
  • 网络SHIP ENGINEERING;marine engineering
  1. 暑假期间,大宇造船和船舶工程公司(DaewooShipbuilding&MarineEngineering)等造船企业把全部工厂和办公室关闭了两周。

    Several shipyards such as Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering also close its entire factories and offices for two weeks over the summer holiday .

  2. 全球十大造船企业中,有七家位于韩国,其中现代重工、三星重工(SamsungHeavyIndustries)和大宇造船和船舶工程公司(DaewooShipbuildingMarineEngineering)为世界三强。

    South Korea is home to seven of the world 's top 10 shipbuilders including the biggest three Hyundai , Samsung Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine Engineering .

  3. 当前在船舶工程和海洋工程中,主要采用两种定位系统:锚泊定位系统(MooringSystem)和动力定位系统(DynamicPositioningSystem,DPS)。

    Currently in the ship engineering and marine engineering , there are two kinds of main positioning system : Mooring System and Dynamic Positioning System ( DPS ) .

  4. 去年11月,CJE&M被纳入MSCI明晟韩国指数(MSCIKoreaindex),取代了苦苦挣扎的工业巨头大宇造船和船舶工程公司(DaewooShipbuilding&MarineEngineering)和现代商船公司(HyundaiMerchantMarine)。

    CJE & M was added to the MSCI Korea index last November instead of struggling industrial giants Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering and Hyundai Merchant Marine .

  5. 加强船舶工程专业毕业设计过程管理的探索与实践

    Study and Practice on Graduation Project in Naval Architecture Engineering Speciality

  6. 模糊分析设计理论在船舶工程中的应用进展

    Application Advances of Fuzzy Analysis and Design in Shipbuilding Engineering

  7. 船舶工程在线不锈钢管件焊缝缺陷测定技术

    Study of on-Line Defect Testing Technique for Stainless Steel Tube Welding Line

  8. 载荷的概率组合及其在船舶工程中的应用

    Probabilistic Load Combinations and Their Applications in Ship Engineering

  9. 母线系统在海洋及船舶工程上的应用

    Application of Bus System in Offshore and Marine Engineering

  10. 基于曲面表达的几何特性计算及其在船舶工程中的应用

    Geometric properties calculation based on surface representation and its application to ship engineering

  11. 船舶工程领域虚拟设计系统框架研究

    Research on shipbuilding oriented by virtual design system

  12. 高职高专船舶工程技术专业技能培训方案研究

    Study on Skill Training Plan of Ship Engineering Major at High Vocational College Level

  13. 哈尔滨船舶工程学院试验楼加层改造设计简介

    Structural Design for Enlargement in Floor Number of Experimental Building of Harbin Ship Engineering College

  14. 模糊集合论在船舶工程领域中的应用也是方兴未艾。

    The application of the fuzzy set theory to the shipbuilding is in the ascendant .

  15. 在航空与船舶工程中,管路系统也是整个系统的重要组成部分。

    Besides , in the Aero Engineering and Ship Engineering , pipeline is also the important part .

  16. 有理由相信神经网络结合模糊控制在船舶工程中有很好的应用前景。

    It 's safe to believe that neural network and fuzzy logic have good application foreground in shipbuilding .

  17. 船舶工程中的力学问题

    Mechanics in ship engineering

  18. 哈尔滨船舶工程学院学报1993年总目次(总第44~47期)

    Journal of Harbin Shipbuilding Engineering 1993 , Vol.l4 , Contents ( Sum . № . 44 ~ 47 )

  19. 数值船池技术属于船舶工程学科关键共性技术和高新技术,它为船舶水动力学研究开辟了一条新途径。

    Numerical Towing Tank technology is the key and high technology in ship engineering , and provides a novel method to study ship hydrodynamics .

  20. 输流管道系统在船舶工程、海洋工程、石油化工、核工程和航天工程等领域有着广泛运用。

    Pipes conveying fluid have widely used in the marine engineering , marine engineering , petrochemical , nuclear engineering and aerospace engineering and other fields .

  21. 船舶工程分解所得的任务包不仅反映了设计和生产的特征,也提出了物资供应的需求。

    The task package form the decompose of ship engineering not only reflect the characteristics of the design but also raise the demand for supplies .

  22. 热管作为一种新型高效的传热元件已被开始研究应用于船舶工程。

    The heat pipe , as a new-type heat transfer component , has been studied and applied to ship engineering because of its high heattransfer efficiency .

  23. 在诸如航空航天、船舶工程、汽车、建筑、桥梁等实际工程领域中,对于实体结构的承重承载能力的研究无疑是至关重要的。

    Researches on loading capacity of structures are very important in the fields of aviation , spaceflight , watercraft , automobile , building and bridges et al .

  24. 同时,本论文也针对船舶工程领域中大量的模糊、随机因素共同存在的现象,提出了有效的模糊随机多属性决策方法。

    Meanwhile , this paper puts forward the effective random fuzzy multi-attribute decision making method for the fuzzy and random variables co-existing phenomena in the ship engine domain .

  25. 在船舶工程领域,结构振动和噪声预报及其控制是一项十分重要的研究课题。

    In the field of marine engineering , prediction and control of the structural vibration and noise is an especially important subject for both civil ships and naval vessels .

  26. 由于动强度不足导致的结构设备破坏和失效,在航空航天、机械、建筑和船舶工程等领域中普遍存在。

    The deficiency of dynamic strength always leads to problems of structural destruction and invalidation which widely exist in fields of aerospace , mechanical , construction and marine engineering .

  27. 在船舶工程领域,螺旋桨的振动噪声,尤其是共振引起的噪声&唱音,是舰船主要噪声源之一。

    In the field of marine engineering , the noise of propeller vibration is one of the major noises of the ship , especially the noise caused by resonance-singing .

  28. 我们可靠的技术以及船舶工程和服务资源的综合能力将帮助确保破冰船在最极端环境中保持安全顺利的运行。

    Our combination of robust , reliable technologies and competent marine engineering and service resources will help ensure successful and safe operation of these vessels in the harshest environments .

  29. 该系统同电动、气动或油压工具相比,具有诸多独特的优势,在海洋开发、船舶工程等领域均有广阔的应用前景。

    Compared with tool system driven by oil hydraulics or pneumatics , this kind of tool system has many advantages and has broad applications in ocean exploitation and shipping engineering .

  30. 大量事实表明船舶工程领域中的决策过程更多的是一种不确定的决策,需要面对和处理大量随机、模糊等不确定性因素。

    A lot of facts show that the decision procedures in the ship engineer domain are more uncertain . So there are many random and fuzzy factors that need being treated with .