
yǐn qíng
  • facts one wishes to hide
隐情 [yǐn qíng]
  • [facts one wishes to hide] 隐瞒实情,也指隐瞒

隐情[yǐn qíng]
  1. 两家银行均表示,它们的CFO离职是出于个人原因,但投资者猜测背后另有隐情。

    Both banks said their CFOs left for personal reasons , but investors were left speculating about other motives behind the moves .

  2. meps的董事总经理彼得菲什(peterfish)表示,这种低报背后的隐情是,那些因经济性不好或造成太多污染而被北京方面勒令关闭的钢厂仍然开着,以满足当地需求。

    Behind the underreporting , according to Peter fish , MEPs managing director , is that plants that Beijing would like to shut down because they are not economical and produce too much pollution have stayed open to meet local demand .

  3. 我有必要知道这背后的隐情么?

    Do I want to know the explanation behind this ?

  4. 公开的档案也包括从未公开的隐情。

    The public archives , too , contain undiscovered stories .

  5. 总体数字背后的隐情更值得北京方面担忧。

    Behind the headline figures , the story is more worrying for Beijing .

  6. 你生下来带出这世界的隐情。

    You 're born to bring this world affection .

  7. 父母应该探讨孩子闹情绪的背后隐情。

    Parents should explore what might be behind their children 's acting out .

  8. 如果真有隐情你会告诉我的对吗

    If there was something else , you would tell me , right ?

  9. 你是说另有隐情?

    You 're saying there was another reason ?

  10. 重要的是,这个手势提醒了你事有隐情。

    The point is that it alerts you to something that is being withheld .

  11. 你有没有隐情告诉我

    Is there anything you wanna tell me

  12. 但故事还另有隐情。

    But there 's a background story .

  13. 情报机构使用软件进行大规模的数据采集,发现和跟踪可能的恐怖隐情。

    Intelligence agencies do large-scale data mining with software to uncover and track potential terrorist plots .

  14. 我知道但是有很多隐情你并不知道

    I know . But there 's just so much about this that you don 't know .

  15. 2002年,一个女孩哭泣着走进了露西的办公室,露西才得以知晓隐情。

    Mrs Lusi was unaware of it until 2002 , when a sobbing young woman came to her office .

  16. 你可能认为你们的关系已经达到了某个程度,但对方却有一些隐情;

    You may think you are getting somewhere with someone who interests you but this person has ulterior motives .

  17. 的确是但你确实内有隐情对吧你曾有过某样东西

    That 's true . But you did have something . Didn 't you ? you used to have something .

  18. 有钱人的隐情是浸满金汁的海绵,应当知道怎样来挤它。

    The secrets of the wealthy are sponges of gold ; one must know how to subject them to pressure .

  19. 虽说达西的剖白使她感到满意。可是既然发现了其中有这样一个隐情,她也就不觉得安慰了。

    Nor was Darcy 's vindication , though grateful to her feelings , capable of consoling her for such discovery .

  20. 玛丽的拒绝另有隐情,我想她是在力图隐瞒什么东西。

    There 's more in Mary 's refusal than meets the eye ; I think she 's trying to hide something .

  21. 简朴隐情韵,天然寓奥义&朗费罗与孟浩然自然景物诗比较

    Sentiment in simplicity , profound thought behind nature & A comparative study of nature poems by Longfellow and Meng Hao ran

  22. 尽管军方的此类行动很容易遭人嘲笑,但这种露骨的干涉后面却另有隐情。

    Although it 's easy to laugh at such military manoeuvring , there 's a dark underside to such blatant interventions .

  23. 表面上看,他似乎说的是实话,可我怀疑他有隐情。

    On the face of it , he seems to be telling the truth though I suspect he 's hiding something .

  24. 如果上述回信真的是乔布斯写的,那他本应该做出澄清,毕竟个中区别的隐情也的确非常微妙。

    Jobs , if that was indeed he , may have been making a distinction that was also a shade too subtle .

  25. 而孙悦现在的病情却遮遮掩掩,语焉不详,其中或许另有隐情。

    But the Sun Yue present 's condition actually covers up , insufficiently detailed , perhaps in addition has the secret facts .

  26. 他觉得我不愿意把我的隐情告诉他,这事他觉得很难过。

    He found that I was backward to trust him with the secret of my circumstances , which he was sorry for .

  27. 若非如此,穷苦的农民就会冒险隐情不报,售卖那些本应被扑杀的家禽。

    Without this , poor farmers will be tempted to hide bird-flu outbreaks and continue to sell poultry that should be culled .

  28. 他们只是因为太忙而拒绝帮忙,但是他好像觉得内中还有隐情。

    They only refused to help because they 're too busy , but he seems to see more in it than than .

  29. 因为我很不理解这件事情为什么不及时处理,难道这其中有什么隐情?

    Because I do not understand why this matter is not disposed in time , is it there are any other hidden reason ?

  30. 惦念之情中也有一些尚未提及的隐情,我们之间的关系可以说是…错综复杂。

    But I would prefer for various reasons that my concern go unmentioned , we have what you might call a. .. difficult relationship .