
  • 网络balancing of interest;balance of interest;interest balancing
  1. 涉外侵权行为法律适用中的利益衡量

    Balancing of Interests in the Application of Foreign Tort Law

  2. 为什么行政诉讼中要引入利益衡量原则

    Why the Principle of Balancing of Interests Should be Introduced into Administrative Litigation

  3. 建设和谐社会视角下的利益衡量理论

    Balancing of Interest Theory Under the View of Building Harmonious Society

  4. 其次对利益衡量的方法和参照体系加以介绍。

    Secondly explain the method of interest measure and reference system .

  5. 利益衡量受客观因素和主观因素的影响。

    Balancing of interest is affected by the objective and subjective factors .

  6. 行政行为是否停止执行的问题,主要是立法者利益衡量的结果。

    It mainly is a result of interests trade-off introduced by legislators .

  7. 使人们对利益衡量方法有一个系统的了解和把握。

    Make people to understand and master interesting measure method in system .

  8. 利益衡量:行政补偿的制度功能

    Interest Balancing : the Basic Function of Administrative Compensation System

  9. 试论现代立法中的利益衡量

    On the Theory of Interests Balancing in Modern Legislative Process

  10. 在此类诉讼中,法官可资运用的法律方法很多,其中最主要的方法是利益衡量。

    In such litigations , the judge can use more legal ways .

  11. 利益衡量视角下的绝对免赔额制度

    The Absolute Non-Compensation System from the View of Interest Measurement

  12. 美国环境侵权民事司法中利益衡量的适用及对我国的启示

    Balance of Interests in U. S. Judicial Practice Relating to Environmental Torts

  13. 高校学生权利保护:基于利益衡量的分析

    Protection of Colleges Students ' Rights : Analysis Based on Benefits Measurement

  14. 这不利于发挥利益衡量方法对司法实践的指导作用。

    It is not good for interesting measure method to guide judicial practice .

  15. 三为利益衡量理论的发展。

    The theory of balancing interest works well in the judgment of injunction .

  16. 论证据法上的利益衡量原则

    On the Principle of Interests Balance in Evidence Law

  17. 再次通过实际案例展示了利益衡量方法的具体运用。

    Again , Through the actual cases showed the application of interesting measure method .

  18. 论立法政策取向与利益衡量

    On Policy Tropism of Legislation and Interests Balance

  19. 通过这些研究可以对利益衡量理论形成一个透彻的认识。

    These studies can form a thorough understanding of the interests of measure theory .

  20. 因此,利益衡量理论受到了质疑和批评。

    Therefore , the theory of interest weighing has met with some questions and criticisms .

  21. 论权利冲突中的利益衡量

    On Interest Weighing in the Right Conflict

  22. 第二章内容是法律解释方法的利益衡量问题。

    The second chapter is the question of balancing of interests of legal interpretation method .

  23. 也由于一直没有学者提出令人信服的利益衡量的规则,使得这一理论受到激烈的批判。

    The theory is criticized severely for lack of the convinced rule of interest balance .

  24. 该部分从利益衡量和类型化研究两个方面展开。

    This part has been described from the sides of interest measurement and categorization research .

  25. 论司法审判中的利益衡量

    On Interest Balancing in Judicial Acts

  26. 论环境侵害排除与利益衡量

    Environmental injunction based on interest weighing

  27. 利益衡量是解决基因权之权利冲突过程中的基本策略。

    Balance of interests should be the fundamental strategy for solving the conflicts of genetic right .

  28. 法律原则、利益衡量、情理都可以作为对后果进行评价的标准,尤其是情理之于国人,更具有重要的实践价值。

    The legal principles , the interest balancing and the sense all can make the criterions .

  29. 任何一种方法都不是完美无缺的,当然利益衡量方法也不例外。

    Any kind of method have flaws , Of course interesting measure method is not exception .

  30. 在评述的基础上,笔者提出了利益衡量适用过程中应遵循的四个规则:1、保护正当利益。

    The author puts forward 4 rules in the process of weight : 1.protection of justice interest .