
  • 网络The Antinomian Heresy;heresy
  1. 他们是移民大潮里的另一朵浪花,一群被视为宗教异端,但信仰虔诚的人。

    These are a different breed of settler , a group of religious dissidents with faith at the center of their lives .

  2. 宗教及宗教异端与农民反抗有着密切关系。

    Religion and heresy of religion are closely related to the peasants ' revolt .

  3. 只有交到神圣宗教法庭的异端分子才能不受暴力的袭击,才能得到公正的审判。

    The heretic in the hands of the Holy Office is safe from violence , is assured of a fair trial .

  4. 对现代社会来说挑战宗教信仰仍旧是异端行为,虽然时代已随着我们进入水瓶纪元而变化着。

    To the modern world defiance of religious belief is still a heresy , although the times are changing as we enter the Aquarian Age .