
nán guó
  • the South;the southern part of the country
南国 [nán guó]
  • [the southern part of the country;the South] 祖国的南部

南国[nán guó]
  1. 南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开花。

    In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rapeseed is in bloom .

  2. 南国之秋,当然是也有它的特异的地方的,比如廿四桥的明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普陀山的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等,可是色彩不浓,回味不永。

    Autumn in the South also has its unique features , such as the moonlit Ershisi Bridge in Yangzhou , the flowing sea tide at the Qiantangjiang River , the mist-shrouded Putuo Mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay . But they all lack strong colour and lingering flavour .

  3. 所以这种酒是纯天然的,而且当你身处地中海梯田,俯瞰碧蓝大海并远眺蓝色天空的时候,还有什么比诗人济慈吟诵的“啜饮一大杯暖意浓浓的南国酒”更让人高兴的事呢?

    So it 's all perfectly2 natural , and on a Mediterranean3 terrace , looking over a blue sea and a blue sky , what could be more delightful4 than ' a beaker full of the warm South ' as Keats put it .

  4. 她在《南国野兽》(BeastsoftheSouthernWild)中亮相时便显示出这些特质,当时她可只有六岁。

    She showed as much in " Beasts of the Southern Wild , " filmed when she was just 6 .

  5. 几乎每位获得最佳女演员提名的黑人女演员在片中都处于类似的窘况,一直到2012年的《南国野兽》(BeastsoftheSouthernWild),奎文赞妮·瓦利斯(QuvenzhanéWallis)在片中饰演一个即将因洪水失去家园的小女孩。

    Nearly every black best-actress nominee has faced a similar plight , right up through " Beasts of the Southern Wild " ( 2012 ) , in which Quvenzhan é Wallis played a little girl about to lose her home to a flood .

  6. 在凝寒的北地依然丛生着南国的绿柳。

    The southern willows thrive in freezing cold of the north .

  7. 让普通百姓享用的健康住宅&天龙·南国名城

    Healthy Residential Buildings for Ordinary People & Tianlong · Nanguo City

  8. 在全球化视野下阅读徐志摩的南国书写

    Reading XU Zhi-mo 's Works in Singapore Under the Vision of Globalization

  9. 蒙古高原北疆立,琼崖山地南国展。

    Li northern Mongolian Plateau , Calophyllum southern mountain exhibition .

  10. 在赞叹自己料事如神的同时,我被这秀丽的南国风景折服了。

    I was totally struck by the beauty of the southern scenery .

  11. 我很高兴能在南国商学院教授英语。

    I am excited to be at NanGuo Business College to teach English .

  12. 钢琴组曲《南国印象》曲式结构试析

    Tries analyzes the suite Southern part of China Impression musical form structure content

  13. 要是有一杯南国的温暖

    O for a beaker full of the warm South

  14. 这种品牌的椰子汁,完全自然风味,正宗南国口味。

    This Brand of coconut milk has pure natural flavour and authentic southern taste .

  15. 你是南国村的村长?

    Are you the chief of Nango village ?

  16. 乐曲以流畅明快的旋律,表现了南国生活的愉悦情绪。

    Its smooth and lively melody expresses the pleasant mood of life in south China .

  17. 象感冒这么小的病就收这么多,那其他病人如何承受?希望南国早报来查一查。

    Like cold so small it so much , that other patients how to bear ?

  18. 它是广州这座南国都市文化和艺术品位的一种象征。

    It is this southern city of Guangzhou Cultural and artistic taste of a symbol .

  19. (佛教)大[小]乘都市旅游度假区发展研究&以佛山市南国桃园为例

    On the development of urban tourism resort : taking Peach Garden of Foshan City for example

  20. 尤金发现南国宾馆几乎门可罗雀。

    Eugene found Dixieland almost deserted .

  21. 石湾镇,历史悠久,素有“南国陶都”的美誉。

    Shiwan is the pottery capital of southern China with a history as long as Chinese civilization .

  22. 夜晚是五月正中的夜晚,清风是南国的清风。

    The night is the night of mid-May , the breeze is the breeze of the south .

  23. 山清水秀,丽人娇小,南国情调,风采迷人。

    Green hills , clear waters and dainty beauties present a southern tone with an attractive elegant demeanor .

  24. 那边是南国风光,山是青的,水是绿的,小溪流更是清可见底!

    Over there we have the typical southern scenery with blue mountains , green waters , limpid brooks * !

  25. 哦,来一大杯酒,充满南国的温暖,充满真切鲜红的山泉之灵,

    O for a beaker full of the warm South , Full of the true , the blushful Hippocrene ,

  26. 《南国印象》对音乐创作民族化问题的作了实践性的探索;

    《 The impression of the south 》 turns the quest that the problem made fulfillment to music creations race ;

  27. 《南国早报》报道,广西柳州一名男子遭到了一群凶猛的食人鱼攻击。

    A man was attacked by a group of ferocious piranha fish in Liuzhou , Guangxi , Nanguo Morning Post reported .

  28. 1927年回国后,先后在上海南国艺术学院、北京大学艺术学院任教。

    After returning to China in1927 , he taught at Shanghai Nanguo art academy and the art school of Beijing university .

  29. 今天,美丽的南国燕园将走出又一批毕业同学。

    Today is another special day whereby we will be saying farewell to a group of exceptional graduates in this beautiful campus .

  30. 南国人以“全品味的产品,全方位的服务”为原则,为您提供一流的产品、一流的服务。

    Southland people " all the taste of products , full service " principle , to provide you with first-class products and services .