
hǎi zàng
  • sea-burial;deep six
海葬 [hǎi zàng]
  • [sea-burial] 将尸体抛入大海的或将骨灰撒入大海的一种丧葬法

海葬[hǎi zàng]
  1. 对那水手进行了海葬。

    The sailor was given a burial at sea .

  2. 他补充说,海葬还有助于避免在祭拜先人的传统节日清明节(TomeSweepingDay)时的交通拥堵。

    Water burials also help prevent traffic jams during Tomb Sweeping Day , the traditional festival for visiting the dead , he added .

  3. 去世船长的遗体海葬了。

    The body of the dead captain was put out to sea .

  4. 当我死的时候,我想被海葬。

    When my time comes , I wanna be buried at sea .

  5. 随后,美军迅速将其尸体海葬。

    They then ferried the body out for a quick burial at sea .

  6. 有关官员称,尸体已动用航空母舰进行海葬。

    Officials say the body was buried at sea from a Navy ship .

  7. 这名水手被海葬了。

    The sailor was buried at sea .

  8. 我想被海葬,这看起来很有趣。

    Mr. Geller : I wanna be buried at sea , it looks like fun .

  9. 考虑来场海葬吗

    Contemplating a burial at sea ?

  10. 也许我死后,他们会说“海葬!啊!”

    Maybe after I 'm gone , they 'll say ' Buried at sea ! Huh ! ' .

  11. 美国军队击毙了本·拉登,将他的遗体进行海葬。

    S.military forces Sunday in Pakistan , who killed Osama bin Laden , captured his body and buried it at sea .

  12. 出现在圣战网站上的另一份声明则认为本·拉登的海葬是“贬低和羞辱他的家人”。

    Another statement appeared on a jihadist website saying the burial of Bin Laden at sea " demeans and humiliates his family " .

  13. 声明还说,美国决定对本·拉登实行海葬已经剥夺了家人对他的遗体进行宗教仪式的权利。

    The statement also said the US decision to bury Bin Laden 's corpse at sea had deprived the family of performing religious rites .

  14. 美联社引用美国官员的话称本拉登的尸体已经被海葬,虽然这一消息尚未得到证实。

    US official quoted by AP news agency said bin Laden 's body had been buried at sea , although this has not been confirmed .

  15. 他死后海葬,并获颁维多利亚十字勋章。那是表扬英国军人勇敢的最高荣誉勋章。

    He was buried at sea , and awarded posthumously the Victoria Cross , the highest award for gallantry that can be given to British forces .

  16. 在漆黑的午夜将那个小伙子海葬是不符合海军的传统的。

    It was not in keeping with the traditions of the navy to give this lad a deep six in the darkness of midnight . ( H.M. Forgy ) .

  17. 它说美国总统奥巴马在法律上有责任对我们父亲的命运做出解释,并且海葬是对本·拉登家人以及他的支持者的蔑视和侮辱。

    It said US President Barack Obama was " legally responsible " for clarifying " the fate of our father " and that the sea burial " demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters " .

  18. 我们把他端端正正地缝裹在吊床里,头脚处放了两块各三十六磅重的铅块,就在艾尔及里奥岛外把他海葬了。

    We performed the usual burial service , and he is at his rest , sewn up in his hammock with a thirty-six pound shot at his head and his heels , off El Giglio island .

  19. 我们需要为下一代节约用地。他表示,海下面也是有地的,试图说明海葬也能像土葬一样合适地履行家庭义务。

      we need to save it for the next generation , he said , noting there is land also under the sea , an attempt to argue that water burials fulfil family duties as properly as land ones .

  20. 郑先生表示,土葬不会很快“消亡”目前只有2%的上海人选择海葬但他预计海葬补贴会随着政府对环境的关注而增加。

    Mr Zheng said land burials will not " die out " any time soon only 2 per cent of Shanghainese choose sea funerals but he expects sea burial subsidies to rise in line with the increasing government focus on the environment .

  21. 江南地区古遗址古墓葬水环境治理的案例介绍将(尸体)土葬,海葬

    The Case Introduction of Water Harnessing for Ancient Sites and Tombs in the Regions South of Yangtze River bury / 5berI ; ` bZrI / v ( pt , pp buried ) place ( a dead body ) in a grave or in the sea