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  • Old-style poetry;old-style/classical poetry
  1. 现代旧体诗的文化认同与写作空间

    The Cultural Identification and Writing Space of the Modern Classical-form Poetry

  2. 旧体诗语序的兼表和兼及

    Double Subjects and Double Objects in the Word Order of Old-style Poetry

  3. 旧体诗海外创作的行为意义大于写作意义。

    The classical-form poetry creative more behavior significance than that writing significance .

  4. 早期新文学作家创作旧体诗的时代与文化根源

    The Times that Early New Writers Create Classical Poetry and Cultural Roots

  5. 本文主体部分为四章:第一章考察的是旧体诗的文化语境。

    Chapter 1 is about the cultural contexts of the classical-form poetry .

  6. 新文化运动之后,旧体诗写作遇到了挑战。

    After the new cultural movement , the creation of classical-form poetry met challenges .

  7. 旧体诗今用研究

    Research into Current Use of Classical Poems

  8. 断裂还是继承&新体诗与旧体诗关系新论

    Gap or Inheritance & On the Dialectical Relation of Old Style Poetry and New Style Poetry

  9. 指出新加坡华文旧体诗是海外华文文学必不可少的一部分。

    Pointed out that the Singapore classical-form poetry is an essential part of the overseas Chinese literature .

  10. 旧体诗写作受到了时代文化语境规约。

    However , the creation of classical-form poetry is restrained by the cultural contexts of the time .

  11. 首先,新加坡华文旧体诗表现出对中国古典诗歌的受容与变异。

    First of all , Singapore classical-form poetry demonstrate both against and variability to the Chinese classical poetry .

  12. 伴随着新文学传统的确立,旧体诗被逐渐逐出主流话语。

    With the establishment of the new literature tradition , modern classical-form poetry have been gradually expelled form the mainstream discourse .

  13. 从艺术层面看,隐含在旧体诗中的审美要素,在现代化大潮中,依然有它的价值。

    At the artistic level , the aesthetic elements hidden in the classical-form poetry still have its values in the trend of " modernization " .

  14. 这种态度在他创作的中后期明显转变,写作了数量很多的旧体诗。

    This attitude , in his creations were changed directly in the his later works , and he has created z lot of classical poems .

  15. 目前新加坡华文文学研究的现状表现出的问题,一方面是研究文体的不均衡,华文旧体诗的未入史。

    The Singapore Chinese literature research demonstrated the problem as fellow , on the one hand , is research style not balanced , especially Chinese classical-form poetry is not in the history .

  16. 作为现代文学史上的失踪者,旧体诗能够为我们揭示出许多有关于现代文学、文化的重大命题。

    As a " disappearing phenomenon " in the history of Chinese modern literature , the classical-form poetry can offer a lot of significant questions concerning the modern literature and culture for discussion .

  17. 辛笛,本名王辛笛,1912年生于天津,多年私塾教育,为旧体诗的研究创作打下扎实基础。

    Xindi , originally Wang Xindi , was born in Tianjin in1912.Years of home schooling laid a solid foundation for his ability to research and to write poems in the classical Chinese style .

  18. 既然我们能够宽容通俗小说进入现代文学史,那么把旧体诗也写进来,应该是合乎同一逻辑的。

    If we are tolerant enough to admit popular fiction to the history of modem literature , then it is logical to include the traditional poetry in the category of modem Chinese literature .

  19. 在中国现代文学的认知框架中,现代旧体诗的精神价值与审美价值没有得到应有的尊重,不但如此,现代旧体诗的实际存在都被忽视了。

    Within the cognitive framework of Chinese modern literature , the spiritual and aesthetic values of the classical-form poetry have not received the deserved respect , and even worse , the actual existence of them has been ignored .

  20. 其次,在多元化的新加坡社会,旧体诗面临着生存环境与自身发展的矛盾与困境。再次,对新加坡华文旧体诗的文学史定位及其价值进行分析。

    Secondly , in the plurality of Singaporean society , classical-form poetry is facing contradiction and dilemma between survival environment and self development . Thirdly , analysis position and value the Singapore classical-form poetry in the literary history .

  21. 对西方浪漫主义文学和日本私小说的接受,作家自身创作旧体诗的深厚文学底蕴,渴望抒发苦闷情绪的思想动机,使郁达夫找到了抒情小说这一文体,并获得了成功。

    Absorption of the western romanticism literature and Japanese personal-novels , his profound literature knowledge of the old poems and the psychological motive that longed for expressing the depressed emotion made him seeking with lyric novel style and obtained success .

  22. 事实上,在五四以后,仍有不少人从事旧体诗创作,围绕现代旧体诗的相关活动也很丰富,它具有超出人们想象的活力。

    As a matter of fact , after the May 4th Movement in 1919 , quite a lot of people were engaged in the creation of the classical-form poetry , and the activities relevant to the classical-form poetry were very rich , which was quite beyond our imagination .

  23. 东晋出现了山水诗人谢灵运、田园诗人陶渊明等人,他们对旧体诗作出改革,为将来隋、唐的诗文盛世创造了前提条件。

    For example , Xie Lingyun , a landscape poem writer and Tao Yuanming , a pastoral poet grew out of the old style of poem writing and wrote the poems full of imagination and the flavor of rustic life . These new ideas and reforms laid foundation for later flourishing of poems and prose in Sui-Tang dynasties .

  24. 本文认为,在亦新亦旧的年代里,具备旧体诗写作能力的诗人广泛存在,他们构成了旧体诗写作的发生基础。

    The author holds that in the old and new age , there exist a lot of poets who have the ability to create classical-form poetry , who form the sources of the production of classical-form poetry .