
  • 网络Comparative cost;Comparable Cost
  1. 关于利用比较成本理论的论争

    On the Debate of Making Use of the Doctrine of Comparative Cost

  2. 江西经济发展之动态比较成本分析

    The Motional Comparative Cost Analysis of Jiangxi Economic Development

  3. 选择有较低比较成本的金融保险公司。

    Select a financially sound insurer with low comparative costs .

  4. 分工的依据是区域间农产品比较成本的大小。

    The comparative advantage is the basis of farm products regional division .

  5. 关于马克思对李嘉图比较成本说的评价问题

    Karl Marx 's appraisal on David Ricardo 's " Doctrine of Comparative Cost "

  6. 正确运用比较成本优势

    Correctly Make Use of Comparable Cost Advantages

  7. 国内资源成本法是测算农产品比较成本的较好方法。

    Domestic Resource Cost way is a better method to account farm products comparative advantage .

  8. 运用比较成本理论、要素禀赋论等经济学理论对教育境外消费进行理论分析。

    Comparative Advantage Theory and Factor Endowment Theory are used here to analyze education consumption abroad .

  9. 该榜单的编撰,依据的是对每个地方200多项比较成本的衡量。

    The list is compiled based on measuring the comparative cost of more than 200 items in each location .

  10. 那么,在资本自由流动的情况下,比较成本法就会丧失起作用的条件;

    If capital flowing , the law of comparative cost would lost the conditions in which it takes effect .

  11. 就供给而言,贸易的基础是比较成本的差别。

    The basis for trade , so far as supply is concerned , is found in differences in comparative costs .

  12. 李嘉图比较成本理论中的过剩供给曲线和国际均衡价格是该理论的教学重点和难点内容。

    Curve of excess supply and international equilibrium price in Ricardian comparative cost theory are teaching content , important and difficult .

  13. 由于人们通过比较成本与收益作出决策,所以,当成本或收益变动时,人们的行为也会改变。

    Because people make decisions by comparing costs and benefits , their behavior may change when the costs or benefits change .

  14. 古典贸易理论中,技术差异是比较成本差异的原因,比较成本差异导致国际贸易的发生;

    The classical theories thought the difference in technology leading to difference in cost , which is the reason of the trade .

  15. 混业经营体制的比较成本优势在于范围经济效应和风险分散效应,比较成本劣势在于利益冲突和风险传递。

    Comparative advantages of universal banking include economies of scope and risk diversification ; Comparative disadvantages include risk contagion and conflicts of interest .

  16. 各种支持或反对混业经营的观点,从根本上可以归纳为对两种经营体制提供金融基本功能过程中的比较成本的不同理解。

    All the views for or against universal banking can be summarized as different understandings of the comparative cost incurred by functional allocation .

  17. 跨国公司具有的优势主要包括:资源配置优势、比较成本优势、战略协同优势、技术优势。

    The advantages that TNC have primarily include : resources dispose advantage , comparison cost advantage , strategy cooperate advantage , technique advantage .

  18. 即期汇率影响进口对国内商品的比较成本和进口国家出口对外国商品的比较成本。

    Spot exchange rates influence the relative cost of imports vis-a-vis domestic goods and the relative cost of exports vis-a-vis foreign goods in importing countries .

  19. 从加工制造业上看,国际分工依据的不是比较成本差异,而是技术实力。

    From the view of the processing and manufacturing industry , international division of labor depends on technical force rather than difference of comparative cost .

  20. 但是,旅客往往希望查看其他路线,以便比较成本、时间、沿途地点、交通工具等等。

    However , a traveler often wants to look for other routes and compare cost , time , itinerary , carriers , and so on .

  21. 十九世纪初,大卫.李嘉图提出了比较成本说,奠定了比较优势说在国际贸易中的理论基石地位。

    In the early 19th century , David Ricardo put forward comparative cost theory and his most important contribution was the theory of comparative advantage .

  22. 然而,迁都牵一发而动全身,企业必须冷静对待迁都热潮、要遵循比较成本收益原则慎重作出决策。

    However , it will confront with many difficulties , and enterprises should be discreet to make a decision by following the principle of comparative cost lucre .

  23. 最后提出本论文下一步的研究方向是将该测度方法应用到比较成本以及资源趋尽的区域等问题研究中,并进行验证。

    Then , the next step of the paper is to handle the method to research of compare cost and resources tend to exhaust region and test .

  24. 在此基础上,本文以国际贸易的要素和成本基础扩张为前提,构建了基于国际贸易的全成本的广义比较成本优势理论。

    On the above basis , the dissertation constructs the generalized comparative cost advantage theory on the premise of the expansion of factor and cost foundation of international trade .

  25. 由于在中国国内不可流动要素不断减少,且其对经济增长的贡献不断减弱,比较成本理论在中国区域经济研究中的适用性问题应引起注意;

    Because immovable factors decrease continuously in China and their contribution to economic growth is weakening , in China the adaptation of comparative cost theory should be paid attention to .

  26. 调查计算了全球144个城市超过200种项目的比较成本,包括住房、食品、服装、日用品、交通及娱乐等等。

    It measured the comparative cost of over 200 items such as housing , food , clothing and household goods as well as transport and entertainment in 144 cities worldwide .

  27. 该模型是一个综合性的比较成本分析软件,特别对偏远地区天然气的储运问题的解决具有重要的借鉴作用。

    The model isa comprehensive comparative cost analysis software and is a good reference , especially forthe solution to the problem of storage and transportation of natural gas in remote areas .

  28. 资源趋尽型区域包括三方面的含义,分别为:自然资源趋尽、比较成本资源趋尽、政策资源趋尽。

    The resources tend to exhaust region has included triplicate conceptions which are natural resources tend to exhaust , compare cost resources tend to exhaust and policy resources tend to exhaust .

  29. 保险公司必须通过内部控制,有效降低内部成本,在与市场和同业公司的博弈中获得比较成本优势,进而获得持续经营的资格。

    The insurance company can effectively reduce the internal cost , obtain the cost advantage in the game with the market and trade company , and sustained business qualification by the internal control .

  30. 对发达国家企业来说,外包是整合全球资源,获得比较成本优势的需要;对发展中国家企业来说,外包是接受挑战、抢抓机遇的需要。

    The developed enterprises , outsourcing is the integration of global resources , access to comparative cost advantage ; Enterprises in developing countries , outsourcing is up to the challenge and seize the opportunity needs .