
chuán wù
  • dock;shipyard;dockyard;ship docks
船坞 [chuán wù]
  • [dock;shipyard] 通常指与港口或内河相连通的并有控制水位的装备用以停泊、收容船舶的场所

  • 把船送进船坞修理

船坞[chuán wù]
  1. 船泊在船坞。

    The ship was in dock .

  2. 客轮停在船坞里大修。

    The liner was in dock for major repairs .

  3. 难闻的蒸汽由船坞中余留的泥浆散发出来。

    Noisome vapours arise from the mud left in the docks

  4. 这艘游艇现停泊在利明顿的一处船坞里。

    The yacht now lies in a boatyard at Lymington .

  5. 一艘新战舰从船坞下水。

    A new battleship was launched from a shipyard .

  6. 船停泊在干船坞里时水手们都上岸去了。

    The crew was on the beach while the ship was in dry dock .

  7. 集成ANSYS的船坞浮箱下水仿真系统

    Simulation System of Ship Launching on Dock Pontoon Integrated With ANSYS

  8. 基床系数K值对船坞底板设计厚度的影响研究

    Influence of Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction ( k ) on Thickness of A Dock Bottom Plate

  9. 仿真结果表明,标准H∞控制对浮船坞这样的多变量强耦合的系统有较好的控制效果。

    And the simulation indicates that the standard H _ ∞ control has good system performance and robust stability performance .

  10. 对地铁系统和船坞轻铁(docklandslightrailway)的改善将会提高上下班交通的速度。

    Enhancements to the underground rail system and Docklands Light Railway will speed commuter travel .

  11. 阐述了鲁棒控制中的标准H∞控制算法,并采用该算法中的基于Riccati不等式状态反馈标准H∞控制器设计方法,对浮船坞控制系统进行了理论探讨和仿真研究。

    A theoretical study and a simulation of floating dockyard are done with Riccati state feedback of the standard H _ ∞ control algorithm of robust control .

  12. 适宜改建成浮船坞的VLCC选择

    The Choice of a VLCC Suitable to be Retrofitted into a Floating Dock

  13. VLCC改建成大型浮船坞的工艺

    Conversion of VLCC into large floating dock

  14. 乘潮作业的港口、船坞、航道,需要了解某一持续时间(例如两小时)的高潮潮位,这里以H2表示。

    In order for harbors , docks and channels to have enough depths to operate , the higher tide above a height held a duration , e.g. two hours ( denoted by H_ ( 2 )) should be known .

  15. 在鸿洲国际游艇会(VisunRoyalYachtClub)&一个建有船坞的大型地产项目,营销经理承认,许多泊位还在闲置着。

    At the Visun Royal Yacht Club , a vast property development with a marina attached , the marketing manager admits many of the berths are vacant .

  16. 本文介绍美两栖攻击舰(LHA)和两栖船坞运输舰(LPD)的作战系统及其设备。

    This article introduces amphibious assault ship ( LHA ) and amphibious transport docks ( LPD ) of American navy .

  17. 800t浮船坞载运三峡临时船闸稳性和强度分析

    Analysis on the stability and structural strength for the 800 t floating dock while shipping the temporary ship-lock-gate

  18. 该馆由建筑事务所比贾克·英格尔斯集团(BjarkeIngelsGroup)设计,用玻璃结构筑成U型干船坞。倾斜的地板和之字形曲曲折折的步道让人想起随着浪涛起伏的甲板。

    Designed by the architectural firm Bjarke Ingels Group , the glassy structure is built into a U-shaped dry dock and filled with slanted floors and zigzag passageways that evoke ocean-rocked ships ' decks .

  19. 其中一个度假村是五星级的蜃景喜来登度假酒店(SheratonMirage)。这家酒店曾以其巨大的游泳池、高尔夫球场、船坞和迷你购物中心帮助道格拉斯港在1987年荣登上旅游地图。

    One property the five-star Sheraton Mirage helped put Port Douglas on the tourist map in 1987 with its giant swimming pool , golf course , marina and mini shopping mall .

  20. 去年福布斯家族的汉兰达(Highlander)游艇都被拖到了干船坞里,船员也已被辞退。

    Last year the Forbes family motor yacht , the Highlander , was put into dry dock , its crew laid off .

  21. 附近矗立着一座农庄,门外停着几辆SUV,还有几座小型的混凝土船坞探入湖中,几乎直指着就在几百码开外的茵湖岛。

    A farmhouse with a couple of S.U.V.s parked outside stood nearby , and there was a little concrete dock jutting out into the lake , pointed almost directly at Innisfree a few hundred yards away .

  22. 早些时候,在晚上八点左右他们似乎就已经乘一艘较大的船在沙逊船坞(Sasoondock)登陆,之后换乘橡皮艇向市中心的目的地进发。

    It would appear that they had landed earlier , around8pm , in a larger vessel at Sasoon dock and then used the dinghies to get closer to their targets in the heart of the city .

  23. 本文结合一座由26万吨旧VLCC改建的10万吨级浮船坞的设计实践,综述了旧VL-CC改建大型浮坞的经济价值,及其改建设计中的主要技术问题。

    The paper describes the design practice of the floating dock " Heng Shan " with 100,000 ton lifting capacity , modified from an old VLCC . The author expounds the economy of floating dock modified from old VLCC and some technical problems of modification .

  24. 大连中远30万t浮船坞工程是目前国内最大的浮船坞工程,共设计海上基桩30根,桩径800mm,嵌入中风化岩石4~5m,最深达8m。

    Dalian COSCO 300000 DWT floating dock is the largest floating dock engineering in China at present , with 30 sea piles of 800 mm in diameter , embedded 4 ~ 5 m ( the deepest is up to 8 m ) in intermediary weathering rock .

  25. 俄勒冈州的Astoria港口正在经历一场非同寻常的挑战—在不伤害它们的情况下,怎样把2300多头占用船坞为家的海狮赶走。成群结队的海狮仅在今年对港口的设施和码头的损坏,造成了百万美元的损失。

    The Port of Astoria in Oregon is battling an unusual challenge - how to rid the area of the over 2300 sealions that have taken up residence on the piers , without harming them . The ever increasing population of the animals has caused 100000 USD in damages to utilities and docks , just this year .

  26. 船坞施工中钢板桩围护技术与监测

    The Technique and Monitoring of Steel Sheet-pile Backstop in Dock Construction

  27. 伊丽莎白二世女王号进入船坞准备大修。

    The Queen Elizabeth II was in dock for major repairs .

  28. 大型船坞组合钢板桩锤击法施工工艺

    Technology for Driving of Combined Steel Sheet Piles for Large Docks

  29. 三十万吨浮船坞的锚泊系统设计

    The design of anchor mooring for 300 000 DWT floating dock

  30. 浮船坞出运沉箱技术在船坞工程中的应用

    Application of Floating Dock Transporting Technique of Caisson to Dock Engineering