
hé zuò xiáo zǔ
  • cooperative group
  1. 普通高校体育课合作小组教学理论分析

    Analysis on Cooperative Group Teaching Theory of Sport Class in University

  2. 从内容角度看,它可以分成专题研究和活动设计两种类型,从成员角度看,可分成合作小组研究、个体研究和个体研究与全班研究相结合三种类型。

    ROL can be divided into two types topic research and activity design on one hand and into three types cooperative group researches , individual research and combination of individual research with the whole class on the other hand .

  3. 根据Johnson和Johnson(1986),合作小组成员能比个体学习的学生在思维方面达到更高的水平,而且信息在大脑中逗留的时间更长。

    According to Johnson and Johnson ( 1986 ), there is persuasive evidence that cooperative teams achieve at higher levels of thought and retain information longer than students who work quietly as individuals .

  4. 1997年六月-一个被称为DESCHALL的英特网合作小组成功破解了DES56位密码,并赢得了RSA安全组织发起的挑战。

    June , 1997-An internet collaboration called DESCHALL cracks the DES56-bit encryption and wins a challenge issued by RSA Security .

  5. 特设维持和平合作小组;

    Ad hoc group on cooperation in peacekeeping ;

  6. 漂流浮标站合作小组

    Drifting Buoy Cooperation Panel

  7. 对不同能力倾向水平的合作小组而言,其优化的合作学习方式各有特征。

    For different aptitude level of cooperative team , the optimum mode of cooperative learning has its own characters .

  8. 教学目标可通过学生在基层小组,正式与非正式合作小组中的活动实现。

    And the goals of education can be achieved in the activities of small groups , formal or informal .

  9. 随着教学改革的推进,合作小组学习形式越来越多地在成人高等院校课堂中运用。

    With the teaching reform being pushed on , cooperative learning approach is being applied more and more in higher colleges .

  10. 由他们和司法部共同铸造的公私合作小组自1986年起已经成功赢取了300亿美元的赔偿金。

    They and the Department have forged a model public-private partnership . Since 1986 the team has won more than $ 30 billion .

  11. 「粤港持续发展与环保合作小组」第七次会议在香港举行。

    The Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group ( JWG ) on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection held its seventh meeting in Hong Kong .

  12. 以教师发展为取向的同伴观摩可以解决传统观摩课存在的问题,其主要模式是组建教师合作小组、进行观察前协商、教室观察、开展观察后讨论。

    The accompaniers ' viewing and emulating oriented by teachers ' development can solve these problems , and its main model is the following ;

  13. 基于这些理论,不同学生之间可以相互启发,互相更新并在合作小组中相互交流从而发现新的观点。

    Based on these theories , the different students can be mutually inspired by each other updated and in co-operation group interaction to discover new perspectives .

  14. 根据研究者的研究结果,情感上的相似可以有助于组成最有工作效率的合作小组,而且还可以成为寻找伴侣或者结交朋友过程中的重要考虑因素。

    According to researcher , emotional similarity could be helpful in assembling the most productive corporate team , and might be an important consideration when searching for love or friendships .

  15. 此外,作为领导者和管理者的幼儿园园长,以及作为沟通与对话平台的幼儿园合作小组,是链接各方力量的关键要素。

    In addition , as a leader and a manager of the kindergarten , as well as a communication and dialogue platform of the kindergarten cooperation group , are to link the key elements of the various forces .

  16. 如果学校组建热情、团结、高效的合作小组,并在小组内分工合作、积极行动,就能够打开校门,与社区建立联系,更有效的开发利用社区课程资源。

    If schools organize a cooperative team which is passionate , united and highly efficient , divide the work and cooperate in the team , and act actively , they can open the school gate , contact the community , and develop and utilize the community curriculum resources more efficiently .

  17. 培养合作学习小组组织成员的能力;

    To foster the ability of cooperative learning organization members ;

  18. 中美洲地峡经济合作协商小组

    Consultative Group on Economic Cooperation for the Central American Isthmus

  19. 优化合作学习小组组织结构;

    To optimize the structure of cooperative learning organization ;

  20. 通过结对合作或小组合作的方式,参加者开始用三分钟时间讲述他们自己的故事。

    Either paired off or placed in small groups , the attendees begin telling three-minute stories about themselves .

  21. 在一个纯粹合作的小组中,达成决定可能是最有效率的方法。

    In a purely cooperative group , it may be the most efficient way to reach a decision .

  22. 大学研究者与中小学教师一起组成有效教学合作研究小组。

    Effective teaching cooperation group is formed between the researchers from university and the teachers from the middle school .

  23. 因而合作学习小组在初中英语教学中越来越受到一线英语教师的重视和学生的欢迎。

    Therefore cooperative learning groups are getting more and more popular among teachers of English and students in EFL teaching and learning in junior high schools .

  24. 重点阐述了怎样形成合作学习小组,怎样设计合作学习任务,并就课堂教学程序及评价提出了建议。

    The formation of cooperative learning groups , principles of designing cooperative learning tasks and classroom teaching procedures and how to evaluate the learning process are proposed in this chapter .

  25. 认为应根据学生的个性差异,将学生划分为三个层次,并组成异质合作学习小组。

    The author thinks that , according to the individual difference , students should be divided into three groups and make up learning subgroups in which different students are involved .

  26. 这一研究的成果又会交给一个多方合作的小组,并对这一新服务从客户服务、会计、财务管理和技术等角度提供反馈。

    This research is then fed into a jointly-represented group that will provide feedback on the new service from the perspective of customer service , accounting , financial management and technology .

  27. 在电视大学英语远程开放的教学实践中,以教师指导的、合作学习小组为基本组织形式的合作学习,取得了比较明显的学习效果。

    In the open and distance English teaching practice of TV universities , cooperative learning with teachers ' guidance , cooperative learning groups as the basic organization form have achieved an easily noticed effect .

  28. 论文探讨了合作学习小组的定义、与传统学习的区别、分组、小组的座位安排,组员的角色和评估规则;

    The thesis gives the definition of cooperative learning groups and states their differences with the traditional ways of learning , the formation of groups and placement of seats , the roles of the teachers and rules of evaluation .

  29. 南南协商与合作首脑级小组(15国小组)

    Summit-Level Group for South-South Consultation and Cooperation ( Group of 15 )

  30. 巴尔干合作旅游协议小组

    Group on the Balkan Agreement on Cooperation on Tourism