
jiāo dǎo
  • reef island
礁岛[jiāo dǎo]
  1. 他们在布鲁克林找到一间公寓,他们和一群绝妙的朋友一同开车南下前往佛罗里达礁岛群(FloridaKeys)。

    They found an apartment in Brooklyn and they were surrounded by groovy friends who all went on road trips together down to the Florida Keys .

  2. 散布在海上的上千个礁岛挡住了喧嚣的大西洋波涛。

    A reef of a thousand islands kept out the Atlantic tumult of the waves .

  3. 太平洋岛屿上的居民有很多住在珊瑚礁岛上,他们面临的危险是最大的。

    Pacific Islanders , many living on coral atolls , are among those most at risk .

  4. 论白礁岛主权争端及其对新马关系和东盟发展的影响

    Study on the Pedra Branca Dispute and Its Influence on Relations between Singapore and Malaysia and ASEAN 's Development

  5. 白礁岛、中岩礁和南礁案的国际法解读

    An Interpretation on the Case of Pedra Branca , Middle Rocks and South Ledge : from the Perspective of International Law

  6. 近日,一名深海潜水员在佛罗里达礁岛群海底发现了一条17世纪的金链,价值25万美元。

    A deep sea diver has unearthed a17th century chain worth $ 250,000 from the ocean floor of the Florida Keys .

  7. 在他生活的萨它瓦尔礁岛上,他们靠到太平洋捕深海鱼维生。

    on tiny Satawal Atoll , where he spent his life , deep-sea fishing out in the Pacific was necessary to survive .

  8. 诗69:25愿他们的住处、为荒场.他们的帐棚、人居住。我把一个荒无人烟的礁岛拿来做例子。

    May their camp be desolate ; May none dwell in their tents . I showed you an empty key as an example .

  9. 东昆仑南坡半局限海中的礁岛及碳酸盐建隆在分布上缺乏明显的规律性,但该区生物礁较发育。

    Although there are many well developed reefs in the southern slope of East Kunlun , the reef islands and carbonate buildups were distributed irregularly in this area .

  10. 东昆仑南坡半局限海中以短轴型的礁岛或碳酸盐建隆及相对较深的岛间盆地相沉积为特征;

    The back arc basin in the southern slope of East Kunlun was widely scattered by short dimension reef islands or carbonate buildups and relatively deep basins among the reef islands .

  11. 珊瑚礁在岛的南部沿海发育最好。

    The coral reef evolves most in the southern coast of the Island .

  12. 航空母舰可以加强我国的能力,声称该礁珊瑚岛、南华海,面积可能富含石油和其他资源。

    An aircraft carrier could enhance China 's ability to lay claim to the islands and coral atolls of the South China Sea , an area potentially rich in oil and other resources .

  13. 除了有珊瑚礁外,岛上还有光线柔和带有超宽阳台的房子,有一些海水比较平静的海湾适合孩子游玩。岛上周六早晨有早市,游客们可以在那里买各种各样的热带水果。

    Along with coves buffeted by coral reefs , the island boasts pastel houses with wide verandas , bays with calm waters for children and the Saturday Morning Market , where visitors can buy all manner of tropical fruits .

  14. 1990年2月5日,菲律宾驻德国大使比安弗尼多致函德国无线电爱好者迪特表示:“根据菲律宾国家地图和资源信息局,斯卡伯勒礁或黄岩岛不在菲律宾领土主权范围以内。”

    On 5 February 1990 , Philippine Ambassador to Germany Bienvenido A. Tan , Jr. stated in a letter to German HAM radio amateur Dieter L ö ffler that , " According to the Philippine National Mapping and Resource Information Authority , the Scarborough Reef or Huangyan Dao does not fall within the territorial sovereignty of the Philippines . "

  15. 那个热带小岛四周有珊瑚礁环绕。我把一个荒无人烟的礁岛拿来做例子。

    The tiny tropical island was girdled about with a coral reef . I showed you an empty key as an example .