。

    According to sociology of religion , a sect & it 's not necessarily just an insult .

  5. 超越基督宗教社会学&兼论宗教市场理论在华人社会的适用性问题【宗】教皇不谬性[说]

    Beyond the Sociology of Christianity : Probing the applicability of the religious economy model to China ;

  6. 世俗化被认为是宗教社会学里最重要的课题之一。

    Secularization is considered one of the most important topics in the theory and practice of the sociology of religion .

  7. 韦伯从宗教社会学角度探讨了新教伦理与资本主义精神的亲和关系;

    Max Web discussed the internal relation between the protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism from the view of religion .

  8. 试述马克斯·韦伯的宗教社会学思想&以宗教伦理对经济行为的影响为例

    A study of Thoughts on religious sociology of Marx Weber & Take an Example for the Influence Economical Behavior on Religious Ethics

  9. 宗教社会学认为宗教是社会的象征,它建构一种生活方式作为神圣价值让人们去追求。

    Religious sociology thinks the religion is the symbol of a society , it points out a kind of life style pursued by people as sacred value .

  10. 本文从宗教社会学的视角,对唐代道教女冠这一群体进行了分类探讨,以求增进对中国妇女史的完整诠释。

    Women in Daoism in Tang Dynasty have been researched from the religious sociology , in order to improve the interpretation of Women ' History in China .

  11. 在马克斯·韦伯的宗教社会学思想中,以研究宗教伦理对经济行为的影响最为著名,也最为透彻。

    It was the most famous and penetrating that studying the religious ethics influence on the economic behavior in the thoughts on religious sociology of Marx Weber .

  12. 作为一门社会科学,宗教社会学是改革开放后才在中国起步的一个新兴学科。

    As a branch of social science , sociology of religion is a new discipline arising in China after the " reform and open " in 1980s .

  13. 中国的宗教社会学要研究中国的宗教,即道教、中国化了的佛教和其他民间宗教信仰。

    The religious sociology with Chinese characteristics aims at the study of Chinese religions , that is , Taoism , Buddhism with Chinese characteristics and other folk religions .

  14. 另一方面,运用非历史学思维,引用诸如宗教社会学的相关理论和方法,将宗教与政治、宗教与社会的互动关系作为文章研究的一个突破口。

    On the other hand , referring to the theory and method of Sociology of religion , studying the interaction between religion and politics , religion and society .

  15. 中国宗教社会学的研究,应当把宗教置于国家与社会的架构之中,是宗教的社会学研究与社会学的宗教研究的结合。

    It is necessary to put religion into the frame of the state and society , and integrate the sociological study of religion with the religious study of sociology .

  16. 宗教社会学在中国经历了生根发芽、开花结果的发展历程,在各个时期的发展具有不同的特点。

    Surveying and reviewing the whole process , the author analyzes the different characteristics and the problems in the different phases of the development of sociology of religion in China .

  17. 本文采用人类学田野调查方法,结合宗教社会学研究视角,充分展示折柳基督教堂的个性特征。

    In this paper , with the anthropological field research method and religious sociology perspective , we try to fully show off the personality characteristics of Christian churches of Zhe Liu town .

  18. 从宗教社会学的角度对文化与社会历史发展关系分析,对当今社会历史发展的研究有重要的启示意义。

    The analysis of the relation between culture and social history development from the perspective of sociology of religion has important inspirational significance to the research of the development of contemporary society and history .

  19. 范式转型是宗教社会学近十几年来的热点之一,随着理性选择范式的兴起,学者们开始探讨一种新的研究范式对于宗教社会学这一学科的影响。

    Paradigm shift is one of the front issues in the field of sociology of religion . Along with the rise of rational choice paradigm , scholars began to analyze its influences to sociology of religion .

  20. 宗教的社会学研究从社会学的中心学科变成了边缘学科。

    The sociological study of religion moved from the centre to the periphery of sociology .

  21. 研究中国宗教的社会学范式杨庆堃眼中的中国社会宗教

    Sociological Paradigms for Studying Religion in China & Religion in Chinese Society to Ching Kun Yang

  22. 他的宗教研究是他的社会学理论的组成部分。

    His religious research is an integral part of his sociological theory .

  23. 最后,从宗教、文学、社会学的视野对全文进行了总结论述。

    Finally , viewed from the religion , literature , sociology summarized the whole text .

  24. 涂尔干的宗教研究是他的社会学方法在宗教学领域的运用。

    Religious research of Durkheim is the application of his sociological methodology in the field of religion .

  25. 本文借用了文化诗学方面的理论元素,把文学文本放入历史、宗教、哲学和社会学的语境中加以考查,对其进行文化阐释,力图揭示文学和文化之间的互文性。

    Adopting some notions from the critical theory of cultural poetics , I locate my textual analysis in the context of history , religion , philosophy , and sociology and try to reveal the intertextuality between literature and culture .

  26. 在此基础上,作者认为在研究中国宗教思想史中,加强宗教社会学与宗教伦理学的理论研究也是很有必要的。

    Based on the reflections , the author considers it is necessary to enhance the theoretical study on religious sociology and ethics .

  27. 儒教宗教论的再讨论&中国宗教社会学的视角

    The Re-discussion on Confucianism for Religion : From an Approach of Chinese Sociology of Religion

  28. 中国宗教集体精神的缺失&以涂尔干宗教社会学理论为参照的考察

    The Lack of Collective Consciousness in Chinese Religions

  29. 而后的仪式研究经历了宗教渊源的探究和宗教行式的展演,又由宗教社会学导向了社会人类学的研究。

    Then went through the ritual of religious origins and religious lines to explore style performances , but also by the sociology of religion-oriented study of social anthropology .

  30. 宗教的社会功能及其社会角色扮演&涂尔干的宗教社会学思想研究

    The Social Function of Religion And Its Social Role-playing & Durkheim 's Sociological Study of Religion