
chuán tǐ
  • hull;body;bottom;the body of a ship
船体 [chuán tǐ]
  • [hull] 即船身

船体[chuán tǐ]
  1. 他们爬上了倾覆的船体,等候救援。

    They climbed onto the upturned hull and waited to be rescued .

  2. 船体右舷遭到重创。

    The hull had suffered extensive damage to the starboard side .

  3. 帆船的船体上出现了一条裂缝。

    The yacht has sprung a leak in the hull .

  4. 他把牵引支架固定在船体上。

    He fixed the towing cradle round the hull .

  5. 每次龙骨触地的时候你都能感受到船体所受的压力。

    You sense the stresses in the hull each time the keel meets the ground

  6. 恶劣天气仍然可能使油轮船体遭受更多破损。

    It remains possible that bad weather could tear more holes in the tanker 's hull .

  7. 之前在船体上炸出了两个洞,以便把水排出,使船平稳下来。

    Earlier two holes were blasted into the ship 's hull to let water out and stabilise the ferry

  8. 水从船体上的漏洞中涌进来。

    Water poured in through a leak in the ship 's hull .

  9. 虽然这两艘船只沉没了,但它们都是双船体设计,据说这种设计可令船只“永不沉没”,也许正是这个错误的想法导致了泰坦尼克号和不列颠号的悲剧结局。

    While two of these ships sank , they were all designed with double hulls believed to make them " unsinkable " , perhaps a mistaken idea that led to the Titanic 's and the Britannic 's tragic end .

  10. 船体的外表面非常坚硬。

    The outer surface of ship 's hull is very hard .

  11. 运用自组织神经网络(ART模型)的原理,探讨了船体曲面零件成组分类的方法。

    The group method for curve parts of ship shells is presented based on Adaptive Resonance Theory ( ART ) .

  12. 船体结构CAD技术研究

    Research of Hull Structure CAD Technique

  13. 基于ANSYS软件的船体外板有限元建模方法研究

    Study on ANSYS FE Modelling Method of Ship-Hull Surface

  14. 船体构造与制图CAI课件的开发

    Development of CAI Courseware of Hull Drafting and Construction

  15. 在AutoCAD平台上应用ActiveX技术进行船体曲面造型

    Application of ActiveX for modeling ship hull surface in AutoCAD

  16. 存在一个临界K值,当K超越该值时,船体冲击环境发生突变,产生全局性的冲击响应;

    There exists a critical value of K . The sudden change of the ship shock environment will occur when K is over the value ;

  17. 超厚板高强度船体结构钢(EH)单面垂直自动焊技术

    Single-side vertical auto-welding for EH steel

  18. FPSO船体梁极限强度分析与有效生命期预报

    Ultimate strength analysis of hull girder and prediction of available lifetime for FPSO

  19. TIG熔修提高船体钢焊接接头腐蚀疲劳抗力的研究

    Experimental Study on Boosting Corrosion and Fatigue Resistance of Welded Joints for Ship Steel Using TIG Dressing Technique

  20. 采用了以VBA为工具,进行AutoCAD的二次开发的方法,并将此方法用于船体结构的AutoCAD图纸研究。

    VBA is selected as tool to develop AutoCAD . And this method is applied to the AutoCAD drawing research of ship structure .

  21. 本文将NURBS用于船舶曲线、面的表达与设计,采用蒙面法来拟合了船体三维曲面,使用能量法来光顺曲线面。

    The dissertation applies NURBS to hull lines and surface expression and design , fits three-dimensional hull surface with skinning method .

  22. 在SolidWorks建模环境中使用VB作为二次开发工具,通过应用程序实现了三维NURBS船体曲面模型的建立。

    It adopts Visual Basic as re-exploitation tool in SolidWorks environment and realizes 3D NURBS curved hull surface creation through application program .

  23. 为了连接到岩石、暗礁、珊瑚、船体等表面,贻贝能够在水下环境中分泌一种含有贻贝黏附蛋白(MAPs)的粘液。

    In order to attach to surfaces like rock , reef , coral and hull , mussels secrete special adhesives named mussel adhesive proteins ( MAPs ) in the underwater enviroment .

  24. 在CATIA曲面设计模块中建立船体曲面,利用曲面工具进行精光顺。

    The hull surface is established by using CATIA shape design module , and shape tools are used to smooth surface .

  25. 最后对系统功能进行分析设计,以Visualc++为开发工具,应用微软的开放数据库互连技术实现了船体放样CAD/CAM系统。

    After the analyzing and designing of the system , we develop " Ship Lofting CAD / CAM System " with Visual C + + using ODBC technology . The interface of the system is friendly to users .

  26. TRIBON与CADDS5i间船体造型数据交换研究

    Study on Data Exchange of Hull Modeling Data between TRIBON and CADDS 5i

  27. 通过势流理论给定船体运动,基于Fluent软件平台的二次开发实现对船体运动的模拟。

    The simulation is realized by the secondly development on the platform of the commercial software Fluent , in which the vessel motion is obtained by the potential flow theory .

  28. 内波数值模型作为工具应用于一个耦合分析软件HARP,其中船体,系泊系统和立管系统作为一个整体进行考虑。

    The numerical model is implemented in a coupled analysis program HARP where the hull , moorings and risers are considered as an integrated system .

  29. 这对评估LNG运输船船体结构的真正安全余量,对充分合理地利用材料、减轻船体结构重量、降低成本、增加装载能力都具有重要地实用价值,更能够提高LNG运输船的经济性。

    It helps to figure out the real safety margin , rationally and fully utilize the material , lighten the dead weight of ship , reduce the cost and increase the load capacity of ship .

  30. 通过对一艘双壳LPG运输船的有限元分析,将此程序在实际工程中进行了应用,本程序有助于对船体结构强度进行快速有效地预测。

    Through finite element analysis of a LPG carrier with double hull , this program is carried out in practical application . This program can help provide quickly and efficiently forecast to the hull structure strength .