
hǎi jūn zhōnɡ xiào
  • commander of the navy
  1. 这位海军中校随意地朝他们挥挥手便扬帆而过。

    Giving them an airy wave of his hand , the Commander sailed past .

  2. 他是位从不冒险的海军中校。

    He was a commander who never took risks .

  3. 能成为一名父亲、丈夫、一位海军中校。

    A father , a husband , a navy commander .

  4. 1929年11月29日,海军中校理查德E.伯德中校发电称他已经完成第一次飞越南极。

    On Nov. 29 , 1929 , Navy Lt. Cmdr. Richard E. Byrd radioed that he 'd made the first airplane flight over the South Pole .

  5. 像海军中校Anthony“Buddy”Bianca这样的V-22飞行员们知道他们的飞机将要在火力不够的情况下奔赴战场。

    V-22 pilots like Marine Lieutenant Colonel Anthony " Buddy " Bianca know their aircraft is heading off to war with inadequate firepower .

  6. 海军中校责成他们负责该艘舰船的安全。

    The commander enjoined on them the responsibility for the safety of the ship .

  7. 海军副官泰兹韦尔·谢泼德中校报告了滩头阵地确实的又不妙的情况。火柴作兹兹声而熄灭。

    Commander Tazewell Shepard , the naval aide , gave a report , precise and bleak , on the beachhead . The match sputtered out .

  8. 政府编码密码学校的负责人,是海军的阿拉斯泰尔·丹尼斯顿中校,经过财务部的批准,他雇佣了30个助理作为高级人员,另外还有大约50个工作人员和打字员。

    The director of GC and CS , Commander Alastair Denniston , was allowed by the Treasury to employ thirty civilian Assistants , 30 as the high-level staff were called , and about fifty clerks and typists .

  9. 一个在海军中军衔在海军上尉之上和海军中校之下的委任的官员。

    A commissioned officer in the navy ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander .