
  • 网络Russia Pavilion
  1. 在原世博园区内目前还保留有意大利馆、西班牙馆、法国馆和俄罗斯馆,正在进行内部改造,预计在中国馆和沙特馆开放后也将陆续开门迎客。

    The Italy , Spain , France and Russia pavilions , which were also preserved after the expo closed , are under restoration and will be reopened after the China and Saudi Arabia pavilions , he added .

  2. 向俄罗斯领事馆派遣了一支袭击部队。

    To send an assault team into the Russian consulate .

  3. 一位在巴格达的俄罗斯大使馆的官员证实了这次袭击属实。

    An official at the Russian Embassy in Baghdad confirmed the attack .

  4. 位于哈瓦那的俄罗斯大使馆完工于1985年。

    Number 18 : The Russian Embassy in Havana was completed in 1985 .

  5. 准备向俄罗斯领事馆进攻。

    For an assault on the consulate .

  6. 我安排了相关事宜,从医院转到俄罗斯大使馆,然后飞回莫斯科。

    I arranged a transfer to the Russian embassy , then took a flight to Moscow .

  7. 美国、俄罗斯和德国大使馆附近也爆发了激战。

    Fighting also raged near the US , Russian and German embassies .

  8. 俄罗斯驻洛杉矶领事馆了。

    On the Russian Consulate here in Los angeles .

  9. 记者无法立即联系到俄罗斯驻巴黎大使馆的官员进行置评。

    No officials at the Russian embassy in Paris were immediately available for comment .

  10. 比如,为了体现出俄罗斯是一个多民族的国家,俄罗斯馆四周设计建造了12座塔,塔的颜色分为三种:白色、金色和红色。

    For example , the12 towers around the pavilion , with three different colors of white , golden and red , are designed to represent a multi-ethnic Russia .