
  • 网络consumer finance;consumer banking
  1. 商业银行领域,特别是消费金融领域,已出现许多新型“单一”金融服务公司(如capitalone)。

    Many new " monoline " financial services companies have emerged in commercial banking , especially in consumer finance ( for example , capital one ) .

  2. 花旗将与其消费金融子公司第一联合资本(AssociatesFirstCapital)共同收购20%股份,并将任命经理人负责银行的运营。

    Citigroup , which is acquiring a 20 per cent stake with its consumer finance unit Associates First Capital , will appoint managers to run bank operations .

  3. 过去几个月,由于人们担心Household的不良抵押贷款,汇丰股价下跌。Household是汇丰的美国消费金融子公司。

    In the past few months , HSBC 's share price has been hit by concerns about bad mortgage loans made by Household , its US consumer finance subsidiary .

  4. 渣打银行(StandardChartered)已同意出售其香港消费金融业务,这是该银行提高股价并安抚投资者情绪的努力的一部分,投资者担心,这个昔日的新兴市场宠儿已迷失方向。

    Standard Chartered has agreed to sell its Hong Kong consumer finance unit as part of efforts to boost its share price and appease investors worried that the former darling of emerging markets has lost its way .

  5. 与此同时,据知情人士透露,商业和消费金融服务公司CIT也在悄悄为其铁路业务寻找买家。

    GE 's effort comes as CIT , the commercial and consumer finance company , is also quietly seeking a buyer of its CIT Rail business , according to people familiar with the sale process .

  6. 消费金融公司立法比较及对我国的借鉴

    Legislation Contrast of Consumer Finance Company and Its Enlightenment to China

  7. 运用动产和不动产信托进行消费金融创新

    Consumer finance innovation by means of chattel trusts and real property trusts

  8. 消费金融业的数据安全也面临同样的情况。

    The same is true for data security in the consumer finance industry .

  9. 小农户消费金融自运行机制研究

    A study on the self-evolving mechanism of the farmer 's household consumption funds

  10. 申悦10月开始在消费金融公司中望金服(Chainfin.com)工作。

    Ms. Shen started work at Chainfin.com , a consumer finance company , in October .

  11. 自从旗下消费金融部门在美国遭受惨重损失后,汇丰便撤离了美国市场。

    HSBC retreated from the US after suffering heavy losses in its consumer finance arm .

  12. 在此基础上,对消费金融公司的理论基础做出阐述。

    On this basis , the theoretical basis of the consumer finance company to make elaborate .

  13. 最早的汽车消费金融业务&汽车消费信贷,起源于1907年的美国。

    The earliest auto consumer finance & auto consumer credit originated from United States in 1907 .

  14. 这个时候,我国试点消费金融公司具有积极的现实意义和时代的必要性。

    At the moment , to pilot on consumption financing companies are positive and necessary for the era .

  15. 花旗通过成立消费金融分行避开这一管制条例,但是它没有权限吸纳存款,只能从事贷款业务。

    Citi has dodged this rule by opening " consumer-finance branches ", which lend but do not collect deposits .

  16. 在实现这个目标上,诸如信用卡或个人贷款等消费金融产品在欧洲十分成功。

    Consumer finance products like credit cards or personal lending are very successful in Europe in achieving this objective .

  17. 消费金融公司并不需要担保,不提供住房抵押贷款和汽车贷款。

    Consumer finance companies do not need guarantees and security , and do not provide home mortgages and auto loans .

  18. 消费金融公司的建立,不但有利于完善我国金融体系,同时也对国家经济结构转变起到促进作用。

    The establishment of consumer finance companies is playing active role in completing our finance system and our economic structural changes .

  19. 本文结论为我国消费金融市场未来发展倾向及消费金融产品开发创新提供理论依据,具有重要的指导意义。

    The conclusion of this paper has important guiding significance to our consumption financial markets tendency and consumer finance product innovation .

  20. 他对花旗的国际业务觊觎已久,正想方设法帮助摩根大通在美国市场之外打造消费金融业务。

    Mr Dimon envies Citigroup 's international business and seeks ways for JPMorgan to build a consumer business outside the US .

  21. 近年来,财富管理业务无疑地已继企业金融、消费金融之后成为金融业的主要战场。

    It 's no doubt that wealth management has been playing a major role in the businesses for domestic banking industry recently .

  22. 从消费金融公司通过分期贷款一般比从银行贷款更简单更快。

    Getting an installment loan through a consumer finance company is generally simpler and faster than getting a loan from a bank .

  23. 2005年9月,花旗对其年营收达500亿美元的消费金融业务进行了重组,重新任命了联合主管和18名高管。

    In September 2005 , Citi described the reorganisation of its $ 50bn-a-year consumer businesses , naming 18 executives beneath the new joint heads .

  24. 在一个信用历史不长、数据收集流程过时且不畅通的市场上,芝麻信用可能会改变消费金融的面貌。

    In a market with short credit histories , and outmoded and disconnected data collection processes , the new business could change consumer finance .

  25. 消费金融公司作为在西方发达国家存续已久的主要消费信贷机构,其管理政策已经建设得相当完善。

    As the long-standing major consumer credit agencies in western developed countries , the management policies of consumer finance companies have already been quite perfect .

  26. 汇丰在美国消费金融业务上受到的沉重打击,足以令许多银行倒闭。

    A disaster of the scale of the blow-up HSBC saw in its US consumer finance business would have been enough to bring down many banks .

  27. 该公司还将贷款资产转移到其他部门,以帮助缩减其美国消费金融业务的资产负债表规模。

    It has also transferred loan portfolios to other parts of the bank in order to help shrink the balance sheet of its US consumer finance arm .

  28. 我国在消费金融公司的监管过程中,应借鉴国外先进经验并不断完善自身的不足。

    In the regulatory process of the consumer finance company , China should learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries and continue to improve its own deficiencies .

  29. 但我国的消费金融目前仍处于起步阶段,在很多方面都需要进一步探索和完善。

    However , the consumer finance in our country is still in the beginning stage at present . It needs to further explore and perfect in many respects .

  30. 在汽车与金融行业的相互促进中,汽车消费金融业务在美国、德国和日本的发展也最为成熟。

    Auto consumer finance and auto industry are interacting on each other and you may find the most sophisticated service nowadays in United States , Germany and Japan .