
  • 网络Constitutional Review
  1. 合宪性审查与司法权的强化

    Constitutional Review and the Strengthening of Judicial Power

  2. 在现实中,可通过提高法官素质等一般途径,以及完善规范的合宪性审查等特殊途径,提升司法公信力。

    In reality , the judicial credibility can be promoted by the general means of improving quality of judges , as well as by special means of improving the standard of constitutional review and so on .

  3. 第三部分全面论述了司法机关的合宪性审查。

    The third part is about the judicial review of constitutionality .

  4. 再论合宪性审查&权力关系网的拓扑与制度变迁的博弈

    Constitutionally-endorsed Censorship : the Topology of Power Network and the Game Principle in Institutional Reform

  5. 我国一方面应加强对规章以下的规范性文件的合宪性审查,建立符合中国国情的审查机制;另一方面亟待建立宪法诉讼机制,以使被侵犯的宪法权利得到有效的救济。

    It should be strengthened that the examination of the violation of the constitution to the regulatory file under the rule in our country .

  6. 本文认为,切实保障宪法效力的关键是建立司法性质的合宪性审查制度。

    Key to guaranteeing the efficacy of the Constitution , it is argued , is to install a system of judicial review of constitutionality .

  7. 对议会立法能否进行合宪性审查,是建立违宪审查制度需解决的前提性理论问题。

    The legitimacy of the constitutional review of the law is a key problem to be resolved in order to establish the system of constitutional review .

  8. 美国的司法审查权建立于美国早期,指的是美国最高法院对美国的立法和行政部门所通过的法律制度,能够就其合宪性进行审查。

    Judicial review & a right performed by the Supreme Court to review and check the legality or the constitutionality of the laws and regulations passed by the legislative or the governments , had been established in the earlier American history .

  9. 作者还探讨在目前的条件下怎样才能真正建立起合宪性监督和宪法保障的机制的问题,包括合宪性审查中的一些具体的规范以及操作程序的设计等。

    It also explores the problems of how to establish the mechanism of constitutional review and constitutional protection , the norms and processes of implementing constitutionally-endorsed censorship , etc.