
  • 网络Metaphorism;Allusionism;allusionalism
  1. 后现代主义为了纠正这一缺陷,提倡设计中的装饰主义、隐喻主义及文脉主义。

    In order to correct this flaw , The postmodernism advocates in the design Arnamentation , Allusionism and Contextualtion .

  2. 现代建筑的隐喻主义建筑观

    Metaphor doctrine building view of modern architecture

  3. 隐喻主义是后现代主义时期出现的,是后现代主义建筑的一种设计方法。

    Modernism period presents the metaphor doctrine .

  4. 并把后现代隐喻主义当作其中一个重要内容进行了分析和总结。

    It also discusses and summarizes post-modern " metaphorism " by taking it as one of the important contents .

  5. 隐喻主义手法可以丰富建筑,使建筑易于亲近和熟悉,使建筑具有更深远的意义。

    Metaphor doctrine tactics can rich in building , make new easy to on intimate terms and familiar with building , especially for user , become the building of far-reaching significance .

  6. 自然与女性之隐喻的生态女性主义批评

    An Eco-feminist Approach to the Metaphorical Relation Between Nature and Women

  7. 床的隐喻&从女性主义角度解读《色·戒》

    The Metaphor of Bed & Explanation of Lust , Caution from a Feminist Perspective ;

  8. 这一圆圈的表层洋溢着人文主义价值的熠熠光彩,表层下是关于金钱、财产的经济和社会运行,而其底部则隐喻着西方中心主义的雏型。

    Superficially , the ring shines with the humanistic value , under which the economic and social operations associated with money and property are revealed .

  9. 毕业于著名的中央美术学院,陈李的作品则以抽象清高的隐喻、超现实主义的隐喻及联想来表达他所感知的周遭事物。

    Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts , Chen Li expresses his feelings about the objects around him by an abstract , high-hearted or surrealist metaphor and association of ideas .