
shí zhì sǔn hài
  • substantial damage;material damage
  1. AIH是与自身免疫反应密切相关的一种肝实质损害性疾病,以高丙球蛋白血症、血清自身抗体阳性、肝脏慢性炎症及纤维化组织学改变为特点。

    AIH is closely related with the autoimmune response of a substantial damage to the liver disease , and which is characterized by high C hypergammaglobulinemia , serum autoantibodies , chronic inflammation and fibrosis of the liver histological changes .

  2. 行政程序违法并不必然导致实体正义受到实质损害,根据对行政程序违法的处理方式不同,行政行为程序违法致使行政行为最终表现出来的效力有无效和有效两种效力形态。

    The effectiveness of administrative procedures is illegal does not necessarily lead to substantive justice substantial damage , depending on the treatment of illegal administrative procedures , administrative acts in violation of procedure resulted in administrative actions ultimately manifested form of ineffective and effective two effect form .

  3. 结论功能CT灌注成像是评价急性脑静脉闭塞模型血流动力学改变的一种准确、敏感的方法,可早期评价脑实质损害的程度。

    Conclusion CT perfusion imaging is accurate and sensitive in evaluating hemodynamics of acute cerebral venous occlusion and is useful in the early evaluation of the consequences for brain parenchymal lesions .

  4. 结果认为:尿LDH及其同工酶测定可反映肾实质损害程度,并能估价肾功能恢复情况,可能成为肾功能可复性判定的重要指标之一。

    LDH isoenzyme reflected the extent of the renal damage . Urinary LDH and its isoenzyme might be an important parameter for evaluating the chance of recovery of the renal function .

  5. 引言:脑缺血是血管性认知功能损害(VCI)发生的最主要的原因,常常表现为脑实质损害和不同程度的认知功能缺损。

    Induction : Cerebral ischemia are the main cause of Vascular Cognitive Impairment ( VCI ) often leading to exaggerated brain damage and cognitive impairment .

  6. 目的观察尿常规检查阴性肝硬化患者的肾实质损害情况。

    Objective To study the renal lesion of patients with cirrhosis whose urine routine test were negative .

  7. 广泛脑实质损害8例。

    Manifested extensive cerebral dysfunction .

  8. 证明存在与药肝毒性的肝实质损害的变化需要有效的影像来。

    This emphasizes the need for effective imaging to demonstrate the presence and severity of drug-related parenchymal changes .

  9. 因此对重症肝炎者施以胰高糖素-胰岛素疗法是否能改善肝实质损害,尚值得进一步商榷。

    Thus , whether treatment of glucagon-insulin will improve the injured liver of these patients or not is still in controversy .

  10. 反倾销法上的因果关系是指倾销进口产品与进口国国内产业的实质损害或实质损害威胁之间的关联性。

    Causation under the Anti-dumping Law means the causal relationship between the dumped imports and the injury to the domestic industry .

  11. 3常规超声及超声弹性成像在评估肝硬化患者肝实质损害程度上具有无创、快速、廉价等优点,能够为临床医师在诊断和治疗肝硬化患者时提供重要的依据。

    Ultrasound is non-invasive , rapid , and cheap in the assessment of the liver parenchyma damage of patients with cirrhosis , and it can provide important evidence for clinical diagnosis .

  12. 如果美国国际贸易委员会裁定,中国出口没有给美国生产商造成实质损害,或构成实质损害的威胁,中国生产商和出口商仍可逃过这项关税。

    Chinese producers and exporters could still escape the duties if the US International Trade Commission determines US producers have not been materially injured , or threatened with material injury , by the imports .

  13. 急性肾盂肾炎是一种常见的泌尿系疾病,可引起不可逆性肾实质损害&肾疤痕形成,并导致一系列并发症,如高血压、慢性肾功能衰竭等。

    Acute pyelonephritis is a common disease in urinary system and can results in the irreversible renal parenchyma lesions-renal scarring and lead to a series of complications , such as hypertension , chronic renal failure and so on .

  14. 慢性肾衰竭是多种原因造成的慢性进行性肾实质损害,肾脏不能维持其正常功能,从而呈现氮质血症、代谢紊乱和各系统受累等一系列临床症状的综合征。

    CRF has attributed to various causes of chronic progressive renal damage , kidneys can not maintain its normal function , thereby , azotemia , metabolic disorders and the involvement of various systems and a series of clinical symptoms of the syndrome .

