
  • 网络Principle of proportionality;Proportional Principle
  1. 在司法方面,比例原则的适用发展了WTO法,比例原则应该在WTO争端解决机构的司法评审中发挥作用,比例原则还可以抑制贸易保护主义并遏制WTO成员方对权利的滥用。

    Judicial applications of the principle of proportionality develop WTO law and the principle of proportionality should exert its function in judicial review of Dispute Settlement Body of WTO , and may control trade protectionism and keep within limits for abuse of rights by WTO members .

  2. 第四部分比例原则的理论基础。

    Part IV : Basic theories of the principle of proportionality .

  3. 寻找WTO法中的比例原则鲁迅与中法文学交流

    Searching for Proportionality in WTO Laws Lu Xun and Literary Exchange between China and France

  4. 寻找WTO法中的比例原则

    Searching for Proportionality in WTO Laws

  5. 第一部分,比例原则的渊源与内涵。

    Part ⅰ . The origin and connotation of proportional principle .

  6. 论比例原则在行政诉讼中的运用

    On the application of the principle of proportionality in judicial review

  7. 也论比例原则的法律适用性

    Research on the legal application of the principle of the proportionality

  8. 行政法比例原则与和谐社会建设之关系浅析

    Relations brief analysis administrative law proportion principle and harmonious social construction

  9. 第二部分:比例原则的历史发展。

    Part two : the historic development of proportional principle .

  10. 比例原则与监听刍议&兼论监听立法之完善

    On the Relationship of The Principle of Proportion and Monitoring

  11. 论监听立法之完善&以比例原则为视角

    On Perfection of Monitoring Legislation & Based on the Principle of Proportion

  12. 行政法中的合理原则与比例原则

    Principle of Reasonableness and Principle of Proportionality in Administrative Law

  13. 比例原则司法审查研究

    Research on the Judicial Review by the Principle of Proportionality

  14. 第一部分:比例原则的涵义。

    Part I : Concept and contents of the principle of proportionality .

  15. 公法上比例原则研究

    Research on the Principle of Proportionality in Public Law

  16. 论侦查比例原则的构建

    On Establishment of the Criminal Investigative Principle of Proportionality

  17. 最后,对比例原则内容的三阶理论进行了评议。

    At last , it comments on the three-divide of the proportional principle .

  18. 适用比例原则能够很好的解决关于行政处罚中存在的一系列问题。

    Application of principle of proportionality can solve problems existing in administrative punishment .

  19. 比例原则在我国行政法中的适用探讨

    On the Proportion Principle in Our Country Administrative Law

  20. 在我国宪法中引入比例原则,对完善我国宪政体制有重要意义。

    Introducing such principle to our constitution will help perfecting our constitutionalism construction .

  21. 论我国刑事强制措施中比例原则的引入

    The Introduction of the Principle of Proportionality in China 's Criminal Coercive Measures

  22. 欧盟与德国的比例原则&内涵、渊源、适用与在中国的借鉴

    The Proportion Principle of EU Law and German Law

  23. 比例原则在我国行政法上的引入和应用

    The introduction and application of principle of proportionality in China 's administrative law

  24. 比例原则与权力之治

    The Principle of Proportion and Regulation of Power

  25. 欧洲法院在反倾销案件中对比例原则的适用

    Application of Proportionality Principle in ECJ Antidumping Cases

  26. 比例原则的个案分析

    ANALYZE A Case Study on Principle of Proportionality

  27. 比例原则是行政法的一项重要原则。

    The principle of proportion is one of the important principles in administrative law .

  28. 第四部分:我国引入比例原则的必要性分析。

    Part four : the analysis to the necessity of drawing into the proportional principle .

  29. 比例原则与刑事强制措施

    Principle of Proportion and Criminal Coercive Measure

  30. 这些原则是:程序法定原则、比例原则、司法审查原则。

    These are the program legal principle , the proportion principle and judicial review principle .