
  • 网络SCMP;The South China Morning Post;South China Morning;China Morning Post
  1. 出于这个原因,该公司斥资2.66亿美元收购了香港阅读量最大的英文报纸《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)。

    Hence its $ 266m purchase of the South China Morning Post , Hong Kong 's most-read English language newspaper .

  2. 《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)曾于2012年报道称,约有45%的香港人使用WhatsApp。

    In 2012 , the South China Morning Post reported that WhatsApp was used by about 45 % of the people in Hong Kong .

  3. 《南华早报》(TheSouthChinaMorningPost)报道,香港政府拒绝了加入大象保护计划(ElephantProtectionInitiative)的请求。

    The government has rejected a request to join the Elephant Protection Initiative , The South China Morning Post reported .

  4. 我不久前去香港,刚到的第一天,《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)在头版刊发了一篇感叹英语受到忽视的文章。

    On the first day of my recent trip to Hong Kong , the South China Morning Post had a front-page story bemoaning the neglect of English .

  5. 上述发言人称,他们尚未捐出款项,但据《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)报道,陈启宗已飞往洛杉矶去做出捐赠承诺。

    The spokesperson said they had not yet made their gift , but the South China Morning Post reported that Ronnie had flown to Los Angeles to make the pledge .

  6. 据《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)报道,滕飞建议将现有的燃煤排污费提高5到10倍,以体现煤炭的真实成本。

    Teng suggested that taxes on coal need to be raised between five and ten times to reflect the real cost of burning it , according to the South China Morning Post .

  7. 《南华早报》Facebook页面上的一幅照片显示客人们将纸币塞进酒店职员的小费盒。

    A picture posted on the Metropark 's Facebook page showed guests slipping notes into a tip box for the hotel staff .

  8. 香港在2012年实施了新的反洗钱法。据《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)今年6月份报道,香港金管局根据该法进行的首批调查已在进行当中。

    The territory implemented a new anti-money laundering law in mid-2012 , and the South China Morning Post reported in June that the HKMA 's first investigations under the law are in progress .

  9. 《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)说,此次撞船事故是香港自1971年以来发生的最严重海难事故。当时,一艘往来香港与澳门之间的渡轮在台风中沉没。

    The South China Morning Post said the crash was the worst maritime disaster in Hong Kong since 1971 , when a ferry traveling between Hong Kong and Macau sank in a typhoon .

  10. 这封由《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)最先报道的公开信显示,2013年北京大学在河南的高考录取率为1/8900,在北京的录取率则为1/325。

    According to the letter , reported by the South China Morning Post , Peking accepted one out of every 8900 Henan applicants in 2013 , compared with one out of every 325 from Beijing .

  11. 市值达2000亿美元的中国电商巨擘阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的马云在收购香港英文报纸《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)的问题上搞得一团糟。

    Jack Ma of Alibaba , the $ 200bn Chinese ecommerce giant , is making an awful mess of the purchase of the South China Morning Post , Hong Kong 's English-language daily .

  12. 同时,一位道琼斯前高管表示,上世纪80年代初,道琼斯出售了其在《南华早报》(southchinamorningpost)的股权,就是因为该公司不希望与默多克打交道。

    Meanwhile , a former Dow Jones executive said the company sold its interest in the South China Morning Post in the early 1980s because it did not want to be in business with Mr Murdoch , a part-owner of the paper .

  13. 《南华早报》援引北京大学公共卫生学院的李国兴(LiGuoxing——音译)的观点称,实际数字可能还要高得多。

    But the actual cost is probably far higher , the SCMP quoted Li Guoxing of Beijing University 's School of Public Health as saying .

  14. 阿里巴巴集团执行副主席蔡崇信(JosephTsai)前一阵子接受了该集团斥资2.66亿美元收购的《南华早报》的采访,其间他在不经意间提供了对马云所提问题的答案。

    The answer to Mr Ma 's question is an interview given by Joseph Tsai , Alibaba 's executive vice-chairman , to the paper Alibaba bought this week for $ 266m .

