
xiàn dìnɡ jì chénɡ
  • entail
  1. 限定继承牢不可破Mary继承不了

    The entail 's unbreakable . Mary cannot inherit .

  2. 这得看限定继承的具体内容和Cora堂婶的财产让渡协议

    It will depend on the exact terms of the entail and of the deed of gift when cousin Cora 's money was transferred to the estate .

  3. 国际货物买卖合同解除权立法比较研究解除限定继承权保证

    Comparative Research on Legislation of Contract Cancellation Rights in International Sale of Goods

  4. 我们得谈谈限定继承的事。

    Robert : We ought to talk about the business of the entail .

  5. 信不信由你他不会打破限定继承

    Well , believe what you like . He won 't break the entail .

  6. 一个人的产业一旦要限定继承人,那你就无从知道它会落到谁的手里去。

    There is no knowing how estates will go when once they come to be entailed .

  7. 你不用试图别否认了,无疑你必须考虑取消限定继承了。

    You won 't try to deny it ? You must challenge the entail now , surely ?

  8. 该部分主要对大陆法系与英美法系限定继承制度之立法例进行介绍与探讨。

    This part of mainland legal system and main Anglo-American law system of limited succession institution legislation was introduced and discussed .

  9. 放弃继承权,必须由适当的主体在必要的期限内以适当的方式行使,才能产生限定继承的法律效力。

    To abandon the heirdom , the inheritor should do it within a certain period , only which can have judicial effect .

  10. 有限责任制度是民法中的一项重要制度,适用于继承法中的限定继承制度和法人制度。

    As an important system in civil law , limited liability applies to the specified succession system in law of succession and legal person system .

  11. 建立遗产清单制度,使继承人个人财产与遗产相分离,为限定继承提供可靠前提,保证遗产优先用于清偿遗产债务。

    Third , establish heritage list system , causes the heir personal property and heritage phase separation , limited inherited provide reliable premise heritage and guarantee preferred to pay off debts heritage .

  12. 限定继承制度是继承法的重要组成部分,囿于我国继承法出台时的社会经济基础的限制以及理论认识不够深入,继承法仅对限定继承作了原则性的规定。

    Limit inherited system is an important part of the inheritance law means succession when China issued social economy foundation of restriction and theoretical knowledge insufficiently successions only to limiting the inheritance of principle simple rules .

  13. 在限定继承原则下,遗产的清算既是保障继承人承担有限责任的基础,也是保护遗产债权人之公平受偿权及债权之一般担保不被侵吞的重要措施。

    Under the principle of limited heritage , the liquidation of heritage is the foundation to ensure the heir 's limited liability . At the same time , it is also an important measure to protect other creditors right .

  14. 但是,这部继承法中对于遗产债权人利益保护的规定过少,仅仅规定了限定继承的原则,这导致了在司法实践中遗产继承人和遗产债权人利益冲突的化解缺乏有效的法律依据。

    But there are too few regulations about heritage protection of creditors interests , and especially the law only sets limited inheritance principle , which is lack of effective legal settlement on conflict case between the inheritance and heritage creditors interests in the judicial practice .

  15. 第二部分将遗产破产与自然人破产、法人破产以及限定继承等相关制度进行比较,更好的理解遗产破产自身的特征和作用。

    The second part the author carrys on the comparison between heritage bankruptcy and individual bankruptcy , between heritage bankruptcy and corporate bankruptcy , between heritage bankruptcy and limited inheritance system , to make a better understanding of its own characteristics and role of heritage bankruptcy .

  16. 随着时代的发展,现行限定继承制度出现了诸多弊端,限定继承原则不具有可操作性,不能真正实现限定继承制度的立法目的,特别是不能有效保护遗产债权人之利益表现得尤其突出。

    With the development of The Times , the current limit succession institution appeared many disadvantages , to limit inherited principles do not be operable , cannot truly achieve the purpose of legislation limited succession institution , especially cannot effectively protect the interest of creditor heritage behaved especially prominent .

  17. 这城堡和土地限定长子继承。

    The castle and the land are entailed on the eldest son .

  18. 这城堡限定由长子继承。

    The castle is entailed on the eldest son .

  19. 这所房子和地产限定由长女继承。

    The house and estate are entailed on the eldest daughter .

  20. 由于这种意思表示有对世的效力,直接关系到遗产债权人和其他利害关系人的利益,因此,法律应对限定承认的期限、方式与作出严格规定。遗产清册制度是与限定继承制度密不可分的制度。

    Since such expression can have a direct impact on both the debtor and others interested , the law should prescribe the time limit and the procedures of absolute acceptance .