
wǎnɡ luò huà
  • networking
  1. CAI课件网络化的探索

    Research of Networking CAI Courseware

  2. 基于OWL的网络化制造资源建模与应用研究

    The Networking Manufacturing Resources Modeling and Application Based on OWL and Web Service

  3. Internet的迅猛发展使得信息网络化成为必然趋势。

    With the rapid development of Internet , there is a increasingly stronger trend to make information available through the network .

  4. 现场总线控制系统FCS(FieldBusControlSystem)适应了工业控制系统向分散化、网络化、智能化发展的方向,导致了传统控制系统结构的变革。

    Field Bus Control System . ( FCS ) fits in with the industry control system 's development of distribution , net and intellect .

  5. 网络化控制系统Petri网建模与分析

    Networked Control System Petri Net Modeling and Analyzing

  6. 文章从四个方面概述了XML在图书馆网络化建设中的应用进展。

    This article gives a brief account of the advancement of the application of MXL in the construction of networks in libraries .

  7. MIS网络化中的几个技术问题

    Main technological problems in designing network MIS

  8. 企业RD网络化的动态博弈模型

    The Dynamic Game Model of Firms ' RD Network

  9. 在Internet浏览模块设计这一部分中,主要实现了该系统的网络化功能,能进行网络查询、删除、添加等功能。

    In the Internet browser module design , it mainly implements the net function of the system , and is able to net query , delete , and add functions .

  10. 最后给出了一个基于CORBA的自组织网络化控制系统的具体实现。

    At last a detailed implementation of the self-organized networked control system is provided by using the CORBA technology .

  11. 针对网络化协作制造数据在企业之间进行的安全同步技术进行了研究,提出了一种基于Agent的远程访问数据安全同步模型。

    The safe synchronization technique of the network cooperative manufacturing data among enterprises is studied and based on Agent , the safe synchronization model of remote access data is produced .

  12. 并将该方法应用在某企业ASP网络化服务系统的设计和开发过程中,该方法的可行性在典型应用中得到了验证。

    In the process of designing and developing the ASP network service system , the feasibility of the method is validated in typical application .

  13. 鉴于此,文中通过对基于TCP/IP协议的网络化智能仪表和嵌入式Internet技术的深入分析,提出了一种新型的网络体系结构&基于因特网的工业控制网络。

    By analyzing the TCP / IP-based network intelligent instrument and embedded Internet technique , a new kind of industrial control network technique , that is based on Internet is brought up in this paper .

  14. 提出一种基于BOOTP的工业以太网终端IP仪表的网络化管理方案。

    This article proposed one kind of management device for industrial Ethernet terminal IP instrument based on BOOTP .

  15. 分析了中国古籍电子化和网络化面临的问题和研究用Unicode和XML技术解决古籍电子化和网络化问题的方法。

    This article analyses electron and network problem of Chinese Ancient Books , and studies technology of Unicode and XML to resolve this problem ;

  16. 在研究MAS结构及Agent通讯特点的基础上,结合MAS在网络化车间动态调度系统中的应用,分析了系统中各Agent功能,提出以合同网协议为基础的多Agent合作过程。

    Based on analysis of characteristics of agent communications and structure of Multi Agent System ( MAS ), functions of agents are analyzed that are applied in networked shop floor scheduling .

  17. 研究中,以铁路机车车辆的开发设计为应用对象,将VPN技术合理地应用于网络化协同设计中去,以达到资源的共享和调配。

    The research takes the railway vehicle as research object and use VPN into the network-collaborative design to obtain the resource 's sharing and preparing .

  18. 分析了国内外图书馆电子化、网络化的发展状况,提出了一种基于Internet的网络化电子图书馆系统的设计方案,并介绍了其中主要功能模块的设计和实现。

    In the paper , a basic review of the network electronic libraries was presented , an Internet-based network electronic library model was introduced , finally the design and implementation of the main modules in the system were introduced .

  19. 进入21世纪尤其是我国加入WTO以来,国内的企业正逐渐融入到一个没有边界的经济体系和全球化、网络化的商业环境中,国内、国际间的企业竞争愈演愈烈。

    After entering 21st century especially joining in WTO , Chinese enterprises are gradually melting into a brimless economic system and globalizing business environment . Domestic and international enterprises compete with each other sharper and sharper .

  20. 通过采用Browser/WebServer/Database三层计算体系结构,基于ASP.NET和XML技术,实现了网络化的专家系统,同时扩大了专家系统的应用范围,提高了系统的后向兼容性;

    By the Browser / Web Server / Database structure and the technology of ASP . NET and XML , we achieve the expert system running on the network , extend the application and ensure its backward compatibility ;

  21. 随着Internet技术的迅速发展,利用GIS和Internet技术相结合,建立网络化土地信息发布与管理系统,是现代化土地管理的要求。

    Along with the quick development of Internet technique , it is the modern request of land management that making use of GIS combine with Internet technique to establish network information system of land information announcement and land information management .

  22. 按照这种解决方案设计了一套基于Web的网络化示波器,可以进行远端数据采集。并将数据库技术引入网络化虚拟仪器中,实现对信号的存取管理功能。

    In the light of the scheme , a set of network oscilloscope based on web is designed to remotely sampling data , and the technology of data base is successfully used to administer the saving and taking of signals in network virtual instrument .

  23. 本研究目的在于构建我院影像科室PACS系统,实现影像科室的数字化和网络化,并分析影像科室PACS的应用价值和效益。

    This subject aims at the PACS system construction in our hospital , the digitalization of radiology department , the analysis of benefit of the application of PACS .

  24. 协同设计是CAD/CAM网络化研究的重要方面,对协同设计技术的研究是多方面的,本文侧重研究了支持机械零件3D几何造型的同步协同设计方法。

    Collaborative design is a very important research field in network-based CAD / CAM . There are a lot of critical issues to be studied in collaborative design methodology . Our research works focus on 3D synchronous , collaborative geometry modeling .

  25. SIOC化学数据库的网络化进展

    Progress of SIOC Chemical Databases on Internet

  26. 遵循安全性设计的原则,通过基于ATL平台的浏览器/服务器模式,使得网络化资源的安全数据传输、安全数据分析成为可能;

    Following the secure designing , we make the secure data transfer possible based on ATL . ATL is the basis of this secure platform .

  27. 国内外图书馆开展DRS服务的模式主要有基于电子邮件、基于实时交互、基于网络化合作、集成化的多模式及自动化方案等多种模式。

    Library DRS service patterns at home and abroad are mainly by means of E-mail , real-time intercommunication , web co-operation , integration patterns and automation scheme .

  28. 首先描述了该网络化框架的基本思想和系统框架,介绍了其核心建模工具CEMS的建模体系;

    Firstly its basic idea and its system framework design are described and the modeling architecture of its modeling kernel tool CEMS is also introduced .

  29. 其中主要介绍了服装CAD、CAPP的发展状况;分析了数字化服装业的发展趋势&电脑三维技术、智能化、集成化、网络化;

    The condition of the digital technology in the clothing industry is studied , the development of Fashion CAD and CAPP is mainly introduced , the tendency of digital is analysed from the aspects of 3D-garment design system , intelligence , integration and networking .

  30. 重点对项目的构建思路与内容、建设目标与范围以及系统检测与文档作了介绍,以利于推动AFC系统的网络化、标准化建设。

    Ltd. , including the design , contents , goal , system testing documentation and future applications , holds that this research will promote the network and standard construction of AFC system .