
  • 网络practical materialism;materialism in praxis
  1. 实践唯物主义是唯物主义的实践哲学,不是超越的实践哲学。

    Practical materialism is materialistic practical philosophy , not overstepping practical philosophy .

  2. 实践唯物主义是马克思对自己哲学的一种概括。

    Practical materialism is a generalization into which Marx summarized his own philosophy .

  3. 人道主义作为实践唯物主义思潮的理论之根

    Humanitarianism : the Theoretical Root of the Ideological Trend of Practice-materialism

  4. 空间生产的交往实践唯物主义建构

    The Production of Space on the Base of Communicative Practice Materialism

  5. 面向未来是实践唯物主义思维取向的基本体现;

    Besides , future-oriented , it is pioneering & experimental in essence .

  6. 从实践唯物主义角度看语言的本质

    Views on the Nature of Language from Practical Materialistic Perspective

  7. 建构马克思的实践唯物主义哲学体系

    Construct the Philosophical System of Marxist Materialism in Praxis

  8. 马克思新哲学是实践唯物主义,它是如何形成的?

    Marxist new philosophy is practical materialism , how to take shape is it ?

  9. 主体际性、客体际性和主客体际性&马克思实践唯物主义关系理论探要

    Inter-subjectivity 、 Inter-objectivity and Inter-subjectivity-objectivity & On Relationship Theory of Marx 's Practical Materialism

  10. 这是实践唯物主义自然观的人与自然关系的重要问题。

    It is the most important question in the viewpoint of nature in practical materialism .

  11. 从费尔巴哈、赫斯到马克思:实践唯物主义的生成图谱

    Fron Feuerbach to Hess to Marx : A Way of Youth Marx 's Practice Materialism

  12. 辩证的实践唯物主义&理性的辩证唯物主义与感性的实践唯物主义相结合的唯物主义

    Dialectical Practical Materialism ── On the Combination of Reasonable Dialectical Materialism and Perceptual Practical Materialism

  13. 而实践唯物主义的实践范围则是较小的,是感性哲学。

    The scope of practical materialism is relatively narrow , and belongs to sensible philosophy .

  14. 浅论实践唯物主义哲学的两次超越

    On Two Oversteps Over Practice Materialism Philosophy

  15. 它对实践唯物主义哲学具有视野和立场的本体论意义。

    The ontological significance of vision and position is embodied in the practice of materialism .

  16. 实践唯物主义不能代替马克思主义哲学

    Practical Materialism cannot Replace Marxist Philosophy

  17. 马克思独具慧眼地发现并继承了这一“合理内核”,创立了实践唯物主义哲学。

    Having found and inherited the rational kemel , Max constructs the philosophy of practical materialism .

  18. 三个代表与实践唯物主义

    On Three Representatives and Practical Materialism

  19. 而是站在实践唯物主义的立场对之作出诠释,认为人的本然存在是实践。

    Ac-cording to Practical Materalism , the author believes that basis of human being is practice .

  20. 我国当前价值哲学的研究现状要求我们自觉地将价值哲学奠基于马克思的实践唯物主义之上。

    The present research situation demands that we conscientiously reconstruct value philosophy on Marxist materialism of practice .

  21. 对真理的实践唯物主义阐释

    New Materialist Interpretation of Truth

  22. 实践唯物主义自然观有自身理论的实践逻辑,它不同于传统自然观的理论逻辑。

    Practical materialism natural view owns its theoretic logic which is different from that of traditional theory .

  23. 1979年以后,以实践唯物主义为特征的新的马克思主义哲学正在形成之中。

    Since 1979 , the new Marxist philosophy distinguishing itself by practical materialism has been taking shape .

  24. 论实践唯物主义视野中的实践范畴与唯物史观的逻辑结构

    On the Concept of Practice in the Horizon of Practical Materialism and the Logical Structure of Historical Materialism

  25. 他认为,马克思主义的辩证论是实践唯物主义的辩证法,是世界的实践的历史性的理性思维。

    He thinks Marxist dialectics is materialistic dialectics and historical rational thinking in the practice of the world .

  26. 所谓实践唯物主义,就是指实践是建立在唯物主义基础之上的,因此自然是一种唯物主义哲学。

    Practice materialism , in on the basis of materialism therefore , nature is a kind of materialism philosophy .

  27. 马克思实践唯物主义的本义是走向实践,但其学术意蕴则是离开哲学思辨。

    The essence of Marxist practical materialism is practice , but its academic implication is out of speculative philosophy .

  28. 其次进入到这些个人的关系即社会历史领域,这是实践唯物主义的原理部分;

    Secondly , the relationship between these individuals , i. e. , the domain of social history , is exposed .

  29. 从实践唯物主义的视角看,人类客观的实践活动真正沟通了事实和价值两个领域。

    From the perspective of the practical materialism , the objective practical activities of human really connect the fact and value fields .

  30. 而且,人道主义作为实践唯物主义思潮的理论之根有其深刻的社会历史的实践根源。

    Moreover , humanitarianism as the theoretical root of the ideological trend of practice-materialism has its deep practice origin of social history .