
  1. 您必须监控DPAR,从而将实际工作量和资源使用与分级预测关联。

    You must monitor your DPARs to relate your actual workload and resource usage against your sizing projections .

  2. 在ALE信息安全风险评估模型框架下,提出资产价值取决于实际工作量,采用WBS对公路工程项目按建设周期进行分解,对每个子工作项目进行专家评分,得到每种资产的安全价值三属性评分。

    Information security risk assessment in the ALE framework , the asset value depends on the actual workload : using WBS decomposition of the highway engineering project according to the construction period , the expert score for each work item , security value of each asset three attribute score .

  3. 目的通过调查护士实际工作量,为合理配置病房护理人员,提高护理资源利用率提供参考。

    Objective To survey nurses ' real workload and provide evidence for reasonable nurse staffing and making full use of nursing resource .

  4. 医院在对科室或护理单元进行绩效考核时,应主要以实际工作量水平、成本控制情况、医疗质量指标为考核依据。

    Actual workload , cost control and medical quality were considered to be key factors in department or nursing unit performance evaluation .

  5. 主要原因是在开发的早期阶段,您并不了解您需要为某个描述完成的实际工作量。

    The main reason is that in the early stages of development , you don 't know how much work you really have for a story .

  6. 本文探讨了该方法实际工作量的数学模式及组成混合标本最佳人数的求法。

    The presem study was made to explore an optimum number of mixed peripheral blood samples and a mathematical model of work load for this method in surveying filariasis .

  7. 人们想要的不止是一份工作,而公司要让员工心情愉悦,同样面临巨大压力,因为他们让员工承担的实际工作量相当于三份工作,而不是一份。

    Everybody wants more than a job , and companies face immense pressure to make employees feel good & as they push us to do three jobs instead of one .

  8. 针对普通Ⅲ型及智能型电容式电动差压变送器在工程建设中安装、调试所发生的实际工作量,讨论了定额套用问题。

    : Based on the actual work amounts for installation and commissioning of the powered pressure differential transmitters of both the common Model ⅲ and the intelligent capacitor model , adoption of relevant norms is discussed .

  9. 本文介绍了印度大学拨款委员会规定的高校教师工作量标准和教师的实际工作量,介绍了印度高校教师的工资福利待遇情况,有助于我们全面了解印度的高等教育。

    This article introduced the workload standards set up by University Grants Commission of India , the practical workload of Indian university teachers and their payments . The author believes that his introduction may be helpful to us for better understanding Indian higher education .

  10. 通过对联合收割机结构及作业特点的分析,根据疲劳积累原理和联合收割机实际工作量与工作时间的关系,引入效率系数来完善现有可靠度公式。

    The relationship between the real workload and the working time was determined based on the analysis of the structure and operating features of a combine as well as the fatigue accumulating principle . The efficiency coefficient was correlated to improve the current reliability formula .

  11. 该帐目以实际完成工作量确定。

    The account is based on the actual work performed .

  12. 结构损伤诊断的两步方法可以极大地减少实际测试工作量,提高诊断结果的可靠性,使得大型复杂结构的损伤诊断成为可能。

    The proposed two-step approach can reduce the experimental measurement amount greatly and increase reliability of diagnosis results , which make it possible for damage diagnosis of complicated and large-scaled structures .

  13. 我们的答案是缓存Web服务调用结果,这样就可以减少您的SCA应用程序中实际处理的工作量。

    Our answer is to cache the results of web services invocations so that we can reduce the amount of processing actually done within your SCA applications .

  14. 在评审总结报告上纪录实际的返工工作量。

    Record the actual rework effort on the inspection summary report .

  15. 再就是参数过多,难于调节,使得在实际计算中工作量很大。

    Another difficulty was that more parameters were too hard to adjust in practical computation .

  16. 结果显示,教师承担的教学任务十分繁重,多数教师实际完成的工作量远远超过了规定任务;

    The results show that teachers'working load is terribly heavy , and most of the teachers'actual working load surpassing the prescribed missions ;

  17. 通过对正、反两种接线方法对电容型电流互感器的绝缘介质损耗因数的测量理论与实践分析,提出在实际测量中减少工作量、提高工作效率的测量方法。

    Through theoretical and practical analyses on dielectric dissipation factor measuring methods of capacitive current transformer with positive and negative connecting modes , the authors propose an onsite measuring method , which can diminish the working strength and enhance the working efficiency .

  18. 使用方差分析和实际数据校验,验证了硬件电路板开发工作量评估模型的有效性,计算得到该模型的预测工作量与实际工作量相差约7.2%。

    The difference rate is about 7.2 % between the actual effort and the effort estimated by Hardware Estimation Model of Board Design .