
The Effects of Changchun Convention and Exhibition Industry on Industrial Structure
This paper mainly reviewed the research on Simon effects through three parts : the dual-route model , the information gating control / suppression theory and the interpretation of the event files hypothesis which was a novel and special perspective based on binding .
The structure of the thesis is as follows : 1 . The discovery and study of Landau-Zener tunneling , as well as the latest research progress , are briefly reviewed . 2 .
Experimental facts of planning-control model in dynamic illusion effects were reviewed . Evaluation and expectation were put forward at last .
The novel works , researching the effect of millimeter waves radiation to the temperature of animal skin , both theoretical and experimental , are carried .
Starting off with a brief research history of biological effects of microwave , the author introduces the biological effect , safety standards and biological applications of microwave radiations .
This paper briefly reviewed the current research on the characteristics of site , summed up and briefly commented the ways of analysis on the ground motion characteristics of local site .
The full text is divided into four parts as follows : In first chapter we review the reasons for quantum interference effect dominate the mesoscopic system , and introduce some famous quantum interference phenomenon .
In Chapter One , we present a brief introduction to historic development and research methods in high pressure study as well as a review on the recent progress in the study of high pressure effects .
Also the effects of government debt issue the market failure and public goods theory , moral hazard and principal-agent theory , the government failure theory with the constraints of public power and the new public management theory was reviewed .
Based on the research on the reference effect of price on the consumer choice , especially on the Prospect Theory and Reference-Dependence Model , This paper develops a new pricing model on reference price and gives the solution of the model .