
  1. 那时候,市民们对纸币贬值的恐惧已经平息,美元纸币随之诞生。

    At this point , citizens , old fears of devalued paper currency had calmed , and the dollar bill was born .

  2. 市场预计全球纸币将会贬值,这使黄金成为一种有吸引力的长期投资。

    It is this expectation of global paper currency debasement which makes gold an attractive long-term investment .

  3. 物价上涨的同时,南部联盟政府和纸币不断贬值,纸币越贬值人们就越发渴望看到奢侈品。

    With the rise in prices , Confederate money sank , and with its rapid fall there rose a wild passion for luxuries .

  4. 仍有许多金甲虫相信,黄金总能大放异彩,尤其是在纸币或将贬值、通胀风险迫近的情况下。

    There are still plenty of gold bugs who believe it will always outshine , especially as the value of paper currencies threatens to plunge and inflation looms .