
  • 网络maritime surveillance ship
  1. 中国昨天派遣两艘海监船驶近日本控制、但存在争议的尖阁诸岛(SenkakuIslands,中国称“钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿”)。

    China sent two maritime surveillance vessels close to the Japanese-controlled disputed Senkaku islands yesterday , writes Kathrin Hille .

  2. 3000吨级中国海监船锚机基座强度分析

    Strength analysis on windlass base for a 3000 t Chinese ocean surveillance ship

  3. 中国派遣海监船加强在相关海域执法活动。

    China enhances law enforcement activities in relevant waters .

  4. 我想再问一下美国海监船的问题。

    I want to go back to the question of the US surveillance ship .

  5. 在部署海监船之前,中国政府宣布了有争议岛屿的领海基线。

    Before deploying the ships , Beijing had announced territorial baselines for the islands .

  6. 两艘中国海监船已经驶抵钓鱼岛近海海域。

    Two Chinese surveillance ship fleets have arrived in the waters around Diaoyu Islands .

  7. 去年,中国海监船与越南和菲律宾两国的地震勘探船都曾发生冲突。

    Last year , marine surveillance ships clashed with both Philippine and Vietnamese seismic vessels .

  8. 周五时候,两艘中国海监船达到钓鱼岛附近海域,并驶入近水区域。

    Two fleets of Chinese surveillance ships arrived in the waters surrounding the Diaoyu Islands on Friday .

  9. 中国海监船迅速赶到事发现场,阻止菲律宾海军逮捕中国渔民。

    Chinese marine surveillance ships quickly arrived on the scene , preventing the Philippines from making any arrests .

  10. 中国的海监船离钓鱼岛海岸最近的时候只有1.5海里。

    The Chinese patrol ships got as close as 1.5-nautical miles from the Diaoyu Islands during the patrol .

  11. 这是中国第一次派遣海监船到此处巡视,此举意在证明中国对边境线的控制。

    This is the first time Chinese surveillance ships are patrolling the area following the move to mark the border .

  12. 周一,日本海上保安厅说,三艘中国海监船进入争议岛屿附近的日本领海。

    On Monday , the Japan Coast Guard said three Chinese maritime surveillance vessels entered Japanese territorial waters near the islands .

  13. 周五早上,两艘中国海监船开始围绕钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿进行维权巡航执法。

    Two Chinese surveillance ship fleets started patrol and law enforcement around Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islets on Friday morning .

  14. 两艘中国海监船已经出发前往钓鱼岛,表达出中国维护领土主权的信心。

    Two China Marine Surveillance ships have been sent to the Diaoyu Island area to press China 's sovereignty over the islands .

  15. 后来,这艘菲律宾军舰、中国渔船和一艘中国海监船离开斯卡伯勒浅滩,使僵局有所缓和。

    The Philippine navy vessel , the Chinese fishing boats and a Chinese maritime surveillance craft then left the shoal , easing the impasse somewhat .

  16. 自今年5月河内方面声称中国海监船破坏越南石油勘测船以来,中国和越南一直在试图修补关系。

    China and Vietnam have been trying to mend fences ever since Hanoi claimed in May that Chinese patrol boats had sabotaged Vietnamese oil exploration vessels .

  17. 中国海事部门官员表示,周四上午,飞机已抵达钓鱼岛领空,并与四艘海监船编队一起巡视。

    China 's maritime authorities say the plane arrived in the area on Thursday morning and conducted joint patrols with a fleet of four surveillance ships .

  18. 一艘中国海监船最近在距离越南海岸120海里的海上割断了一艘石油勘探船的深水电缆,并骚扰了另外一艘在菲律宾附近海域作业的石油勘探船。

    A Chinese coastguard vessel recently cut deepwater cables on an oil exploration survey ship 120 miles off Vietnam , and harassed another off the Philippine coast .

  19. 中国愤怒还击,派出了两艘海监船前往钓鱼岛附近水域(日本称尖阁诸岛)。

    China reacted with outrage , and sent two patrol vessels to waters near what the Japanese call the Senkaku Islands , and the Chinese call the Diaoyu .

  20. 中国渔船与邻国船舶,以及越南渔船与中国海监船,也频繁在南中国海爆发冲突。

    There are also frequent clashes between Chinese fishing boats and ships from neighbouring countries in the South China Sea , and between Vietnamese fishing boats and Chinese government vessels .

  21. 10艘中国海监船与2艘渔政船已经抵达钓鱼岛附近海域,另有超过2艘中国渔政船正在开往钓鱼岛海域途中。

    Ten Chinese Marine surveillance ships and two Chinese fishery administration ships have arrived in waters near the Diaoyu Islands , with two more China fishery administration ships on the way .

  22. 在南中国海,中国将菲律宾人从一个有争议的沙洲逐出,中国海监船还对越南渔民和别国商船进行骚扰。

    In the South China Sea , China has dislodged the Philippines from a contested shoal , and Chinese maritime security vessels have harassed Vietnamese fishermen and other foreign commercial ships .

  23. 菲律宾星期三说,一艘菲律宾军舰与两艘中国海监船发生对峙,这两艘船阻止菲律宾在有争议的南中国海海域逮捕中国渔民。

    The Philippines said Wednesday one of its warships is engaged in a standoff with two Chinese surveillance vessels that blocked the arrest of Chinese fishermen in disputed waters of the South China Sea .

  24. 两艘中国海监船与菲律宾海军一艘军舰在南中国海有争议水域发生对峙,这是该地区紧张局势不断加剧的最新实例。

    Two Chinese marine surveillance ships have been engaged in a stand-off with a Philippine navy vessel in a disputed area of the South China Sea , the latest example of rising tensions in the region .

  25. 理论上,休渔将降低紧张程度,因为双方的渔船都不得进入有争议的海域,但此举也可能产生相反的效果,因为两国官方的海监船很可能会在相关海域实施巡逻,以执行休渔规定。

    A fishing ban would in theory lower tensions by keeping fishing boats from both sides away from the disputed area , but could also have the opposite effect as official vessels from both countries are likely to patrol the waters to enforce the ban .

  26. 据中国国家海洋局发表的声明表示,中国海监编队各船对日方侵权船只进行监视。

    According to a statement from the State Oceanic Administration , the vessels have been monitoring Japanese ships which are said to be in violation of China 's territorial waters .