  15. 关税与贸易总协定(GATT/WTO)第六条指出,当一个国家的生产商被证实遭受倾销带来的实质损害或者威胁时,允许采用反倾销这一措施对国内产业加以保护。

    Under Article ⅵ of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT / WTO ), countries are permitted to introduce anti-dumping measures where dumping has been proved to have taken place and where it has caused or threatened material injury to domestic producers .

  16. 或者说,社会倾销对国内产业产生的影响与正常的、公平的竞争产生的影响是一样的,因此,并没有造成任何实质损害,社会倾销和一些人所声称的社会问题之间并没有因果关系。

    In other words , Social Dumping has the same influence on domestic industries as common regular and fair competition , therefore , it does not lead to any material injury and there is no casual relationship between Social Dumping and the social problems that some states have claimed of .

  17. WTO反倾销协议允许成员国在倾销造成国内产业实质性损害或产生实质性损害威胁时采取反倾销措施。

    WTO Anti-dumping Agreement allows members to resort to anti-dumping measures when their domestic industries face material injuries from dumping imports .

  18. 组织学检查显示BDL组肠粘膜发生了实质性损害。

    The intestinal mucosa was impaired histologically .

  19. 根据WTO反倾销协议以及世界各国反倾销法的规定,实质性损害的裁定应基于以下三个方面因素的详细审查:倾销进口产品的数量、价格,以及对进口国同类产品生产商的影响。

    According to WTO anti-dumping law and anti-dumping laws of the countries in the world , rules on material injury are based on three factors as follows : volume of dumping imports , price of dumping imports , and consequence to the like product producers of importing countries .

  20. 结论血清PAB、TBA变化能敏感地反映肝脏合成和代谢功能及肝实质的损害程度,联合检测血清二者的变化,有助于慢性肝病的病情判断,更有利于指导临床治疗。

    Conclusion The study suggests PAB and TBA can be sensitive index to hepatic metabolism and damage . It will be helpful for the diagnosis & treatment of chronic hepatic disease with the two items combined .

  21. 实质性损害威胁:确定倾销损害存在的第二条标准

    Threat of Material Harm : The second criterion for confirming the dumping Harm

  22. 但是由于实质性损害并没有确定,反补贴措施最终并没有使用。

    But the lack of the actual impingement made the anti-subsidy sanction fail .

  23. 然而,谷丙转氨酶的灵敏度较差,可能不能完全反映肝毒性对肝实质的损害。

    However , the ALT value is found a less sensitive index and perhaps cannot thoroughly reflect hepatic toxicity .

  24. 存货、固定资产、无形资产、长期投资因发生永久或实质性损害而确认的财产损失;

    Property loss confirmed due to permanent or substantial damage to inventories , fixed assets , intangible assets or long-term investments ;

  25. 椎间盘与骨块一起压迫脊髓,脊髓内有暗淡低信号,表示脊髓内出血或实质性损害;

    Low intensity signal within the spinal cord accompanying herniated disc and bone fragment , indicating hemorrhage in spinal cord or structural damage ;

  26. 法官通常是在违法秘侦取证行为严重侵害公民合法权益或是实质性损害司法廉正的情况下才排除秘取证据。

    Only when acts of obtaining evidence in covert investigation severely infringe on civil rights or judicial integrity , shall judges exclude covert evidence .

  27. 双反调查超出了其对国内产业受到的实质性损害补偿的限度,对我国的出口贸易造成了损害。

    Double reverse survey of exceeded its domestic industry is substantial damage compensation in our country , the extent of the damage caused by export trade .

  28. 以色列国家网络局主管表示,“匿名者”缺乏危害重要基础设施的能力,他们很难造成任何实质的损害。

    The head of the government 's National Cyber Bureau said anonymous lacks the skills to harm vital infrastructure and that hardly any real damage occurred .

  29. 文章试图通过对有关反倾销案例的观察与分析,阐明判定倾销损害存在的第二条标准即实质性损害威胁在反倾销实践中的运用。

    The paper , by examining the relevant ani-dumping cases , attempts to discuss the application of the second criterion-the threat of material harm-in determining dumping harm in anti-dumping practices .

  30. 截止2010年,中国已经遭遇来自世界各国的反倾销诉讼调查804起,其中的590起案件最后被实施反倾销措施制裁,无疑对中国出口竞争性企业造成了巨大实质性损害。

    As of 2010 , China suffered from antidumping investigation sums to 804 , of which 590 cases of the last antidumping measures against , and no doubt Chinese firms have caused tremendous damage .