
  • 网络Consumption pattern;consumption forms
  1. 网络团购作为最近两年才兴起的新型消费形式,受到了全球广大消费者的热捧,因为市场潜力巨大而发展迅速。

    As a late-model consumption pattern , on-line group purchasing has been warmly welcomed by most consumers worldwide , and it is developing rapidly for its tremendous potential market .

  2. 随着市场经济发展、社会产品日益丰富,消费者在进行购物决策时,冲动购买发生的比重越来越大,已成为不可忽视的一种消费形式。

    With the development of the market economy and the increasingly abundance of the social goods , impulse buying has a larger and larger proportion among the shopping decisions , and has already become a nonnegligible consumption pattern .

  3. 消费形式的变更改变着人们对资源范围的界定。

    Consuming model is changing resources ' definition .

  4. 当浪漫成为一种消费形式

    When Romanticism Becomes a Kind of Consumption

  5. 邢台市职业女性的体育消费形式比较单一。

    For the career female in Xingtai , the forms of consumption of sports are simple . 3 .

  6. 第二是网络技术的发展终将改变旅行社行业的经营方式和旅行者的消费形式;

    Secondly , the development of internet technology will change the working manners and consuming manners of Chinese tourists eventually ;

  7. 煤炭作为我国最主要的能源生产和消费形式,一直以来占能源生产和消费总量的70%左右。

    As the main form of energy production and consumption , coal has accounted for 70 % of total energy production and consumption .

  8. 随着人们健康饮食的意识不断增强,豆腐不仅在东方国家成为大豆食品的主要消费形式,而且在西方也逐渐受到关注。

    Tofu becomes main consumption form of soybean not only in eastern countries but also in western countries with healthy diet consciousness enhancing .

  9. 城乡结合部流动人口的公话产品偏好对他们在公话消费形式、购买时间等消费行为产生影响;

    The consumption behavior such as the motive and the product hobby and consumption forms and loyalty is affected by the service cognition factor .

  10. 如今,最强有力的炫耀性消费形式之一不是商品的累积,而是回忆(和故事)的累积。

    One of the most powerful forms of conspicuous consumption today is not the accumulation of goods but the accumulation of memories - and stories .

  11. 它作为一种不同于传统购物的新兴消费形式,正以其独特的力量改变着社会生活的方方面面。

    It is a new pattern of consumption , which is so different from the traditional shopping , becoming the special power to change every aspect of social life .

  12. 建立一体化管理的服务体系,开办俱乐部,实行一卡通用制的便利消费形式,并配合体育活动开办餐饮、休息、小摊位等其他经营活动。

    The establishment of integrated management of the service system . For example , to run a club , provide one-card-for-all consumption system , and company with other activities which offer food and drink , rest , stalls and so on .

  13. 我国消费函数形式的计量经济分析

    The Econometric Analysis of the Consumption Function in China

  14. 国民收入的隐形分配通过灰色消费的形式实现。

    The invisible distribution of national income is realized through the form of grey consumption .

  15. 另外,平板将从人们开始习惯购买和消费数字化形式的内容中受益。

    Furthermore , tablets will benefit from the fact that people have become used to buying and consuming content in digital form .

  16. (二)通过补贴消费的形式,消除国内过剩的相同产品或者直接竞争产品;

    Clearing up , by way of subsidizing consumptions , the domestic superfluous products that are of the same kinds or that directly compete with each other ;

  17. 唯一剩下的风险,就是每人分担的那些风险,所以你会看到全球的市场风险,以消费的形式表现出来,再无其他。

    The only risks that are left are risks that everyone shares , so you would see planet-wide risks expressing themselves in consumption , but nothing else .

  18. 文化消费的形式也日趋多元化、现代化,其内容和形式得到了不断拓展与升级,这些都对我国的体育产业发展提供了坚实的经济基础。

    Specifically , the diversification and modernization of cultural consumption has continuously enlarged and upgraded its contents and forms , which have provided solid economic foundation for our national gymnastic industry .

  19. 郑州市居民参与网球消费的形式,已形成了以群体为主个体为辅,兼顾社交的系统性消费方式。

    Residents in Zhengzhou have formed a systematical consumption manner on playing tennis , which preferred to participate in a form of group to individual , giving attention to sociality . 3 .

  20. 如果这些交易成功落实,亚马逊和Pandora将进入一块拥挤的领域,该行业正寻求以流媒体来取代多年萎缩的专辑销售;流媒体已成为数字音乐消费的主要形式。

    If the deals go through , Amazon and Pandora will enter a crowded field as the industry looks to replace years of shrinking album sales with streaming , which has become the dominant form of digital music consumption .

  21. 石油是一种重要的战略能源,成品油是其消费的主要形式。

    Petroleum is an important strategic energy source , of which the major consuming form is finished oil .

  22. 消费公平的形式是主观的,其内涵是客观的,并随着经济社会的发展而变化。

    The form of consumption equity is subjective , but its connotation is objective and changes with the development of social economy .

  23. 在过去的几年间,中国的新兴消费推动各种形式的燃料,金属和谷物的价格到达顶峰。

    China 's burgeoning consumption has helped push the price of all manner of fuels , metals and grains to new peaks over the past year .

  24. 同时对可持续消费的主要形式作了探索,这些形式包括循环利用资源的消费、绿色消费、非物质性消费。

    In the meantime it can keep on a main consuming forms . These forms include circulation consumption of making use of the resources , green consumption , and non-materiality expense .

  25. 第八条农村人民公社、农业生产合作社和其他生产、供销、信用、消费等各种形式的合作经济,是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。

    Article 8 Rural people 's communes , agricultural producers cooperatives and other forms of cooperatives economy , such as producers ' , supply and marketing , credit and consumers cooperatives , belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people .

  26. 体育用品消费是体育消费形式中的体育实物消费。

    The sports goods consumption is sports consumption of sports physical form consumption .

  27. 可持续消费的主要实现形式是适度消费和绿色消费。

    The moderate consumption and green consumption is the main form of sustainable consumption .

  28. 旅游新业态正是旅游市场迎合人们不断变化的消费需求的业态形式。

    New tourism format is the form that tourism market cater for people constantly changing consumer demands .

  29. 但是目前我国农民自由时间消费的内容、形式、环境等方面存在着诸多问题。

    But , at present there are many problems about fanner using leisure time in china , such as content , form , circumstance and so on .

  30. 李宁的团队得到中国一家大型生物技术公司的支持,他们力争在三年内将这种牛奶以一种居民消费得起的形式推上市面。

    Li 's team , which is supported by a major Chinese biotechnology company , aims to have an affordable form of the milk on the market within three years .