
xiū nǚ
  • nun;nun (of the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches);sister;religious
修女 [xiū nǚ]
  • [nun (of the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches); sister] 信奉天主教或东正教而出家修道的女子

修女[xiū nǚ]
  1. 这使我更加坚定了不做修女的决心。

    It has confirmed me in my decision not to become a nun .

  2. 德肋撒嬷嬷是一位毕生致力于消除贫困事业的年迈修女。

    Mother Teresa is an elderly nun who has devoted her life to fighting poverty

  3. 修女矢发贞洁愿。

    Nuns take a vow of chastity .

  4. 莫里森修女在那件事上或许会和我持不同意见。

    Sister Morrison might take issue with me on that matter

  5. 她必须向朱塞佩修女汇报自己的活动。

    She had to report her comings and goings to Sister Giuseppe .

  6. 托马斯先生是在天主教修女创办的学校接受的教育。

    Mr Thomas was taught by the Catholic nuns whose school he attended .

  7. 特雷莎修女访问了她的祖国阿尔巴尼亚。

    Mother Teresa visited her native Albania .

  8. 她排除极大困难,最终在晚年成为了一名修女。

    Finally , late in life and against considerable odds , she became a nun .

  9. 弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。

    Sister Francesca entered the chapel , took her seat , and promptly fell asleep .

  10. 我们赶上了修女们。

    We caught up with the nuns .

  11. 弗朗西丝卡修女走进了小教堂。

    Sister Francesca entered the chapel .

  12. 她成为了一名修女。

    She entered a convent .

  13. 教他念书的修女激励他努力上进,他最终取得了成功。

    The nuns who taught him urged him to make something of his life and he did .

  14. 女修道院是修女们一起居住的地方。

    A nunnery is a place where nuns live together .

  15. 修女们教这些女孩子要贞洁。

    These girls are told by the nuns to be chaste .

  16. 嘉莉修女被城市中的人群和交通弄得晕头转向。

    Sister Carrie was bewildered by the crowd and traffic in the city .

  17. 我无法相信那个著名的歌星已做了修女。

    I can 't believe that the famous singer has become a nun .

  18. 那修女穿着自己独特的服装。

    The convent wears her own special habit .

  19. 修女须立誓保持清贫、贞洁、顺从

    Nuns are under vows of poverty , chastity and obedience .

  20. 结局出人意表,她当修女了。

    In a surprising denouement , she becomes a nun .

  21. 这个孤儿在一所修道院里被几个好心的修女带大。

    The orphan had been reared in a convent by some good sisters .

  22. 辛迪?亚当斯(专栏作家):他无意成为德兰修女

    Cindy Adams ( Columnist ) : He 's purporting to be Mother Teresa .

  23. 正在此时,一个年轻的超市管理员走了过来。他弯下腰,对我耳语道:“修女,无论你怎么费劲祈祷,我们现在都不会降价。”

    Just then a young supervisor1 strolled over , bent2 down and whispered confidentially3 , " It doesn 't matter how hard you pray , sister . We 're not reducing the prices . "

  24. 热情的人们同样热爱他们所做的事,而不是考虑钱位权如果我们不能把热爱的事作为正式职业,我们也可把它当作业余消遣:比如有国家元首喜欢画画的,有修女参加马拉松长跑的,有行政官员手工制作家具的。

    Enthusiastic people also love what they do , regardless of money or title or power . If we cannot do what we love as a full-time who runs marathons , the executive who handcrafts furniture .

  25. Mary修女,我真的很想要。

    SisterMary , I just , I want them so bad .

  26. 我在帮Mary修女整理捐助者的信件。

    I was just helping Sister Mary withthe mailings for the fund-raiser .

  27. Mary修女本来要去的么?

    Sister Mary was going on the trip ?

  28. 不好意思打扰一下Mary修女,但我要宣布一件事。

    I 'm sorry to interrupt Sister Mary , but I have an announcement .

  29. 他们说你袭击mary修女。

    They said you attacked sister mary .

  30. Carlos,我是修女,但我不蠢。

    Carlos , I am a nun , not a moron .