  15. 《南华早报》(TheSouthChinaMorningPost)周五报道称,香港食物及卫生局局长高永文(KoWing-man)表示,如果批发商不加强控制禽流感的措施,香港所有的活鸡交易都可能被禁。

    The city 's secretary for food and health , Ko Wing-man , said that sales of all live chickens in Hong Kong might be banned if wholesalers do not step up measures to control bird flu , The South China Morning Post reported Friday .

  16. 陈启宗告诉《南华早报》,陈氏家族通过旗下晨兴基金(MorningsideFoundation)捐赠的金额现已超过其他任何一位慈善家,包括微软(Microsoft)创始人比尔•盖茨(BillGates)和身家亿万的投资者沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)。

    Ronnie Chan told the SCMP that his family - through their Morningside Foundation - had now donated more money than any other philanthropist , including Bill Gates , Microsoft founder , and Warren Buffett , the billionaire investor .

  17. 马云采访在博客圈引发的风波出现新的转折。《南华早报》网站上周六早上的一份声明称,采访阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司(AlibabaGroupHoldingsLtd.)创始人兼董事局主席马云(JackMa)的该报记者已经辞职。

    In another twist to the much-blogged about Jack Ma interview , The South China Morning post reporter who interviewed the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. has resigned , according to a statement on the newspapers website early this morning .

  18. 在去年收购《南华早报》时,阿里巴巴被指试图干涉编审独立,原因是其执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)表示,该报可能成为他所称的西方媒体对中国负面和偏见报道的替代品。

    In last year 's purchase of South China Morning Post , Alibaba was accused of seeking to interfere editorially after Joe Tsai , its executive vice-chairman , said the newspaper could be an alternative to western coverage of China , which he described as negative and biased .

  19. 上周五(12月11日),中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴宣布收购SCMP集团的媒体资产,其中包括总部在香港的最具影响力的一份英文报纸:南华早报(SCMP)。

    On Friday , the Chinese Internet giant announced it is to acquire the media assets of the SCMP Group , including one of the most influential English language newspapers based in Hong Kong , the South China Morning Post ( SCMP ) .

  20. 《南华早报》说,其继续坚持原文的说法。

    The SCMP said it continues to stand by the original article .

  21. 这样《南华早报》或许还有未来。

    Then the SCMP might have a future .

  22. 从<南华早报>新闻得知,位于士丹利街88号,那如画般的蓝屋将在两年内拆毁。

    The iconic blue house at88 Stanley main street will be demolished in2 yrs time .

  23. 他为《南华早报》撰写了许多有关教育万面的文章。

    He has contributed a great many articles education to the South China Morning Post .

  24. 一旦《南华早报》变成一家全天候为中国打气的报纸,全球读者是不会买账的。

    If the SCMP becomes a full-time China-booster it will not win over global readers .

  25. 南华早报是一份日报,它分享典型的西方价值观念和新闻媒体视角。

    The SCMP is a daily newspaper that shares typical Western values and perspectives in media coverage .

  26. 你们在6月12日《南华早报》上所刊登的广告似乎是专为我而作。

    Your ad in the June 12 Nanhua Morning could have been written especially with me in mind .

  27. 我作为路透社和《南华早报》的记者对回归日的活动进行了报道。

    I covered the handover myself for the Reuters and the South China Morning Post at that time .

  28. 周三,为扩大该报影响力,《南华早报》取消了付费订阅墙。

    On Wednesday , to broaden the reach of the paper , the SCMP dropped its subscriber paywall .

  29. 据《南华早报》报道,陈光标称他知道众多美国报刊都是由犹太人掌控的。

    Chen said he was aware that many American papers were Jewish-owned , the South China Morning Post reported .

  30. 与多数报纸一样,近年来《南华早报》也遭遇广告收入下降和在线媒体竞争带来的财务困境。

    SCMP has suffered financially , like most newspapers , from a decline in advertising and competition from online media .