
  • 网络Hub;network hub
  1. b.业务控制点(SCP)用作网络集线器的分组交换机

    B.Service Control Point ( SCP ) Packet switch acting as a network hub

  2. 网络集线器连接一个局域网内的多个节点的设备。

    A hub is a device that connects several nodes of a local area network .

  3. 介绍了平台的总体硬件结构,从实时性和可靠性角度详细分析了层间的通信方式,提出了基于冗余100BASE-F以太网和交换式网络集线器HUB的板间通信方式,并给出了具体的硬件电路实现。

    Its hardware structure is introduced . The communication mode between levels is analyzed in terms of real-time performance and dependability . The redundant 100 BASE-F Ethernet is proposed for the communi-cation among boards .

  4. 若干个网络集线器被链接在一起来扩展一个局域网。

    Multiple hubs can be linked together to expand a local area network .

  5. 仪表盘非常有趣,关于固定中心网络集线器有大量的评论。

    The steering wheel is interesting and gets a lot of comments with its fixed centre hub .

  6. 附属于一个网络集线器的所有的设备是同一个局域网的一部分。

    All of the devices attach to a hub are part of the same local area network .

  7. 广播发射机控制器测试平台和控制网络集线器的设计

    R D on the Testing Platform for the Controller of Radio Transmitter R D on the Hub for the Control Network of Radio Transmitter

  8. 重量为150磅的安装架,能安装在大厦桁架上,也能作为网络集线器,路由器,录像机和其它组件的单支架。

    With a weight capacity of150 pounds , they can be mounted to a building 's trusses or uni-struts to house hubs , routers , video recorders , and other components .

  9. 这是一个预演,如何以无线方式接入USB设备使用网络USB集线器。

    This is a preview of How to wirelessly access USB devices using a network USB hub .

  10. 在网络图中添加集线器或交换机。

    Adds a hub or switch to your network diagram .

  11. 请确保网络或任何中间集线器都不会成为瓶颈。

    Make sure that the network or any intermediate hubs are not a bottleneck .

  12. 浅谈网络连接设备&集线器、交换机、路由器及网关

    Discussion on the Equipment for Connecting with the Network & Hub , Switch , Router , Gateway

  13. 较远的通信距离,如10BASE-T网络中节点到集线器或交换机可达100米;

    It has long communication distance for example the maximum distance between every node and hub or switching is 100m .