
míng wén
  • inscription;epigraph
铭文 [míng wén]
  • (1) [inscription]

  • (2) 指碑文

  • (3) 硬币、勋章、奖章、纪念章、印章、器物上的文辞(大多铸成或刻成)

铭文[míng wén]
  1. 捐献者在它上面刻下了如下铭文。

    The donor engraved the following inscription upon it .

  2. 铭文已磨损,无法辨认了。

    The inscription has worn away and can no longer be read .

  3. 这些铭文是新刻的,而且刻痕很深。

    The inscriptions are fresh and deep-grooved .

  4. 例外就是有次级治疗波铭文的情况下治疗有大地盾的目标,通常MT无论如何也要治疗。

    The general exception to this is healing your Earth Shield target with glyphed LHW , usually the MT who would need a heal anyway .

  5. 研究所的一位发言人ArturoMendez说,几年前就发现了这块刻有铭文的残片,并一直在对它进行深入研究。

    Arturo Mendez , a spokesman for the institute , said the fragment of inscription had been discovered years ago and has been subject to thorough study .

  6. 许多基督教十字架,和一些从事基督教铭文,如主天主希雷克斯或MIRABILIAFECIT。

    Many have the Christian cross , and some carry Christian inscriptions such as DOMINUS DEUS REX or MIRABILIA FECIT .

  7. 托土盖罗铭文描述了一些设想会在2012年发生的事情,其中涉及到BolonYokete&玛雅文明中,与战争和创世相关的,一个神秘的神灵。

    The Tortuguero inscription describes something that is supposed to occur in2012 involving Bolon Yokte , a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation .

  8. 晋侯墓地M114出土的叔矢方鼎,铭文记载周王在成周举行盛大祷祀,并于祀后召见群臣。

    The tripod unearthed from M114 at the royal tomb of Marquis of Jin bears an inscription relating that the king of Zhou offered a big sacrifice at Chengzhou , and thereafter met with his ministers .

  9. 装铭文不再需要那本破书了。

    Applying a glyph no longer requires a Lexicon of Power .

  10. 这种古代金石铭文,一刻千金。

    Every cut of ancient epigraph of this kind is precious .

  11. 青铜器铭文与西周文化

    Inscriptions on Bronze Wares and Culture of Western Zhou Dynasty

  12. 铭文显示诺基亚或猫跑来跑去?

    Inscription on the display nokia or cats running around ?

  13. 新发现的古代瓷器铭文款识考辨

    A Study of the Inscription Marks on the Newly Unearthed Ancient Porcelain

  14. 修复了疾跑铭文的一个说明错误。

    A tooltip error in the Glyph of Sprint has been corrected .

  15. 兵器铭文,就是刻写或铸刻在兵器上的文字。

    The inscription is written on weapons , inscribed in ordnance text .

  16. 论中国古陶瓷器物上的铭文与商标设计

    Discussion about the inscription and the trademark design on the ancient porcelain

  17. 楚系铭文综合研究

    The Systematic Study on Bronze Inscriptions of Chu Culture System

  18. 再论传统教学法碑铭文的写作传统

    Reconsidering the Traditional Method in Language Teaching On the Writing Tradition of Inscriptions

  19. 土元素图腾铭文移除。

    Glyph of Earth Elemental Totem has been removed .

  20. 心灵之火铭文-提高心灵之火的层数20。

    Glyph of Inner Fire-Increases the charges on your Inner Fire spell by20 .

  21. 岁月和风雨早已磨掉纪念碑上的铭文。

    Time and weather had long ago effaced the inscription on the monument .

  22. 为什么佯攻铭文是大雕文?

    Why is there a major glyph of feint ?

  23. 大地之力铭文移除。

    Glyph of Strength of Earth has been removed .

  24. 本文是关於新出兵器铭文的整理与研究。

    This article is about the sorting and research on new weapons inscriptions .

  25. 张说碑铭文的风骨美研究

    A Study on Vigorous Style ( Feng-Gu ) of Zhang Yue 's Inscriptions

  26. 湮没铭文:这个不用多想了。

    Obliterate : This one is a no brainer .

  27. 南京明城砖铭文新探

    A New Explanation of Nanjing City Wall Bricks Inscription

  28. 青铜器铭文创作与个人写作传统

    The Relationship Between Bronze Inscriptions and Private Writing Tradition

  29. 南京明城墙砖铭文三题

    Three Problems on the Brick Inscription of the Ming City Wall in Nanjing

  30. 铭文学会的目的在发现及解读古代铭文。

    Epigraphic Society is concerned with the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions .
