
  • 网络Paper Money System
  1. 元朝统治者发展了纸币制度,政府强制发行不兑换纸币,成为元代的基本的币制。

    Yuan Dynasty ruler developed the paper money system , the government has forced the issue department to exchange the paper money , became the basic currency system of Yuan Dynasty .

  2. 作者通过对文献资料的分析研究,详细论述了元代中期即自成宗至顺帝时期的纸币制度。

    Through an analysis of documents , the author makes a detailed review of the paper money system in the middle of Yuan Dynasty , i.e. from the period of Emperor Cheng Zong to that of Emperor Shun Di .

  3. 纸币制度下汇率变动因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Exchange Rate Based on Paper Currency

  4. 逆格雷欣法则的提出将使人们重新审视在信用纸币制度下的货币竞争问题。

    The proposition of " Anti-Gresham 's Law " makes people reexamine the competition of the currency in the credit system of paper currency .

  5. 在信用纸币制度和自由开放的国际经济环境中,货币竞争遵循良币驱逐劣币的逆格雷欣法则;

    Currency competition abides by the law of " Anti-Gresham 's Law ", good money drives out bad , in the credit system of paper currency and the freely open international economic environment ;

  6. 20世纪30年代在世界范围实行了纸币流通制度。

    In the 1930s , the system of paper money circulation was established worldwide .

  7. 奥地利、波兰、罗马尼亚等都采取这种“本国纸币与他国金本位纸币挂钩”的制度。

    Austria , Poland , Rumania , etc. , are on this paper-based-on-paper-based-on-gold basis .

  8. 中国古代纸币流通至元一代,已近四百年,而元作为第一个以统一的纸币作为基本货币制度的朝代,积累有丰富的纸币发行管理经验。

    It lasted nearly four hundred years until the Yuan Dynasty . The Yuan Dynasty , the first dynasty treated the paper currency as the basic monetary system , had accumulated a wealth of experience of issuance and management of paper currency .