
suān jiǎn pínɡ hénɡ shī tiáo
  • acid-base imbalance;acid-base disturbance
  1. 老年重症肺炎与电解质紊乱、酸碱平衡失调的相关性分析

    Correlation Analysis between Electrolyte Disorder , Acid-base Imbalance with Sever Pneumonia in Elderly Patient

  2. 酸性pH对水生生物的毒作用方式包括气体交换受阻、体盐调节紊乱、酸碱平衡失调,以及与金属的联合作用等。

    The toxic effect of low pH on aquatic life include inhibition of gas exchange , disorder of body salt adjustment , imbalance of acidity and alkalinity , and the combined effects with metals .

  3. 目的探讨对急性颌面部间隙感染合并DIC重症患者的抢救,阻断DIC的恶性循环,改善缺氧状况,纠正电解质紊乱及酸碱平衡失调。

    Objective This essay mainly focuses on salving the acute jaw and face sinus infection with DIC patient , blocking the DIC vicious circle , improving the anoxic condition , correcting the electrolytical turbulence and balancing the acid and alkali .

  4. 混合性酸碱平衡失调钴蓝(未混合的铝酸钴)

    Mixed acid-base balance disorder cobalt blue ( unmixed cobalt aluminate )

  5. 在促进免疫功能,维持肠道机能,改善酸碱平衡失调及提高机体对创伤、感染等应急的适应方面有极其重要的药理作用。

    It is important in enhancing immune function , maintaining the integrity of the intestine mucosa .

  6. 混合性酸碱平衡失调

    Mixed acid-base balance disorder

  7. 例如,像醋氨酚(扑热息痛)那样,它主要产生一种抑制性反应,并不引起酸碱平衡失调,而后者正式水杨酸盐的特点。

    Eg.8 For example , like acetaminophen , it produces primarily a depressive reaction and does not produce the acid-disturbance that characterizes salicylate .

  8. 结果:低钾血症66例(22.0%),低氧血症215例(71.7%),酸碱平衡失调188例(62.7%)。

    Results : Hypopotassemia ( 20 % ), hypoxia ( 71.6 % ) and imbalance of acid base equilibrium ( 62.7 % ) were found respectively .

  9. 严重颅脑损伤可因呼吸性、代谢性、病理性或医源性的多种因素,引起体内酸碱平衡失调,这常是死亡的主因。

    Severe head injuries can lead to acid-base unbalance through Various factors such as respiratory , metabolic , pathologic and iatrogenic changes and is the main cause of death .

  10. 结果102例患者均发生过多种并发症,发生率依次为心律失常、低血压、消化道出血、酸碱平衡失调和张力性气胸。

    Results All of the patients had various complications , the complications were cardiac arrhythmia , hypo tension , the unbalanced of acid-base , gastrointestinal hemorrhage , and pressure pneumothorax .

  11. 结论复杂先心术后行腹透治疗能及时有效地纠正水电解质和酸碱平衡失调,帮助患儿渡过术后急性肾功能不全期,提高患儿的生存率。

    Conclusion Peritoneal dialysis can correct water , electrolyte , acid-base disturbances timely and effectively , help patient to pass through the period of acute renal failure , and thus improves the survival rate .

  12. 严重的心肌缺血常常给心脏带来一系列严重后果,如能量物质的耗竭,细胞内环境的酸碱平衡失调,离子稳态的紊乱及细胞膜的破坏等。

    Severe myocardial ischemia results in a number of events , including depletion of high-energy phosphate stores , intracellular acidification , disturbance of ionic homeostasis , and membrane damage ultimately leading to the cell .

  13. 本文报告我院180例老年急腹症病人的麻醉情况,强调术前准备应以纠正水电解质和酸碱平衡失调及抗休克为重点。

    The performing states of anesthesia on 180 cases of senile patients with acute abdomen in our hospital are reported . Correcting water-electrolytes , acid-base imba - lance and antishock should be highly important during preoperative preparations .

  14. 它的主要临床表现为肾功能进行性减退、水以及电解质的潴留、酸碱平衡的失调。

    Its main performance for renal progressive decline , water and electrolyte retention , acid-base disorders .