
  • 网络Network Infrastructure;Cyber infrastructure;Infrastructured Network
  1. 进入21世纪以来,随着互联网的普及和网络基础设施的建设,国内Internet用户使用人数不断攀升。

    After entering the 21st century , with the popularization of the Internet and the construction of network infrastructure , the number of domestic Internet users continues to rise .

  2. 从宏观层面来讲,首先,国内网络基础设施建设的蓬勃发展,已经为NC在中国的大力推广创造了良好的物理环境和需求环境。

    From macroscopic aspect , firstly the flourishing developments of Domestic network Infrastructure constructions have already created a good physics environment and demand environment for the NC 's popularization in China .

  3. 随着网络基础设施的建设,网络安全设备VPN的性能需要进一步的提高。

    With the network developing , the VPN 's performance need to be improved .

  4. 为了简化P2P应用的开发,促进P2P计算的发展,我们开发了P2P网络基础设施平台。

    To simplify constructing a P2P application and drive the P2P computing mode , we implement a P2P infrastructure platform .

  5. 目前大多数的CSCW用户都需要依靠现有的网络基础设施。

    While , currently , most CSCW users rely on existing network infrastructures .

  6. 部署了IPsec的用户能确保其网络基础设施的安全,而不会影响各台计算机上的应用程序。

    Users deploying IPsec can secure their network infrastructure without affecting the applications on individual computer .

  7. 随着VOIP技术的发展,基于现有IP网络基础设施的网络通信已经成为Internet上的新兴服务之一。

    With eht development of VOIP technology , the existing IP network infrastructure based network communication has become one of the emerging services on the Internet .

  8. 同时,随着Web技术、现代通讯技术、故障诊断技术以及网络基础设施的快速发展,使得远程故障诊断成为可能。

    At the same time , it is possible to actualize the technology of remote fault diagnosis with the speedy development of Web technology , modern communication , fault diagnosis technology and the basic network establishments .

  9. IMS优于现有移动网络基础设施的好处可通过以下四个方面体现。

    The benefits of IMS over the existing cellular network infrastructure can be demonstrated in the following four aspects .

  10. 在充分利用现有国家通信网络基础设施的前提下,基于VPN技术提出了2套适用于强震远程观测的高速远程通信实用方案。

    Being fully used the national communicational facilities available , it is presented two high-speed telecommunication schemes for the remote strong earthquake observation based the VPN .

  11. 它的工程背景是为双鸭山电信分公司开发一套实用的GIS系统,用以管理、维护城市电信网络基础设施。

    The engineering background of the prototype is the applied GIS system of Shuangyashan Telecom Branch , which is used to run and maintenance the base establishment of the city telecom network ( CTN ) .

  12. 提出了利用江苏电信宽带ATM网络基础设施和公众多谋体信息平台.建设1个全省范围的远程教育网。

    This paper sets up a province-wide Distance Education Intranet ( PDEI ) on the basis of available ATM-based B-ISDN facilities and public multimedia information interface built by Jiangsu Telecommunications .

  13. 为避免因特网上拥塞,应采用分时间段定价,均衡各时间段的上网人数,以充分利用现有网络基础设施和资源,提高ISP的服务质量。

    To improve ISP services and fully utilize the present network infrastructure and resources , the authors recommend to use a pricing system by time periods .

  14. 虚拟专用网(VPN)是部署于公共网络基础设施中、又具有和专用网络相同的安全性、管理以及服务质量策略的一种网络。

    VPN is a kind of network which is deployed in the public network base accommodation and has the same security , management and service quality tactics as the dedicated network .

  15. 系统体系结构由网络基础设施、数据中心、J2EE架构基础设施、数据访问层、业务支持层、业务逻辑层和表示层组成。

    System system structure supports a tier from network infrastructural facilities , data centre , J2EE frame infrastructural facilities , data visit , business , the business logic tier of sums presentation layer is composed of .

  16. H.323协议规定用于局域网的视频会议系统和设备的标准,它将为使用现有网络基础设施的终端提供全球多媒体通信。

    H. 323 protocol regulates the standard of videoconferencing system and devices . It provides the ability of global multimedia communication with the terminals utilizing existing network devices .

  17. 摩托罗拉(Motorola)正为出售其移动网络基础设施业务的可能计划进行准备,但同时也有意与某家竞争对手成立一家合资企业。

    Motorola is paving the way for a possible sale of its mobile network infrastructure business , but is also interested in forming a joint venture with a rival .

  18. 去年10月,华为与美国第三大运营商SprintNextel价值几十亿美元的网络基础设施合同失之交臂。

    In October , it appeared close to winning a multibillion-dollar network infrastructure contract from Sprint Nextel , the third-largest carrier in the US .

  19. 随着3G网络基础设施的完善、移动终端功能的增强和媒体内容的丰富,流媒体业务必将成为未来移动通信业务新的增长点。

    With the improvement of 3G network infrastructure , the enhancement of mobile terminal functionality and the rich media content , streaming media service will become the new growth point of mobile communication services in the future .

  20. 目录服务是重要的网络基础设施之一,很多网络服务如PKI系统、下一代智能化网络管理系统等都需要目录服务来发布和检索目录信息。

    As one of key network infrastructures , directory service is used in many network services , such as PKI and the next generation intelligent network management system , to publish and retrieve directory information .

  21. 两年后,华为参与一项为美国主要运营商之一SprintNextel供应网络基础设施的数十亿美元合约的竞标,在华盛顿干预下失利。

    Two years later , Huawei bid for a multibillion-dollar contract to supply network infrastructure to Sprint Nextel , one of the top US operators , but lost after Washington intervened .

  22. 有那个目标在头脑里,当前工作提出一个自已组织的基于群的闯入检测系统(ANTIDS),查出闯入在网络基础设施。

    Having that aim in mind , the present work presents a self-organized ant colony based intrusion detection system ( ANTIDS ) to detect intrusions in a network infrastructure .

  23. 阿什拉夫在软件开发和网络基础设施方面有专业特长。

    Ashraf has a background in software development and network infrastructure .

  24. 然而,国内网络基础设施建设发展缓慢。

    However , the development of domestic network infrastructure construction stays slow .

  25. 2003年我国部分地区通信网络基础设施发展情况汇总。

    Collection of regional telecommunication infrastructure development in China in2003 .

  26. 交通电子政务网络基础设施的建设

    An Analysis of Communications Electronic office Network Base Construction

  27. 电力线通信利用现有的低压配电网络基础设施,成本比较低。

    Power line to Internet use the existing low-voltage infrastructure and low cost .

  28. 动态无线传感器网络基础设施建模方法及分析

    Modeling and Analyzing of Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network Infrastructures

  29. 此套协议是用作对网络基础设施的纯软件升级。

    The protocol suite is available as a software-only upgrade to the network infrastructure .

  30. 这包括服务器、网络基础设施和培训要求方面的详细评估。

    This includes detailed estimates on servers , network infrastructure , and training requirements .