
  • 网络Russian passport;Russia passport
  1. 昨天他接过自己的俄罗斯护照,入俄籍以抗议法国政府对百万富翁的高税收。

    Yesterday he received his Russian passport , all part of his battle against proposed French tax on millionaires .

  2. 他解释道:用俄罗斯护照旅行相当困难,所以如果我可以在这里接受高质量的教学辅导,为什么还要搭上时间与金钱去海外学习呢?

    He explains : It is difficult to travel with a Russian passport and if I can get good quality [ tutoring ] here , why travel overseas and spend time and money on it ?

  3. 而俄罗斯则表示,他们开进格鲁吉亚是保护在南奥塞梯的俄罗斯公民,其中许多人都持有俄罗斯护照。

    Russia says it moved in to Georgia to protect its citizens in South Ossetia , many of whom have been given Russian passports .

  4. 俄罗斯说,俄军进入格鲁吉亚是保护南奥塞梯的俄罗斯公民。在南奥塞梯的很多人都有俄罗斯护照。

    Russia says it moved into Georgia to protect its citizens in South Ossetia , many of whom have been given Russian passports .