
  1. 俄罗斯股市的本轮下跌主要是获利回吐所致,今年1月1日至6月2日期间,rts指数飙升87%,是当时全球表现最好的重要市场。

    This time round , Russian equities have largely fallen on profit-taking as the RTS soared 87 per cent between January 1 and June 2 the best-performing important market in the world at that point .

  2. 俄罗斯股市已经贬值20%。

    The Russian stock market has depreciated by 20 % .

  3. 此举重创了俄罗斯股市。

    The move weighed broadly on Russian stocks .

  4. 能源价格以及俄格冲突后政治风险上升,造成俄罗斯股市下跌。

    Falls were driven by energy prices and increased political risk after the Georgia conflict .

  5. 如果美国陷入衰退,俄罗斯股市会发生什么变化?

    What will happen to the Russian stock market if there is a US recession ?

  6. 今年,俄罗斯股市已跌去70%的市值。

    The Russian stock market has lost 70 per cent of its value this year .

  7. 这个决定出台之前,俄罗斯股市星期一遭受了有史以来最大幅度的下跌。

    The move has come after Russian stocks suffered their worst pounding ever in trading on Monday .

  8. 但是,此举引发了许多经济学家的担忧,并造成俄罗斯股市进一步大幅下挫。

    But that announcement caused dismay among many economists , leading to further calamitous falls in the Russian stock market .

  9. 在石油与货币危机重创俄罗斯股市的情况下,俄罗斯人期盼着同样的结果。

    The Russians twhose market has been beaten down during the oil / currency crisis hare expecting a similar result .

  10. 5月份以来,俄罗斯股市重挫近50%,昨天又下跌2.7%。

    The stock market has fallen almost 50 per cent since May and fell a further 2.7 per cent yesterday .

  11. 总体来说,俄罗斯股市市盈率为2008年预期收益的7.7倍,为2009年预期收益的7.4倍。

    Overall , the market is trading on a PE ratio of 7.7 times 2008 earnings and 7.4 times 2009 earnings .

  12. 自今年6月1日以来,中国股市的表现雄居全球各大市场之首,而俄罗斯股市则是表现最差的市场。

    While Chinese equities have been the best-performing of the big markets in the world since June 1 , Russian shares have been the worst .

  13. 该协议最初缓解了各方担忧,俄罗斯股市涨至3个月来的高位,但由于美国信用评级仍有下调可能,市场恐慌仍然存在。

    The deal initially soothed anxieties and led Russian stocks to jump to three-month highs , but jitters remained over the possibility of a credit downgrade .

  14. 说实话,答案很有可能是俄罗斯股市,因为与之相关的波动性和风险更大。

    Quite frankly , it 's very possible that it 's the Russian equities . There 's more volatility and more risk associated with the position .

  15. 拉美和俄罗斯股市:在动荡中回升;中、美、俄、德、澳5国优势项目的比较研究

    Latin America and Russian stock market : Go up in the turbulence ; Comparative Study on Superior Events among China , USA , RUS , GER and AUS

  16. 此外,债券交易人称,在周三早些时候,俄罗斯股市急剧下跌,俄罗斯中央银行动用了约20亿美元来保持货币稳定。随后,俄罗斯的两大主要股票交易所再次被关闭。

    The country 's two chief stock exchanges were again shut after sharp stock declines and the central bank spent about $ 2 billion defending the currency early Wednesday , traders said .

  17. 俄罗斯股市昨日进一步下挫,使本月缩水幅度扩大到超过20%。此轮下跌突显了俄罗斯作为全球最动荡市场之一的纪录。

    Shares in Russia dropped further yesterday , extending losses this month to more than 20 per cent in a sell-off that has underscored the country 's record as one of the world 's most volatile markets .

  18. 虽然普京承认,过去一年实际工资有所下降,通胀居高不下,但他认为,近期卢布升值及俄罗斯股市回暖等迹象表明,政府实施了正确的经济政策。

    While Mr Putin acknowledged that real wages had fallen over the past year and that inflation had remained high , he argued that the recent strengthening of the rouble and Russian stock market were signs that the government was implementing the correct economic policy .

  19. 中国股市过去3个月上涨了25%;俄罗斯股市本月进入技术上的熊市,较峰值水平下跌了20%,但过去一个季度的涨幅仍然达到38%,为2005年以来最好的季度表现。

    Chinese stocks ended 25 per cent higher in the past three months . Russian stocks entered a technical bear market this month , down 20 per cent from their peak , but still posted a 38 per cent gain on the quarter for their best run since 2005 .

  20. 奥尼尔认为,中国股市今年的上涨,或许是一轮牛市行情的开端,有可能持续5年或更长时间。不过他承认,未来5年,印度和俄罗斯股市将难以重演过去5年的涨势。

    Mr O'Neill believes this year 's rally in Chinese equities could be the start of a bull market , potentially lasting five years or more , although he accepts that India and Russia will struggle to repeat their gains of the past half decade in the next five years .

  21. 不过,科技股占俄罗斯股市的比重仅为4.1%。说实话,这并不是低得可怜的水平:它高于欧盟、加拿大、澳大利亚和可怜的巴西的科技股比重。科技股占巴西股市的比重仅有区区0.3%。

    Yet tech stocks account for just 4.1 per cent of the Russian stock market . This , admittedly , is not a pitifully low level : it is higher than in the European Union , Canada , Australia and poor old Brazil , where the weighting towards tech is a princely 0.3 per cent .

  22. 这个星期,俄罗斯的股市和货币交换市场都下跌到两年来的最低水平。

    This week , Russian stock markets and exchange markets dropped to their lowest level in2 years .

  23. 俄罗斯和巴西股市同样有所上涨,体现出两市对大宗商品相关个股的依赖。

    Russia and Brazil also made gains , reflecting their reliance on commodity - related stocks .

  24. 部分原因在于大宗商品价格的下挫,引发俄罗斯和巴西股市在短短6个月内下跌70%。

    This is partly because of the plunge in commodity prices , which saw the Russian and Brazilian markets drop by 70 per cent in just six months .

  25. 相比之下,周一俄罗斯军队实际控制克里米亚的消息传出后,俄罗斯股市暴跌了10%。

    By contrast , the news that Russian troops have taken effective control of Crimea was greeted , yesterday , by a 10 per cent collapse in shares on the Russian market .

  26. 俄罗斯的经济繁荣发展已经一去不回,到目前为止,俄罗斯的股市下跌了70%。

    Russia 's economic boom is over for now , with its stock market down about 70 percent .

  27. 在市场监管人员星期三宣布股市停止交易的时候,俄罗斯交易系统指数下跌了6.5%。从6月1日到现在,俄罗斯股市已经下滑了50%。

    When regulators suspended trading at mid-day Wednesday , Russia 's RTS Index of leading stocks had fallen nearly 6.5 percent , adding to its 50 percent drop since June 1 .

  28. 俄罗斯昨日面临对其市场经济的一项最大考验,此前,该国被迫关闭国内两家主要证交所,以阻止股市进一步下挫,俄罗斯股市已创下自1998年8月金融危机以来的最大跌幅。

    Russia was facing one of the biggest tests of its market economy yesterday after it was forced to close its two main stock exchanges to halt a rout that has led to the steepest declines since the August 1998 crisis .