
  • 网络Deadline governance;undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time
  1. 市、县或者市、县以下人民政府管辖的企业事业单位的限期治理,由市、县人民政府决定。

    For enterprises and institutions under the jurisdiction of a people 's government at or below the city or county level , such decision shall be made by the people 's government of the city or county .

  2. 限期治理企业的治理效益分析

    The Benefit Analysis of Treating Enterprise in the Time Limit

  3. 用分片治理法实现焦化污染的限期治理

    To Realize Scheduled Control of Coking Pollution by Means of Sector Control

  4. 各地区污染源限期治理及城市综合整治情况

    Source Abatement & City Integrated Pollution Control by Region

  5. 三是加大了污染限期治理的力度。

    Third , the dynamics of setting deadlines for eliminating pollution have been reinforced .

  6. 第三批国家环境污染限期治理项目计划表

    3rd National Schedule of Environmental Pollution Treatment

  7. 被限期治理的单位必须按期完成治理任务。

    The unit that is ordered to control the pollution within a time limit must accomplish the task on schedule .

  8. 对原有的一些污染源进行了治理。三是加大了污染限期治理的力度。

    Some sources of pollution have been curbed . Third , the dynamics of setting deadlines for eliminating pollution have been reinforced .

  9. 第二十四条对造成水体严重污染的排污单位,限期治理。

    Article 24 Any pollutant discharging unit that causes serious pollution to a water body shall be ordered to treat the pollution within a time limit .

  10. 被责令限期治理的排污单位,应当定期向环境保护部门报告治理进度。

    Pollutant-discharge units being ordered to handle their pollution problems by a prescribed time should make periodic reports to environmental protection authorities on the progress made .

  11. 对造成环境严重污染的企业事业单位,限期治理。

    If an enterprise or institution has caused severe environmental pollution , it shall be required to eliminate and control the pollution within a certain period of time .

  12. 第十七条对于在噪声敏感建筑物集中区域内造成严重环境噪声污染的企业事业单位,限期治理。

    Article 17 Any enterprise or institution that produces serious environmental noise pollution in an area where noise-sensitive structures are concentrated shall be ordered to control the pollution within a time limit .

  13. 已经建成的设施,其污染物排放超过规定的排放标准的,限期治理。

    If the installations that have been built discharge more pollutants than are specified by the prescribed discharge standards , such pollution shall be eliminated or controlled within a prescribed period of time .

  14. 责令企业事业单位停业或者关闭,由作出限期治理决定的地方人民政府决定;

    The order for suspension of operation or shutdown of an enterprise or institution shall be issued by the local people 's government which sets the time limit for elimination of the pollution ;

  15. 对所有向淮河流域河流排污的企业,要进行限期治理,最迟于一九九七年底停止向河流排污。

    Corporations that drain contamination into Huai River drainage area tributaries must implement a treatment deadline , and by the end of 1997 , at the latest , stop draining contamination into tributaries .

  16. 限期治理的决定权限和违反限期治理要求的行政处罚由国务院规定。

    The power to decide on the treatment within a time limit and the administrative penalty for violation of the requirements for treatment within a time limit shall be prescribed by the State Council .

  17. 对造成大气严重污染的企业事业单位,由人民政府按照管理权限责令其限期治理。

    Enterprises or institutions held responsible for serious pollution of the atmosphere shall be ordered to have it handled within a definite period by People 's Government acting within their limits of administrative authority .

  18. 本法公布前已有的排污口排放污染物不符合国家排放标准的,应当限期治理。

    Those outlets already in existence before the promulgation of this Law , where the discharge of pollutants is not in conformity with the state standards , shall be improved within a prescribed period of time .

  19. 本文针对小城镇的环境污染问题,对现行的排污收费制度、许可证制度、三同时制度、限期治理制度存在的问题和调整内容进行了探讨。

    The problems of payment of pollution system , permit system , system of environment protection equipment and project designing , construction and using at the same time , and system of governance at limit time are discussed in the text .

  20. 劳动合同的期限分为有固定期限、固定期限和以完成一定的工作为期限。被限期治理的单位必须按期完成治理任务。

    The term of a contract may be fixed or non-fixed or fixed in terms of a certain amount of work done . The unit that is ordered to control the pollution within a time limit must accomplish the task on schedule .

  21. 通过在全市12家企业推行清洁生产工作的实践证明:清洁生产必须与现行的环境管理制度如排污收费、限期治理等有机的结合起来,以促进企业清洁生产的顺利进行。

    The practice of accomplish cleaner production in 12 enterprises showed that the cleaner production must compound with the present environmental management principles , such as effluent charge , treat before the restrict date , etc , to promote the proceeding of cleaner production .

  22. 建议通过严格环境影响评价制度、对生态破坏进行限期恢复与治理、探索补偿机制、加强宣传教育等手段解决监理执法困难问题。

    We suggest that we should strengthen EIA system , and to ecologic destruction , we should resume and treat , we need to explore the compensation system and strengthen the environmental propagation to solve the present problems .