
é tǔ zhàn zhēnɡ
  • Russo-Turkish wars
  1. 泛斯拉夫主义的本质与性状在1877&1878年俄土战争中,得到充分的展示。大民族与小民族的利己主义,在这场战争中可一览无余。

    The essence and characteristic of Pan-Slavism was fully showed in the War between Russia and Turkey in 1877-1878.The egoism of big-nationality and small-nationality could take in everything in a glance in this war .

  2. 令人意想不到的是,彼得和叶卡捷琳娜竟然坠入爱河。1711年,彼得陷入土耳其军队的重围(译注:1711年俄土战争,彼得一世亲征普鲁特河),叶卡捷琳娜用珠宝贿赂敌军,帮他突围保住皇位,并令俄军撤退,使其免遭歼灭。

    Somewhat unexpectedly , Peter and Catherine fell in love , and she even managed to save his empire in from the Turks in 1711 , offering her jewels as a bribe and allowing the Russians to retreat rather than face annihilation .