
  • 网络substantive justice;Substantiality Justice
  1. 程序公正和实体公正各自有其内涵和独立标准。

    The procedural justice and substantive justice have their respective connotations and independent criterions .

  2. 程序公正的价值&兼议实体公正与程序公正冲突的解决

    The Value of Procedural Justice-On the Settlement of Conflicts between Substantive Justice and Procedural Justice

  3. 高速缓存通过将频繁用于访问的数据和网页存储在服务器或客户机的内存中,减轻了WEB服务器的负载,有效的解决了网络拥塞问题。程序公正与实体公正并重:效率。

    Caching technology is a better way , which stores the data and webpages which have been accessed frequently in the server or client in order to alleviate the overload of the web server , thus enhancing the data accessing efficiency and alleviating the network traffic very well .

  4. 错案意味着实体公正没有实现。

    A misjudged case means that the substantial justice is fail .

  5. 论刑事诉讼中实体公正与程序公正之关系浅析法治社会下的程序公正

    On the Relationships between Substantive Fairness and Procedural Fairness in Criminal Lawsuits

  6. 民事诉讼程序的理想价值&实体公正与程序公正的统一

    Entity of Substantial and Procedural Justice on Pursuit of the Ideal Value

  7. 程序公正是实体公正的前提条件。

    Procedure justice is the prerequisite of entity justice .

  8. 程序公正与实体公正两者是辩证统一的。

    Proceeding justice and result justice are dialectical unity .

  9. 因此,应当允许基于实体公正的需要重新审判。

    Thus , the retrial procedure based on substantial justice should be permitted .

  10. 司法公正具有双重的涵义:实体公正与程序公正。

    The judicature fairness has double implications : the entity fairness and procedure fairness .

  11. 程序公正与实体公正并重:效率。气管内肺通气对急性肺损伤羊通气功能的影响

    Effects of intratracheal pulmonary ventilation on ventilatory efficiency in sheep with acute lung injury

  12. 赋予并确保律师调查权具有以下几个方面的价值:有助于查清案情,实现实体公正;

    The values for ensuring the evidential investigation right of lawyers are as follows : a.

  13. 在具体制度的设计上,对原、被告区别对待,违背了平等原则,法院依职权启动缺席审判程序,违背了处分原则,片面追求实体公正,而有违程序公正。

    Violation of the principle of equality , the principle of disposition and procedure justice .

  14. 二审程序不仅要顾及实体公正,也要兼顾程序公正与诉讼效率。

    The second instance should reflect substantive justice and procedural justice and efficiency as well .

  15. 实体公正与程序正当;

    Entity justice and procedural justice ;

  16. 而实体公正则是指判决结果对案件真实情况的准确再现以及法律适用的正确无误。

    Result justice means judge should find out the truth of case and pass fair judgement .

  17. 程序公正与实体公正并重:效率。旋转条件下热驱动换热效果比较研究

    Comparison investigation of heat transfer efficiency of thermally driving with rib - roughed surfaces on rotation

  18. 实体公正探析

    An Analysis of the Substantial Impartiality

  19. 博士招生究竟应如何定位,如何能真正达到社会公众所期待的实体公正与程序公正?

    How should the enrolment system be " fair and square " as expected by the public ?

  20. 之后,本部分分析了审限压力对程序公正和实体公正的影响。

    Furthermore , I study the influence upon due process and substantial justice proposed by Time Limitation .

  21. 审判公正应包括审判实体公正和审判程序公正,是二者的统一。

    Trial justice should include the trial entity justice and trial procedure justice , the two are unified .

  22. 我国要实现司法公正,就必须从重实体公正向重程序公正转变。

    We must transform from emphasizing substantive law to emphasizing procedural law in order to realize judicial fairness .

  23. 实体公正指的审判结果的正确性;

    The result justice refers to justice of judgment , the procedure justice just means justice of process .

  24. 纠纷的解决与程序公正&兼论程序法治视野中的实体公正

    A Discussion on Dispute Settlement and Procedural Justice with Cross-reference to Substantial Justice from the Perspective of Procedural Constitutionality

  25. 其诉讼价值体现在实现司法的实体公正、程序公正和提高诉讼效率。

    Its value lies in the realization of substantive and procedural justice , and the improvement of judicial efficiency .

  26. 第五部分为和解协议司法确认瑕疵的救济机制。即通过设置一定的救济方式实现和解协议效力确认程序最大限度实现实体公正。

    Namely , by setting a certain relief means to ensure the entity justice of the judicial confirmation process .

  27. 民事举证责任分配在实现实体公正、程序公正和程序效益等方面有着重要意义。

    Civil evidential burden distribution plays an important role in fulfilling substantive impartiality , procedural impartiality and procedural effect .

  28. 如何防止法官滥用利益衡量,防止恣意判决?加强法律论证是必须的,通过兼硕程序公正与实体公正,法官应在判决书中进行充分的说理论证。

    How to prevent judges from abusing balancing of interest and arbitrary decision ? Strengthening the legal argumentation is necessary .

  29. 在现代法治社会,程序公正与实体公正同为诉讼活动追求的目标。

    In modern legal society , lawsuit activities pursue the goals which are the procedure justice and the entity justice .

  30. 西方司法公正思想中最为核心的是两大观念,即程序公正和实体公正。

    In the Western thought of judicial justice , the two most important ideas are procedural justice and substantive justice .