
  • 网络Empirical analysis
  1. 第四部分主要是利用计量检验和实证分析方法对FDI对经济发展的影响进行了研究。

    The fourth part studies the impact of FDI on economic development with the method of measurement inspection and empirical analysis .

  2. 定量分析法介绍了单变量模型、多变量模型、Z计分模型、F计分模型、相对流动性指标和实证分析方法。

    The quantitative analysis method includes single variable model , various variable model , Z score model , F score model , relative liquidity target and the way of empirical analysis .

  3. 并用实证分析方法,构建了休闲产业评估指标,用SPSS因子分析比较了包括杭州在内的20个城市的休闲指标,进而从不同方面对杭州休闲产业现状进行分析。

    And use empirical research methods , building evaluating indicators about leisure industry , using SPSS factorization to compare leisure indicators about 19 cities including Hangzhou and analyzing leisure industry of Hangzhou from different ways .

  4. 文章采取实证分析方法,通过总结MBO在中国现有市场条件下发展状况,归纳出了MBO在中国现有市场条件下的六种基本的交易模式及面临的发展障碍;

    Based on the methodology of case analysis , the paper discussed six basic exchange mode of and obstacles facing MBO market under the extant market condition through the summary of the current situation of MBO in China 's market .

  5. 以产业竞争理论(SCP)为出发点,运用实证分析方法,得出我国银行业市场集中度、规模与绩效负相关这一与产业组织理论相悖的结论。

    By using the industrial competition theory ( SCP ), the paper draws a conclusion : in the banking market of our country , concentration-ratio and scale are negatively related to performance , which is contrary to the industrial organization theory .

  6. 本文采用实证分析方法,对中韩两国间的产业内贸易进行了测算。

    This thesis calculates the Intra-Industry Trade between China and Korea .

  7. 本文综合运用理论分析方法和实证分析方法。

    This thesis integrated of theoretical and empirical method of analysis .

  8. 浅析银行并购效率的实证分析方法

    Simple Analysis on the Efficiency Approach of Bank Merger and Acquisition

  9. 四在分析手法上。笔者在分析方法上力图运用实证分析方法,使理论和实践相结合。

    Fourth , this text has used empirical analyze method .

  10. 最后,本文通过实证分析方法对相关理论进行验证。

    Finally , the related theory was verified by empirical analysis method .

  11. 价值分析方法评析&与实证分析方法对比的视角

    On the Method of Value-analyzing & Compared with Practice-analyzing

  12. 演化经济学实证分析方法的论理结构研究

    On the Positivist 's Logical Structure of Evolutionary Economics

  13. 最后是实证分析方法。

    Finally , it is empirical analysis method .

  14. 实证分析方法,就是对事物的本来面貌的客观描述。

    Empirical analysis , the objective is to describe the original appearance of things .

  15. 其一,实证分析方法。

    One is the case - study method .

  16. 先后选取描述性分析、单因素方差分析以及回归分析这三种实证分析方法进行研究。

    The research methods include descriptive analysis , one-way analysis of variance and regression analysis .

  17. 研究主要采用实证分析方法。

    Empirical analysis is applied here .

  18. 本文基于协同学理论,主要通过实证分析方法对自由式滑雪运动训练系统协同机制进行研究。

    Research on synergetic mechanism of freestyle skiing training system with empirical analysis by synergetic theory .

  19. 前两个问题我们主要采用半结构化访谈和问卷调查等实证分析方法,第三个问题是在前面实证分析的基础上,建立系统动力学模型进行仿真。

    For first two questions , we adopt the methods of semi-structure interview and questionaire survey .

  20. 在研究方法上,主要应用逻辑演绎和实证分析方法。

    In the research methodology , the paper applies the logic syllogism and the empirical analyzing method .

  21. 在第二部分概念框架中,构建了完成研究目标的实证分析方法体系。

    The next section deals with the construction of conceptual framework , i.e. building positive analysis system .

  22. 本文是一项理论联系实际的应用型研究,实证分析方法贯穿全文。

    With the practical analysis methods , this paper is an applied research combined theory with practice .

  23. 本文以全球外商直接投资总量为研究对象,采用实证分析方法研究全球外商直接投资的波动周期、变动幅度和周期走势。

    This essay studies the cycle , margin and tendency of global FDI fluctuation with empirical analyzing tools .

  24. 文章在研究方法上主要是采用了实证分析方法,其次采用了历史和比较的分析方法。

    Article on the research method is mainly used empirical analysis , followed by a historical and comparative analysis .

  25. 通过对监理人员进行问卷调查的实证分析方法,对监理在工程项目中的绩效与作用进行调查研究,分析其与国际项目管理的偏差。

    In this paper , we design the questionnaire and survey the supervising engineer to analyze the construction supervision 's performance .

  26. 文章通过实证分析方法研究了新疆的出生人口性别比相对稳定的原因。

    This paper applies positive methods to the analysis of the causes of the relative stability of Xinjiang 's sexual birth rate .

  27. 其次,运用实证分析方法对高校自主权的实施过程中存在问题及其成因进行了分析。

    Secondly , the use of empirical analysis on the implementation process of the university autonomy problems and their causes are analyzed .

  28. 基于这一现状,本文借助于实证分析方法试图揭示隐藏背后看不见的因素。

    Based on the current situation , this paper by empirical analysis method tries to reveal hidden behind " invisible factors " .

  29. 在国外发达国家,这些研究已经随着消费函数理论的发展,实证分析方法的不断创新而不断深入。

    In developed countries , these studies have been deepened with the development of Consumption Function Theory and constant innovation of empirical analysis .

  30. 用实证分析方法对广东高新技术产品进出口分析后可知,广东高新技术产业正处于从供给约束型向需求约束型转型的过程中。

    An empirical analysis on the hi-tech products import and export in Guangdong reveals the hi-tech industries are changing from supply-restrained to demand-restrained .